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Created May 31, 2018 07:40
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Example on how to connect to Openshift 3 using username/password for authentication with openshift-restclient-python
# Example on how to use openshift-restclient-python
# (
# without having a local ~/.kube/config file - all params
# are in Python code.
# We needed a way to connect to an Openshift3 cluster from Python,
# without external dependencies (config file), but couldn't find
# a way to do this (to get a token using username/password) from the library documentation.
# Note #1: Logout is not implemented, the token stays valid
# after the code executes (default time 24h?)
# Note #2: It would be Epic, if the library implemented/documented
# a way to request a new token with user/pass using native library methods,
# unfortunately, as of now, it's not possible/well documented.
# Ando Roots <> 2018
from openshift.client import ApiClient, Configuration
from openshift.dynamic import DynamicClient
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import urlparse
import sys
# Openshift cluster connection settings
# Refactor this however you need - for example, use an environment
# variable to insert the password
config = Configuration() = 'https://os3-cluster.atlantis:8443'
config.username = 'rodney.mckay'
config.password = 'cartermckay'
config.ssl_ca_cert = '/etc/ssl/ca/atlantis.crt'
# Request a new access token
token_response = requests.get(
'%s/oauth/authorize' %,
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(config.username, config.password),
params={'client_id': 'openshift-challenging-client', 'response_type': 'token'},
headers={'X-CSRF-Token': 'x'}
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
print("Unable to connect to OS3 cluster at %s: %s", (, str(e)))
if token_response.status_code != 302:
print("Failed to get a Token from OS3: HTTP %s" % token_response.status_code)
# Extract received token from Location header Fragment
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(token_response.headers.get('Location'))
token = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.fragment).get('access_token', []).pop()
# Set received token to OS3 library Config - we are now authenticated
config.api_key_prefix['authorization'] = 'Bearer'
config.api_key['authorization'] = token
client = ApiClient(configuration=config)
dyn_client = DynamicClient(client)
# Do whatever OS3 queries you want, using the library
v1_projects = dyn_client.resources.get(api_version='v1', kind='Project')
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