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Last active April 13, 2019 23:15
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Laravel Passport Setup and Installation Steps
STEP 1: php artisn make:auth
STEP 2: composer require laravel/passport
STEP 3: php artisan migrate
STEP 4: php artisan passport:install
STEP 5: use HasApiTokens Trait in User Model.
STEP 6: Add Passport::routes(); to boot() method of RouteServiceProvider Class
STEP 7: Change api driver('token') to 'passport' in config => auth.php
STEP 8: Install a new Laravel instance for client-server(Server which which is asking for authorization from us)
STEP 9: Install the guzzel package on client-server ( composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle )
STEP 10: Run php artisan passport:client command on your original application
- Enter user ID which you got by running passport:install command (in STEP 4)
- Enter the name of the client anything ( Client Server)
- Redirect after authorization (
STEP 11: Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret
STEP 12: In client-server installation => web.php file put the following code & replace the client ID and Secret with the
values copied in STEP 11.
Route::get('/redirect', function () {
$query = http_build_query([
'client_id' => '3',
'redirect_uri' => '',
'response_type' => 'code',
'scope' => ''
return redirect(''.$query);
Route::get('/callback', function (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
$http = new \GuzzleHttp\Client;
$response = $http->post('', [
'form_params' => [
'client_id' => '3',
'client_secret' => 'fdFaiBUBjDmLoKiBmFpuTvLyAXyoCuusAvJljBQF',
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri' => '',
'code' => $request->code,
return json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true);
STEP 13: Go to your orignal application => Kernel.php => middlewaregroups => api => 'auth:api'
STEP 14: Run both the applications & visit
STEP 11: Client-server will redirect us to our orignal website from where we have to login and authorize the app.
STEP 12: After successfull authorization it will redirect back to client-server with 'access_token', 'token_type', 'refresh_token'.
client can use access_token to get access to the underlying data.
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