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Forked from doismellburning/
Last active January 12, 2016 08:49
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Conference User Stories


As an Organizer

  • As an organiser I want to create an event where everyone feels safe and welcome.
  • As an organiser I want attendees to show a level of personal responsibility. That means ensuring that they arrive in time for all sessions, don't consume food or drink that they know will have adverse personal results and respect the speakers by listening to them and not being heads down on their laptops.
  • As a conference treasurer I want a ticketing system that pays straight away (like tito and not like eventbrite) so I have nice cash-flow management.


  • As an organiser I'd like volunteers to be punctual and prepared for things they agree to do so that they can be carried out on time


  • As a conference organiser, I want feedback collected from attendees of all talks, so I can improve the selection of talks in future
  • As a speaker and organiser, I want attendees to be actively prompted to give feedback (e.g. a bucket and paper somewhere very obvious, with a big sign) to help get feedback from a representative sample
  • As a speaker and organizer, I'd like feedback collected from attendees to be done somewhere outside the room, so they don't feel like they're being watched, so that feedback is accurate

Technical stuff

  • As a chairperson, I would like to know the OS and AV connectivity of each speaker’s laptop before the event so I can plan accordingly
  • As a chairperson, I would like an AV briefing from the AV installer on the morning of the event
  • As an organiser, I would like the AV set-up to be completed the night before, if possible, to avoid any last minute problems with the set-up
  • As an organiser, I would like aircon that can prevent a room turning into a furnace (or at least some decent fans)
  • As an organiser, I would like an attentive AV technician, who is aware of all key timings on the day


  • As an organiser, I would like speakers to fill their allotted time to prevent people creating noise whilst other sessions are still ongoing
  • As a chairperson, I would like a clear briefing for speakers with direction to take questions by mic only if in a large room


  • As an organiser, I would like a mechanism by which anyone who is not able to turn-up on the day can inform the organisers so that their tickets can be requisitioned

Breaks / Food

  • As an organiser, I would like unlimited tea and coffee in the breaks i.e. hot water refills as necessary to avoid people missing out


As a Volunteer

  • As a volunteer, I'd like to know with at least a days notice what I'll be doing.
  • As a volunteer, I'd like to know with at least a days notice where I should go for the job I've been assigned.
  • As a volunteer, I'd like to know with at least a days notice who is in charge of my job group and how to contact them.


As a speaker

Call For Papers

  • As a speaker, I'd like it to be clearly stated on the CFP that it is OK not to do "live" Q&A at the end
  • As a self-employed person who is considering submitting to the CFP, I want it to be immediately clear whether I will be expected to pay for my own ticket if it is accepted, as well as any other perks (e.g. travel and accommodation, additional payment, etc).

Technical Details

  • As a speaker, I want to know the required slide resolution and any other technical details I'll need to present my talk
  • as a speaker, I want to be able to check the AV equipment as early as possible & the tech crew participate (it happened once that the beamer worked but I had to fiddle with the resolution mid-talk of it because they had problems with capturing)
  • As a speaker, I'd like a fallback laptop to be easily available and already tested with the AV system, in case of technical issues/laptop failure/other speaker panic-inducing disasters.
  • As a speaker, I'd like a separate organiser/speaker-only wifi, so the key demo I'm giving that needs internet access still works when the huge number of attendee connections inevitably breaks the standard wifi
  • As a speaker, I’d like to see my slides on a dedicated speaker screen on stage (mirrored from my computer)
  • As a speaker, I want people on site that test the audio and mount the headset properly so it won’t break on stage

On Stage / Q&A / Session Chair Coordination

  • As a speaker, I'd like the chair for my session to talk with me beforehand, so we can discuss e.g. how my name is pronounced, and if/how I'd like to be introduced
  • As a speaker, I'd like to be able to clearly let my session chair know that I don't want to leave time for questions and get support by him/her.
  • As a speaker, I want to get plain/still, non-cooled water to be provided on stage and a place to put it during the talk.
  • As a speaker, I want to know if I need to stick to a certain area on the stage to ensure I’m on video and in focus of lighting. This can easily be done by putting on (white) tape strips for this area on the stage.
  • As a speaker, I want to have the stage (or at least the area I can walk on) covered with carpet to avoid sharp noise from walking (helpful for video) and not slip.

Timing / Communication

  • As a speaker, I want clear & authoritative communication about my time slot well in advance, so I don’t have bad surprises on the day of my talk or even in the middle of my talk
  • As a speaker, I'd like to know how long my speaking slot is, including suggested time for questions.
  • As a speaker, I'd like sufficient change over time (10 minutes, say) to left between session, so I don't have to run around or get stressed trying to get hooked up in the 20 seconds before I'm due to start.
  • As a speaker, I'd like information on the typical/likely background of conference attendees, so I can tailor my talk appropriately

Costs / Travel

  • As a speaker I would like not to pay for my ticket given that I'm already paying with significantly more time than the ticket costs.

On Site

  • As a speaker, I want a separate quiet room to prepare or just relax


  • As a speaker, I want attendees to be actively prompted to give feedback (e.g. a bucket and paper somewhere very obvious, with a big sign) to help get feedback from a representative sample, so I can improve my speaking in future.
  • As a speaker I'd like to know where and when the video of my contribution is online.

Session Chair / Moderator

  • As a speaker I would like talk moderators to have had some minimal training in how to moderate so they know how to handle bad questions, introduce a speaker, etc.
  • As a session chair I'd like to organise with speakers whether they want questions during, after or not at all before the talk so I can handle them appropriately and make the speaker's wish known to attendees
  • As a session chair, I'd like clear guidance about how to handle speakers who run long.
  • As a session chair, I'd like clear guidance about how long a speaking slot actually is, with a guideline of how much time is to be left for questions.
  • As a session chair, I'd like clear guidance about what to do if a speaker encounters technical difficulties.
  • As a session chair I would like a place to collate questions for the speaker, ideally alongside audience interest in questions


As an Attendee

Pre Conference

  • As an attendee who's concerned about security and privacy I'd appreciate a GPG key-signing event.

Ticket Pricing

  • As an [independent] attendee, I want organizers to rethink the pricing and/or offer affordable options for the scope I belong to, so me and all other independent prospective attendees can realistically consider assisting.
  • As an attendee I'd like to know where my money is going so that I know speakers/helpers are being treated fairly


  • As an attendee, I want your conference website to be clear and easy to use.
  • As a visually impaired attendee, I need your conference website to be accessible.
  • As a potential attendee, I want the website to clearly display the dates of the event, because my availability is a big factor into whether I can attend
  • As an attendee, I would like reminders about the conference in the run-up to it, so that I don't forget and can confirm my arrangements
  • As an attendee I'd like finer controls on what information is sent to me so that I know I won't miss what's important (e.g. able to opt out of newsletters/ "it's X days until event" but still get emails on schedule changes)
  • As an attendee I would like there to be a publicized and suitably short official conference hashtag.
  • As an attendee, I require a CoC being in place, so all my friends feel safe to attend

Location / Travel Information

  • As an LGBT attendee, I would like it to be made clear whether the country in which the conference is being held is safe and legal for me to attend.
  • As a foreign attendee, I would like information about required visas to be clearly linked to.
  • As an attendee, a list of recommended hotels near the conference venue is extremely helpful for planning my attendance.
  • As an attendee travelling to the conference, I want instructions on how to get to the venue, because the area and transport systems may be totally unfamiliar to me
  • As an attendee travelling to the conference location, I want to know a little about the area so I can better enjoy my time there

Available Childcare

  • As a parent, I want creche facilities so I don't have to sort out childcare while I attend
  • As a parent I want my child to attend a kids track so that they can have the conference experience themselves

On Site

  • As an attendee, I want my name printed on my badge or get a pen to write it down on my own at registration desk
  • As an attendee, I want a badge that does not break easily (happens when it’s only paper; the hole for the lanyards breaks)
  • As a general attendee I want name tags to be clear and readable so that I know who I'm talking to.
  • As an attendee who will be staying in a hotel the night before, I want a cloakroom so that I can leave my bags in a secure location and not have to carry them around with me or return to the hotel to pick them up.
  • As an attendee, I want exhibitors to make sure that there is someone on their stand at all times who can respond to questions about their product/service so I can get the information I need without having to keep coming back.
  • As an attendee I'd like to take part in different types of event - not just a series of sit-down-shut-up-and-listen-to-some-speaker-talk events. I'd like to attend well chaired debates and discussions, dojo like practical sessions, teacher led workshops, ad-hoc gatherings (BoF) and other social opportunities (for example, a TDD-lunch or musicians-who-code coffee slot).

Technical Stuff

  • As an attendee, I would like there to be a lot of easy to access power sockets for the inevitably required charging of devices.

Code Of Conduct

  • As an attendee, I would like there to be up front explicit announcements about the code of conduct + advice on what to do if it's violated rather than just rely on people having read it on the website.
  • As an attendee, I want to be ensured that there are enough toilets for provided on site so nobody goes to the wrong toilet because the other one is occupied already.
  • As an attendee to the conference, I would like there to be clearly identifiable people I can ask for help, who aren't busy with other stuff, so I can easily grab someone for help and assistance.
  • As a person from another profession (teacher, doctor, government employee, artist, musician etc...) I would like to feel welcomed. Developers can appear to be scary and intimidating and I'm way out of my comfort zone so a clear and unambiguous welcome would be wonderful. If I work in an underpaid or overworked (i.e. public sector) role it should be easy for me to get time off work (for example, my cover is paid for as some sort of sponsorship so my boss has no excuse for denying my attendance).


  • As an attendee, I want a printed schedule, so I don't have to use my phone to look it up on the conference site
  • As an attendee, I'd like a floor plan so I can easily navigate the venue.
  • As an attendee I want to know of any schedule changes so that I can re-plan and avoid being disappointed
  • As an attendee, I'd like talks to be clearly labelled with the level of knowledge for which they are suitable
  • As a talk attendee, I would like the talks I attend to start and finish promptly so it doesn't impact my ability to attend other parts of the conference

Quiet Room

  • As a human with finite energy, I want dedicated quiet areas, so I've got somewhere I can rest and chill out and relax away from the bustle of the event
  • As a delegate, I would like lightning talks hosted in one of the rooms and not in a break-out area


  • As an attendee, I want a few signs around the venue, so that I can easily spot the path I should follow to get to the door(s).
  • As a wheelchair-using attendee, I'd like ensure I can attend all parts of the conference
  • As an attendee with hearing difficulties, I'd like live transcription so I can participate fully in the talks
  • As an attendee with seeing difficulties, I'd like to be able to ensure I can sit somewhere giving me the best possible viewing conditions for talks


  • As an attendee, I want good, stable and free WiFi, especially when I’m abroad, so I have a chance to stay connected and can take part on the digital social side of the conference.
  • As an attendee, I'd like any WiFi details or credentials to be clearly communicated so I can start using it straight away

Media Coverage

  • As an attendee who would like to not be photographed, I would like a clear way of indicating this so that photographers can easily tell and are unlikely to make mistakes

Post Conference

Talk Recordings

  • As a non-attendee, I want talks to be recorded so I can experience them despite not being at the event
  • As a non attendee, I want organizers to work a bit better on the video and audio recording/streaming (if any. Should be it's 2015), so that I can clearly watch it and hear it later/live.
  • As a watcher I'd like high quality video and audio produced to a semi-professional standard without feedback, distortion, clunky camera handling or unfocussed slides.


  • As a delegate, I would like to use a speaker feedback app, not paper forms

During Talks

Talk Content

  • As a delegate, I would like talk titles that actually reflect the content of the talk
  • As an attendee, I want speakers to really work on their talks and slides, so I can clearly get your idea, the value of your talk and your interest in sharing something useful, other than just add another talk to your list, prepared on the plane or one night before.
  • As an attendee, I want organizers to really take care of the quality of the talks, so I can get something useful out of it other than the socializing/networking side. Also so I can go home with the fact that the conference was worth it.
  • As an attendee, I want organizers to make an effort on booking more time, so there is enough time or a dedicated time for a proper questions and answers session.

Feedback / Q&A

  • As an attendee, but especially as a speaker, I would like moderators to shut down audience members who try to use question time as an opportunity to grandstand their opinions thinly veiled as questions.
  • As a conference attendee who is more interested in the speaker's opinions, I would prefer no questions after talks as they encourage some of the more toxic aspects of conferences.
  • As an attendee which dislikes public speaking I would like a place to ask questions without having to stand up and use a microphone
  • As a conference attendee who is interested in genuine discussion, I would prefer open discussion tracks after talks, so that speakers and engaged attendees can interact in a context that promotes discussion and learning rather than grandstanding and 'well-actually'.
  • As an attendee I would like a backchannel to discuss a talk during the session
  • As an attendee I would like to hear questions and not opinions during the questions portion of a talk


  • As a delegate, I would like standing room at the back of the rooms, please, in case the session is full when I get there

At breaks

  • As a attendee on a budget I want the conference to provide breakfast so that I do not have to pay extorniate amounts for breakfast to hotels.
  • As someone eating at the conference, I would like the food to be quick to serve, so I don't have to wait too long to get food.
  • As an attendee, I want somewhere to sit during lunch so that I'm not standing and trying to have a conversation whilst balancing a plate and glass without spilling on myself or others.


  • As an attendee, I want healthy coffee breaks and no more pastries, so that I can remain focused and engaged (instead of falling asleep after a sugar crash).
  • As an attendee, I'd like healthy food to be available so I don't feel ill and bloated by the end of the conference

Coffee / Tea

  • As an attendee I would love you forever if there were actually good coffee. Please?
  • as an attendee, I would really like good coffee for once (EP 2014 showed it’s possible!)

Dietary Requirements

  • As a attendee with special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian, vegan) I want to be provided with appropriate food, and have it clearly labeled as such
  • As an organizer, I want to know in advance how many attendees have special dietary requirements, so I can prepare appropriate food.
  • As an attendee with special dietary requirements, I want any specially prepared food to be set aside so that it isn't taken by others who simply like the look of it
  • As an attendee, I would like the organizers to not only pander to veg*ans but also low-carb/paleo
  • As a picky eater, I need conferences to have alternative options for lunch nearby that I can use to ensure I get something to eat.
  • As an attendee, when I get served fresh vegetables (carrots, apples, etc) I expect them to be washed, cleaned beforehands.

Water Supply

  • As an attendee, I'd like there to be a plentiful, well-distributed supply of water, so I can stay hydrated

Break Duration

  • As an attendee I want to have a short break between each session and some longer breaks after every other session to recover, stay hydrated and refresh my thoughts.

In the Evening / Parties

Meet with the speakers and other people

  • As an attendee, I want activities that promote dialog, so that I can effortlessly and less awkwardly meet new people.
  • As an attendee who has difficulty approaching strangers, I would like props or rules or [insert your idea here] to help get the most out of the hallway track (Note: This is especially important for people who are outside of the normal tech social network and thus don't know many people at the conference).
  • As an attendee I would like an optional, randomly assigned seated dinner on one night of the conference to help me meet new people

Alcohol / Drinks

  • As an attendee who is not comfortable with alcohol, I would like there to be either a primary or alternative evening social which is alcohol free
  • As an attendee who is comfortable with alcohol but hates beer and wine, I would like explicit permission to bring my own drinks.


  • As an attendee, if there are t-shirts, I want one that fits me appropriately (even if it’s a uncommon/extreme size)
  • As an attendee, I want a t-shirt design (link: text: that considers the variety of people who might be wearing it)
  • As an attendee, I want stickers!
  • As an attendee, (link: text: I don’t want any kind of swag), so that I can avoid clutter and waste of resources. Probably it would be a cool way to ask attendees during ticket purchase if they want to get a bag or not. That way you offer it but people must opt-in for it. And don’t put unnecessary stuff in there. And as an organizer, please don’t order more stuff than you have attendees. Order less!


As a sponsor / partner

  • As an exhibitor, I would like the ability to scan names badges, if possible, please
  • As an exhibitor, I would like breaks that are at least 15 mins since conversation time is important to me
  • As a (silver) sponsor, I would like at least three free tickets ;)
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