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Last active March 31, 2016 16:55
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// promise handles user not found by returning `null`
// advantage - don't have to write a reject handler
// disadvantage - requires developer to know the implementation detail of the facade function
// that it returns `null` or not. Higher possibility of forgeting to write `null`
// check and cause null pointer exception
function checkEmail(emailAddress) {
return facade.user.getUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress).chain(function (user) {
if (!user) {
return {available: true};
return facade.user.isUserAnInvitedTaker(user).chain(function (isInvited) {
return isInvited ? {invited: true} : {available: false}
}).chain(res.handler.successHandler(), res.handler.errorHandler(errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR));
// promise handles user not found by rejecting the promise and returning an error
// advantage - success handler handles the common case and never causes a null pointer exception
// disadvantage - recovering from `not found` is explicit and has to occur in reject handler
// requires better understanding of errors in the case we need to recover from the errors
function checkEmail(emailAddress) {
return facade.user.getUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress).chain(function (user) {
return facade.user.isUserAnInvitedTaker(user).chain(function (isInvited) {
return isInvited ? {invited: true} : {available: false};
}, function(err) {
if (err.objectNoFound()) {
return {available: true};
return comb.rejected(err);
}).chain(res.handler.successHandler(), res.handler.errorHandler(errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR));
function getUserByEmailAddress(email) {
return User.first({emailAddress: email}).chain(function(user) {
if (!user) {
return ErrorPromises.NotFound(`No user found for emailAddress = ${email}`)
return user;
function checkEmail(emailAddress) {
return facade.user.getUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress).chain(function (user) {
if (user) {
return facade.user.isUserAnInvitedTaker(user).chain(function (isInvited) {
if (isInvited) {
res.handler.success({invited: true});
}else {
res.handler.success({available: false});
} else {
res.handler.success({available: true});
}, res.handler.errorHandler(errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR));
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Regex to find .chain with if condition as the first line => chain\s*\(\s*function\s*\(\s*([^)]+?)\s*\)\s*{\n*\s*if

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