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Last active November 25, 2015 13:09
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getting all sequences and render info list for all shots and thier size on the disk, based on information fetched from tactic database.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
import json
from operator import itemgetter
from tabulate import tabulate
import datetime
import argparse
import queryClass as qClass
u = qClass.queryClass("bjTactic", "bilal")
import getTicket as serverSetup
userQuery = None
ticket = None
def getCompleteSeqInfo():
targetFolders = ["/nas/projects/Tactic/bilal/sequences/", "/nas/projects/Tactic/bilal/render/"]
tgt_files = {}
level = 0
for tgf in targetFolders:
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(tgf):
level += 1
tgt_files[(level, path)] = []
for fil in files:
tgt_files[(level, path)].append((fil, os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))))
if tgt_files:
json.dumps(tgt_files, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True)
def csvCheck(seq):
infoCSV = '/nas/projects/development/sys-scripts/sequenceInfo.csv'
if os.path.isfile(infoCSV):
f = open(infoCSV, 'r')
for line in f:
if seq in line:
def seqInfoDetails(seq_arg, flag=False):
seq_obj = u.getSeqSObjectbyName(seq_arg)
seq = seq_obj[0]['name']
seq_code = seq_obj[0]['code']
print "============ getting details for {0} ===============\n".format(seq)
print tabulate([[seq, seq_code, seq_obj[0]['description']]], tablefmt="fancy_grid")
alb_files = {}
fur_files = {}
maya_files = {}
pblast_files = {}
total_seq_size = 0
total_seq_render_size = 0
fileCount = 0
seq_path = "/nas/projects/Tactic/bilal/sequences/"
#seq_info = "The sequence details are:\n"
seq_info_table = []
filters.append(("seq_code", seq_code))
scenes = sorted(u.server.query("bilal/scn", filters=filters), key=itemgetter('name'))
print "\nSequence"
for scene in scenes:
scn = scene['name']
total_scn_size = 0
#print "------ {0}_{1} ------\n".format(seq, scn)
#seq_info_table.append([seq, scn, "", ""])
first_row = 1
for sh in sorted(u.getShtSObjectbyName(seq_code, scene['code']), key=itemgetter('name')):
shot_name = sh['name']
shot = '{0}_{1}'.format(sh['name'], sh['code'])
total_shot_size = 0
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(seq_path, seq, scn, shot)):
for fil in files:
sys.stdout.write("\rWorking on ... {0}".format(fil))
total_seq_size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
total_scn_size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
total_shot_size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
fileCount += 1
if '.abc' in fil:
alb_files[os.path.join(path, fil)] = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
if '.fur' in fil:
fur_files[os.path.join(path, fil)] = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
if '.ma' in fil or '.mb' in fil:
maya_files[os.path.join(path, fil)] = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
if '.mov' in fil:
pblast_files[os.path.join(path, fil)] = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
if first_row ==1:
seq_info_table.append([seq, scn, sh['name'], size_format(total_shot_size)])
first_row += 1
seq_info_table.append(["", "", sh['name'], size_format(total_shot_size)])
seq_info_table.append(["", "TOTAL SCN SIZE", "", size_format(total_scn_size)])
seq_info_table.append(["", "", "", ""])
#print "\n-------- summary --------\n"
seq_info_table.append(["TOTAL SEQ SIZE", "", "", size_format(total_seq_size)])
print tabulate(seq_info_table, headers=["seq", "scene", "shot", "size"], tablefmt="fancy_grid")
#seq_info += "of the total {0} files, there are:\n {1} in {2} alembic files,\n {3} in {4} fur yeti files,\n {5} in {6} maya files,\n {7} in {8} playblast files.\n".format(fileCount, size_format(sum(alb_files.values())), len(alb_files.keys()), size_format(sum(fur_files.values())), len(fur_files.keys()), size_format(sum(maya_files.values())), len(maya_files.keys()), size_format(sum(pblast_files.values())), len(pblast_files.keys()))
seq_info = "of the total {0} files, there are:\n {1} in {2} alembic files,\n {3} in {4} fur yeti files,\n {5} in {6} maya files,\n {7} in {8} playblast files.\n".format(fileCount, size_format(sum(alb_files.values())), len(alb_files.keys()), size_format(sum(fur_files.values())), len(fur_files.keys()), size_format(sum(maya_files.values())), len(maya_files.keys()), size_format(sum(pblast_files.values())), len(pblast_files.keys()))
if flag:
print seq_info
info = '/nas/projects/development/sys-scripts/infoReport/{0}/{0}_SequenceInfoReport_{1}.csv'.format(seq, str(
if not os.path.exists('/nas/projects/development/sys-scripts/infoReport/'+seq+'/'):
f = open(info, 'w+')
f.write('\nSequence info '+seq+'\n')
for row in seq_info_table:
f.write((','.join(str(ch) for ch in row)).replace('""',' ')+'\n')
def renderInfoDetails(seq_arg):
seq_obj = u.getSeqSObjectbyName(seq_arg)
seq = seq_obj[0]['name']
seq_code = seq_obj[0]['code']
total_seq_render_size = 0
render_path = "/nas/projects/Tactic/bilal/render/"
#render_info = "\nAnd the render details are:\n"
render_info_table =[]
filters.append(("seq_code", seq_code))
scenes = sorted(u.server.query("bilal/scn", filters=filters), key=itemgetter('name'))
print "\nRender"
for scene in scenes:
scn = scene['name']
total_scn_render_size = 0
#print "------ {0}_{1} ------\n\n".format(seq, scn)
#render_info_table.append([seq, scn, "", ""])
first_row = 1
for sh in sorted(u.getShtSObjectbyName(seq_code, scene['code']), key=itemgetter('name'),):
shot_name = sh['name']
shot = '{0}_{1}'.format(sh['name'], sh['code'])
total_shot_render_size = 0
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(render_path, seq, scn, sh['name'])):
for fil in files:
sys.stdout.write("\rWorking on ... {0}".format(fil))
total_seq_render_size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
total_scn_render_size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
total_shot_render_size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, fil))
if first_row ==1:
render_info_table.append([seq, scn, sh['name'], size_format(total_shot_render_size)])
first_row += 1
render_info_table.append(["", "", sh['name'], size_format(total_shot_render_size)])
render_info_table.append(["", "TOTAL SCN SIZE", "", size_format(total_scn_render_size)])
render_info_table.append(["", "", "", ""])
render_info_table.append(["TOTAL SEQ SIZE", "", "", size_format(total_seq_render_size)])
print tabulate(render_info_table, headers=["scene", "shot", "size"], tablefmt="fancy_grid")
#render_info += "with the total render size is {0}.\n".format(size_format(total_seq_render_size))
#print render_info
print '\n'
info = '/nas/projects/development/sys-scripts/infoReport/{0}/{0}_RenderInfoReport_{1}.csv'.format(seq, str(
if not os.path.exists('/nas/projects/development/sys-scripts/infoReport/'+seq+'/'):
f = open(info, 'w+')
f.write('\nRender info '+seq+'\n')
for row in render_info_table:
f.write((','.join(str(ch) for ch in row)).replace('""',' ')+'\n')
def size_format(size):
units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']
for u in units:
if size < 1024: return '%0.2f %s' %(size, u)
size /= 1024.0
return '%0.2f %s' %(size, units[-1])
def reportWrite():
info = '/nas/projects/development/sys-scripts/{0}_InfoReport{1}.txt'.format(seq, str(
if os.path.isfile(info):
f = open(info, 'a')
def tactic_login():
uname = "anshul"
serverSetup.setupClientServer(server_name=ip, project_code=proj, login=uname, password=passwd)
userQuery = qClass.queryClass(ip, proj)
ticket = userQuery.userLogin(uname, passwd)
def getSequenceList():
seqList = []
for seq in u.server.query("bilal/seq", filters=[]):
return seqList
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="process some sequence.")
parser.add_argument("sequence", type=str, nargs='*', help="sequence name for details")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help="additional info")
args = parser.parse_args()
#print args
if not ticket:
if not args.sequence:
args.sequence = getSequenceList()
#print args.sequence
for seq in args.sequence:
seqInfoDetails(seq, args.verbose)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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