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Created November 18, 2014 19:57
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Watch a directory for changes using a WatchService.
import java.nio.file.*;
import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.*;
* Watch a directory for changes using a WatchService.
public class DirWatcher {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
Path homeDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"));
homeDir.register(watchService, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY);
System.out.printf("Watch service registered for: %s%n", homeDir);
WatchKey eventKey;
while(true) {
try {
eventKey = watchService.take();
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
System.out.printf("Watch service interrupted!%n");
for (WatchEvent<?> event : eventKey.pollEvents()) {
WatchEvent.Kind eventKind = event.kind();
if (eventKind == OVERFLOW) {
System.out.printf("Overflow event");
WatchEvent<Path> specEvent = (WatchEvent<Path>)event;
Path filename = specEvent.context();
if (eventKind == ENTRY_CREATE) {
System.out.printf("CREATED %s%n", filename);
} else if (eventKind == ENTRY_MODIFY) {
System.out.printf("MODIFIED %s%n", filename);
} else if (eventKind == ENTRY_DELETE) {
System.out.printf("DELETED %s%n", filename);
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