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#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input
; Use Command-Space to pin a window on top
#Space:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
; Change control-W to control-F4
; Not sure why !F4 doesn't work, but it doesn't. This hack does, though
^q::Send {Lalt down}{F4}{Lalt up}
; Send cursor home/end with CMD+Left/Right
^Left::Send {Home}
^Right::Send {End}
^+Left::Send {shift down}{Home}{shift up}
^+Right::Send {shift down}{End}{shift up}
; Command space opens the Start menu (like launcher)
^Space::Send, ^{Esc}
; Cycle between windows with Cmd+Tab (replaces Alt+Tab in Windows)
LCtrl & Tab::AltTab
; Use Cmd+Backspace as the Delete key, since it doesn't exist on this keybaord
LCtrl & BS::Send {Del}
; Minimize windows with Cmd+m
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