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Created January 28, 2014 13:44
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <limits>
#include <random>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
//Yuan, Hao, and Mikhail J. Atallah. "Data structures for range minimum queries in multidimensional arrays." Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2010.
//BlockSize = 5..15 で lg blockTypes = 5,6,8,9,12,13,15,16,19,20,22
template<typename Val, typename Compare = std::less<Val>, int BlockSize = 10>
class YuanAtallahRMQ {
// typedef int Val; typedef std::less<Val> Compare; static const int BlockSize = 10;
typedef int Index; typedef char InBlockIndex; typedef unsigned BlockType;
YuanAtallahRMQ(Compare comp_ = Compare()): comp(comp_) {
blockHeight = 1; while((1 << blockHeight) < BlockSize) blockHeight ++;
blockTypes = BlockType(1) << calculateMaximumTypeSize(BlockSize);
~YuanAtallahRMQ() {
printUsedBlockTypeStatistics(minCandidateLeft.get(), "left");
printUsedBlockTypeStatistics(minCandidateRight.get(), "right");
void build(const Val *a, Index n) {
length = n;
blocks = (n + BlockSize - 1) / BlockSize;
treeHeight = 1; while((Index(1) << treeHeight) < blocks) ++ treeHeight;
buildBlocksAll(a, n);
Index query(const Val *a, Index l, Index r) const {
Index x = l / BlockSize, y = r / BlockSize, z = y - x;
if(z == 0) return queryBlock(a, x, l % BlockSize, r % BlockSize);
Index edge = minIndex(a,
queryBlock(a, x, l % BlockSize, BlockSize - 1),
queryBlock(a, y, 0, r % BlockSize));
if(z == 1) return edge;
if(z == 2) return minIndex(a, queryBlock(a, x+1, 0, BlockSize-1), edge);
++ x, -- y;
Index h = (Index)(getLCAHeight(x, y) - 1) * blocks;
Index left = leftMin[h + y], right = rightMin[h + x];
return minIndex(a, minIndex(a, left, right), edge);
Val queryVal(const Val *a, Index l, Index r) const {
return a[query(a, l, r)];
Compare comp;
typedef InBlockIndex (BlockTable)[BlockSize][BlockSize];
int blockHeight; BlockType blockTypes;
std::unique_ptr<BlockTable[]> minCandidateLeft, minCandidateRight;
Index length, blocks;
int treeHeight;
std::unique_ptr<BlockType[]> blockTypeLeft, blockTypeRight;
std::unique_ptr<Index[]> leftMin, rightMin;
template<typename T> struct RefLeft {
const T left;
RefLeft(T a, Index n): left(a) { }
inline T ref(Index i) const { return left + i; }
Index getOffset(T p) const { return p - left; }
inline static Index queryCandidate(Index l, Index r) { return r; }
template<typename T> struct RefRight {
const T right;
RefRight(T a, Index n): right(a + n - 1) { }
inline T ref(Index i) const { return right - i; }
Index getOffset(T p) const { return right - p + 1; }
inline static Index queryCandidate(Index l, Index r) { return l; }
void resetBlockTables() {
void buildBlocksAll(const Val *a, Index n) {
std::unique_ptr<InBlockIndex[]> tmpTree(new InBlockIndex[BlockSize * blockHeight]);
std::unique_ptr<Val[]> tmpValues(new Val[BlockSize]);
blockTypeLeft.reset(new BlockType[blocks]);
buildBlocks<RefLeft>(a, n, minCandidateLeft.get(), blockTypeLeft.get(), tmpTree.get(), tmpValues.get());
blockTypeRight.reset(new BlockType[blocks]);
buildBlocks<RefRight>(a, n, minCandidateRight.get(), blockTypeRight.get(), tmpTree.get(), tmpValues.get());
void resetBlockTable(std::unique_ptr<BlockTable[]> &p) {
const BlockType types = blockTypes;
p.reset(new BlockTable[types]);
BlockTable *q = p.get();
for(BlockType i = 0; i < types; i ++)
q[i][0][0] = -1; //未初期化であるとしてマークする
template<template<typename T> class Ref>
void buildBlocks(const Val *a, Index n, BlockTable blockTable[], BlockType blockTypeTable[], InBlockIndex tmpTree[], Val tmpValues[]) {
for(Index i = 0; i < blocks; i ++) {
const Val *block = getBlock(a, n, i, tmpValues);
blockTypeTable[i] = buildBlock<Ref>(block, blockTable, tmpTree);
const Val *getBlock(const Val *a, Index n, Index i, Val tmpValues[]) const {
Index offset = i * BlockSize;
if(offset + BlockSize <= n)
return a + offset;
for(Index j = offset; j < n; j ++)
tmpValues[j - offset] = a[j];
Val maxVal = a[offset];
for(Index j = offset+1; j < n; j ++)
if(comp(maxVal, a[j])) maxVal = a[j];
std::fill(tmpValues + (n - offset), tmpValues + BlockSize, maxVal);
return tmpValues;
template<template<typename T> class Ref>
BlockType buildBlock(const Val *a, BlockTable blockTable[], InBlockIndex tmpTree[]) {
for(int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i ++)
tmpTree[i] = i;
BlockType blockType = buildTree<Ref>(a, BlockSize, blockHeight, tmpTree, true);
BlockTable &entry = blockTable[blockType];
bool computed = entry[0][0] != -1;
// if(entry[0][0] != -1) return blockType;
for(int l = 0; l < BlockSize; l ++) for(int r = l; r < BlockSize; r ++) {
InBlockIndex t = entry[l][r];
if(l == r) {
entry[l][r] = tmpTree[l];
}else {
int h = (getLCAHeight(l, r) - 1) * BlockSize;
entry[l][r] = tmpTree[h + Ref<Index>::queryCandidate(l, r)];
if(computed) my_assert(t == entry[l][r]);
return blockType;
void buildBlockTreesAll(const Val *a) {
leftMin.reset(new Index[blocks * treeHeight]);
buildBlockTree<RefLeft>(a, leftMin.get());
rightMin.reset(new Index[blocks * treeHeight]);
buildBlockTree<RefRight>(a, rightMin.get());
template<template<typename T> class Ref>
void buildBlockTree(const Val *a, Index mins[]) const {
Index n = blocks;
for(Index i = 0; i < n; i ++)
mins[i] = queryBlock(a, i, 0, BlockSize-1);
buildTree<Ref>(a, n, treeHeight, mins, false);
template<template<typename T> class Ref, typename LocalIndex>
BlockType buildTree(const Val *a, Index n, int height, LocalIndex mins[], bool getType) const {
LocalIndex *prev = mins, *cnt = mins + n; //最初のn要素は既に設定されている
Index comparisons = 0; BlockType blockType = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < height; i ++) {
Index pm = (Index)1 << (i-1), m = pm << 1;
for(Index j = 0; j < n; j += m) {
Index nodeSize = std::min((Index)(n - j), m);
Ref<const Val*> rval(a + j, nodeSize);
Ref<LocalIndex *> rcnt(cnt + j, nodeSize), rprev(prev + j, nodeSize);
Index leftSize = rval.getOffset(a + std::min(n, (Index)(j + pm)));
for(Index k = 0; k < leftSize; k ++)
*rcnt.ref(k) = *rprev.ref(k);
if(leftSize == nodeSize) continue;
if(leftSize == 0) {
for(Index k = 0; k < nodeSize; k ++)
*rcnt.ref(k) = *rprev.ref(k);
Index l = leftSize, r = nodeSize;
LocalIndex leftMin = *rprev.ref(leftSize - 1);
while(r - l > 0) {
Index mid = l + (r - l) / 2;
Index x = *rprev.ref(mid);
if(comp(a[x], a[leftMin]) || (!comp(a[leftMin], a[x]) && x < leftMin)) {
r = mid;
if(getType) blockType |= BlockType(1) << comparisons;
}else {
l = mid+1;
comparisons ++;
for(Index k = leftSize; k < l; k ++)
*rcnt.ref(k) = leftMin;
for(Index k = l; k < nodeSize; k ++)
*rcnt.ref(k) = *rprev.ref(k);
prev = cnt; cnt += n;
if(getType) blockType |= BlockType(1) << comparisons;
return blockType;
Index queryBlock(const Val *a, Index i, InBlockIndex l, InBlockIndex r) const {
Index base = i * BlockSize;
Index cl = base + minCandidateLeft[blockTypeLeft[i]][l][r];
Index cr = base + minCandidateRight[blockTypeRight[i]][l][r];
return minIndex(a, cl, cr);
inline Index minIndex(const Val *a, Index l, Index r) const {
return comp(a[l], a[r]) || (!comp(a[r], a[l]) && l < r) ? l : r;
static inline int getLCAHeight(Index l, Index r) {
Index x = l ^ r;
int k = 0;
if(x & 0xffff0000) x >>= 16, k += 16;
if(x & 0x0000ff00) x >>= 8, k += 8;
if(x & 0x000000f0) x >>= 4, k += 4;
if(x & 0x0000000c) x >>= 2, k += 2;
return k + (x >> 1) + (x != 0);
static int calculateMaximumTypeSize(int n) {
int h = 1; while(1 << h < n) ++ h;
int res = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < h; i ++) {
Index pm = (Index)1 << (i-1), m = pm << 1;
for(Index j = 0; j < n; j += m) {
Index nodeSize = std::min((Index)(n - j), m);
Index leftSize = std::min((Index)(n - j), (Index)pm);
if(leftSize == nodeSize) continue;
if(leftSize == 0) continue;
int l = std::min(leftSize, nodeSize - leftSize), r = nodeSize;
while(r - l > 0) {
Index mid = l + (r - l) / 2;
if(mid - l > r - (mid+1)) {
r = mid;
}else {
l = mid+1;
res ++;
res ++;
return res;
void printUsedBlockTypeStatistics(const BlockTable *table, const char *label) const {
BlockType types = blockTypes;
BlockType used = 0;
for(BlockType i = 0; i < types; i ++)
used += table[i][0][0] != -1;
std::cout << label << ": used " << used << " / " << types << " (" << used * 1. / types * 100 << "%)" << std::endl;
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