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antarestrader / Stack_GHCJS_Error.out
Last active August 25, 2018 21:07
Errors Installing GHCJS for use in StackOverflow question
C:\Users\jfmiller28\AppData\Roaming\local\bin\cabal.exe --config-file C:\Users\jfmiller28\AppData\Roaming\ghcjs\x86_64-mingw32-\ghcjs\cabalBootConfig --ignore-sandbox install ./boot/ghc-prim --solver=topdown --configure-option=--with-gmp-includes=C:\Users\jfmiller28\AppData\Roaming\ghcjs\x86_64-mingw32-\ghcjs\ghcjs-boot\boot\integer-gmp\gmp\intree\include --configure-option=--with-intree-gmp --global --ghcjs --one-shot --avoid-reinstalls --builddir dist --with-compiler C:\Users\jfmiller28\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\ghcjs-\src\.stack-work\install\18bd06a5\bin\ghcjs.exe --with-hc-pkg C:\Users\jfmiller28\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\ghcjs-\src\.stack-work\install\18bd06a5\bin\ghcjs-pkg.exe --prefix C:\Users\jfmiller28\AppData\Roaming\ghcjs\x86_64-mingw32-\ghcjs --enable-documentation --haddock-html --haddock-hyperlink-source --enable-library-profiling --disable-executable-st
antarestrader /
Last active December 15, 2015 07:39
RFP Web Design All Saints Episcopal Church Sacramento

picture of church

Request for Proposal: Web Designer and/or Graphic Artist


Update: Proposals are due befroe April 5th at 9:00am PDT.

All Saints Episcopal Church in Sacramento seeks an experienced Web Designer, Graphic Artist with experience in website design, or a team of such people to work with us to redevelop our website and provide some graphic design services. We have received a grant to modernize our website. As part of this modernization, we wish to develop a consistent brand image including a new logo.

antarestrader / Models.rb
Created August 24, 2010 04:42
A simple field and relation add-on for Mongomatic
module Models
class Base < Mongomatic::Base
def self.inherited(klass)
klass.extend ClassMethods
klass.extend ActiveModel::Naming
klass.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
module Models
attr_accessor :logger
@logger ||= Rails.logger
%html{:xmlns=>"", "xml:lang"=>"en-us", :lang=>"en-us"}
%title John F. Miller - Resume
%meta{"http-equiv"=>"content-type", :content=>"text/html; charset=utf-8"}
%link{:rel=>"stylesheet", :href=>"stylesheets/screen.css", :type=>"text/css", :media=>"screen, projector", :charset=>"utf-8"}
%link{:rel=>"stylesheet", :href=>"stylesheets/print.css", :type=>"text/css", :media=>"print", :charset=>"utf-8"}
/[if IE]
%link{:rel=>"stylesheet", :href=>"stylesheets/ie.css", :type=>"text/css", :media=>"screen, projector, printer", :charset=>"utf-8"}
Feature: Login # features/authentication/login.feature
To ensure the safety of the application
A regular user of the system
Must authenticate before using the app
Scenario Outline: Failed Login # features/authentication/login.feature:6
Given I am not authenticated # features/authentication/login.feature:7
When I go to /login # features/authentication/login.feature:8
And I fill in "Login" with "<login>" # features/authentication/login.feature:9
And I fill in "Password" with "<password>" # features/authentication/login.feature:10
And I press "Log In" # features/authentication/login.feature:11
Feature: Explore the Universe
In order to see what is out there
Any user
Can explore the known universe
Scenario: Drill Through Tree
Given I am a visitor
And there is a sector
And that sector has 5 stars
And the 1st star has 3 planets
antarestrader / common_persistance.rb
Created January 7, 2009 19:37
Persistance steps for Cucumber
#Common steps for persisting information
#Copyright 2009 John Miller. Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
NOUN_FORMS = '((?:that|those) \w*|the \d+(?:st|nd|rd|th) \w*?|it|I|me|".+?"|the \w* named ".*?")'
IS = '(?:is|are|am)'
Given (/^#{NOUN_FORMS} #{IS} labeled "(.*?)"/) do |noun,label|
@_labels ||= {}
@it = get_noun(noun)
@_labels[label] = @it
antarestrader / cucumber.out
Created December 18, 2008 22:35
cucumber features failing
$> rake features --trace
bin/rake:14: warning: Insecure world writable dir /home in PATH, mode 040777
(in /home/jfmiller28/dev/antarestrader)
Loading init file from /home/jfmiller28/dev/antarestrader/config/init.rb
Loading /home/jfmiller28/dev/antarestrader/config/environments/development.rb
** Invoke features (first_time)
** Invoke merb_cucumber:test_env (first_time)
** Execute merb_cucumber:test_env
** Invoke db:automigrate (first_time)
** Invoke merb_env (first_time)
antarestrader / wiki-formatter.rb
Created December 5, 2008 00:00
Wiki Formatter for RedClothe Example
#mixin for RedCloth that will convert [[wiki links]] to redcloth links
module WikiFormatter
#match a wiki link (e.g. [[ Foo : Bar ]] or [[foo]])
# match the sting '[['
# followed zero or more spaces
# followed by any amount of text, but as little as possible as Group 1
# followed zero or more spaces
# followed (potentially) by a set that is not stored as a match group
# which has the charictor ':'
antarestrader / RackServer.rb
Created November 22, 2008 21:47
Example of a Rack application that takes advantage to body.each to simulate a real-time data feed.
# Example of a Rack application that takes advantage to body.each to simulate
# a real-time data feed.
# Anyone may use this code AT YOUR OWN RISK.
require 'rack'
require 'ebb'
#This class simulates a server waiting for events. it will yield a line with one of the HTTP Request
#headers every half second. If things work right you should see you browser window slowely fill with