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Last active May 2, 2019 12:15
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  • Save antho1404/c38740a96a2c6d9f8c9fcbf5684f389f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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v0.8.1 mesg-core service start => no error mesg-core service stop => no error

  • test installation ethwallet service almost impossible to sync
  • Migration v0.8 -> v0.9
    • create service migrate -> service disapears
    • revert version -> service still here
  • Create a service
    • Init function
    • hash verification
    • dockerignore support
    • Test service with volume
    • Test service dependency
    • Test service with volumefrom
    • Test service with port
    • Test env variable and override
    • Service emits events
    • Service accept tasks
    • Test doc generation
    • version of service mesg-foundation/engine#718
      • Deploy service
      • update service
      • deploy update of service
      • check access to previous service hash/sid
    • invalid mesg.yml tests (check each attributes) keys should throw an error if contains space?
    • start / stop / log services
    • check service detail
    • delete service and check volume deletion
    • check service status, started, pending, stoped
  • Application
    • Execute task with tags
    • Subscribe to events
    • Subscribe to result with filters and tags
  • Wallet
    • create
    • Export
    • import from privatekey
    • Delete/get/list
  • Marketplace
    • support of .mesgignore no support
    • source deployment on ipfs ipfs node unstable
    • deploy service mesg-foundation/engine#923
    • deploy new version
    • deploy an existing version (need to throw error)
    • deploy without beeing the author (need to throw error)
    • deploy without account with no money
    • create offer with negative time
    • create offer with negative price
    • create offer where i'm not the owner of the service
    • create a duplicated offer need unicity on the offer keccak(sid, price, duration)
    • access a service with no offer how can I access a service with no offer
    • access a service that i'm the owner
    • access a service with only free offer
    • purchase service offer: sid doesn't exists
    • purchase service offer: offer doesn't exists
    • purchase service offer: offer index negative
    • purchase a service
    • purchase another time a service already bought
    • purchase a service and check access of the service
    • check service that i didn't buy
➜  testservice mesg-core marketplace create-offer myservice
? Enter the account to use 0xfde8b69e8eee1c116bc678602a752c909189f955
? Enter passphrase *
? Enter the price (in MESG Token) of the offer 0
? Enter the duration (in second) of the offer 0
? Are you sure to create offer for service "myservice" with a price of 0 MESG Tokens and a duration of 0 seconds? Yes
Returned error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction
➜  core git:(dev) ✗ mesg-core marketplace purchase marketplace
? Enter the account to use 0xfde8b69e8eee1c116bc678602a752c909189f955
? Enter passphrase *
? Enter the offer index to purchase 0
? Are you sure to purchase service "marketplace" for 1 MESG Tokens and for a duration of 36000 seconds? Yes
Returned error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction
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