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Created March 9, 2023 08:00
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  • Save antholzer/64b71a4ea7ac32461b603f4e7de3fdc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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WARNING: Method definition _plotly_framestyle(Symbol) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:4 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition labelfunc(Symbol, Plots.PlotlyBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:19 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_font(Plots.Font) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:29 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_font(Plots.Font, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:29 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_annotation_dict(Any, Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:35 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_annotation_dict##kw(Any, typeof(Plots.plotly_annotation_dict), Any, Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:35 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_annotation_dict(Any, Any, Plots.PlotText) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:38 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_annotation_dict##kw(Any, typeof(Plots.plotly_annotation_dict), Any, Any, Plots.PlotText) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:38 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_scale(Symbol) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:48 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition shrink_by(Any, Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:50 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_apply_aspect_ratio(Plots.Subplot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend, Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:55 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_domain(Plots.Subplot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:77 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_axis(Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:92 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_axis(Any, Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:92 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_axis(Any, Any, Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:92 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_polaraxis(Plots.Subplot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend, Plots.Axis) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:154 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_layout(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:166 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_add_legend!(Base.Dict{Symbol, Any}, Plots.Subplot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:311 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_legend_pos(Symbol) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:374 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_legend_pos(Tuple{S, T}) where {S<:Real, T<:Real} in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:377 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_legend_pos(Real) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:380 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_legend_pos(Tuple{S, Symbol}) where {S<:Real} in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:382 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_layout_json(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:403 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(PlotUtils.ColorGradient) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:405 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(PlotUtils.ColorGradient, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:405 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(AbstractArray{var"#s610", 1} where var"#s610"<:(ColorTypes.Colorant{T, N} where N where T)) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:407 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(AbstractArray{var"#s609", 1} where var"#s609"<:(ColorTypes.Colorant{T, N} where N where T), Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:407 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(PlotUtils.CategoricalColorGradient) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:415 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(PlotUtils.CategoricalColorGradient, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:415 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:424 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorscale(Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:424 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition get_plotly_marker(Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:426 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_link_indicies(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend, Plots.Subplot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:442 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_close_shapes(Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:454 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_data(Plots.Series, Symbol, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:463 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_data(Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:478 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_data(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:479 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_data(RecipesPipeline.Surface{M} where M<:(AbstractArray{T, 2} where T)) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:480 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_data(AbstractArray{R, N} where N) where {R<:(Base.Rational{T} where T<:Integer)} in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:481 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_native_data(Plots.Axis, RecipesPipeline.Surface{M} where M<:(AbstractArray{T, 2} where T)) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:483 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_native_data(Plots.Axis, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:484 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_convert_to_datetime(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Function) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:496 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition as_gradient(PlotUtils.ColorGradient, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:510 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition as_gradient(Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:511 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_series(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend, Plots.Series) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:514 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorbar(Plots.Subplot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:719 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_series_shapes(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend, Plots.Series, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:730 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_series_segments(Plots.Series, Base.Dict{Symbol, Any}, Any, Any, Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:796 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_colorbar_hack(Plots.Series, Base.Dict{Symbol, Any}, Symbol) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:970 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_polar!(Base.Dict{Symbol, Any}, Plots.Series) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:994 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_adjust_hover_label!(Base.Dict{Symbol, Any}, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1002 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_series(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1015 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_series_json(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1021 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition html_head(Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend}) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1025 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition html_body(Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend}) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1026 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_url() in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1028 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_html_head(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1035 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_html_body(Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1059 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_html_body(Any, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1059 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition js_body(Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1093 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_show_js(IO, Plots.Plot{T} where T<:RecipesBase.AbstractBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1096 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition showable(Base.Multimedia.MIME{Symbol("application/prs.juno.plotpane+html")}, Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend}) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1101 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition _show(IO, Base.Multimedia.MIME{Symbol("application/vnd.plotly.v1+json")}, Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend}) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1103 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition _show(IO, Base.Multimedia.MIME{Symbol("text/html")}, Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend}) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1106 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition _display(Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend}) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1108 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition showable(Base.Multimedia.MIME{Symbol("application/prs.juno.plotpane+html")}, Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend}) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:1101 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
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