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Created October 5, 2015 21:35
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Hey @tgerring , can you be more specific about the work on mobile builds? Is this related to @karalabe 's xgo?
iurimatias 14:36
where are the mobile builds?
tgerring 14:40
@anthony-cros yes, we're primarily using xgo and @karalabe had a version of the "full client" running on android. once the light-client code is finished, it should be trivial to produce a build for android/ios
Go 1.5 includes better mobile support, so we benefit from their efforts greatly
obscuren 14:41
I think he already had it working :smile:
on a watch !
iurimatias 14:41
obscuren 14:46
Using arm geth binary created thanks to @karalabe 's xgo, I am now running a geth node on the samsung Z3 tizen phone
Sorry it was a phone
bobsummerwill 15:03
EthereumJ runs on Android.
@karalabe also has geth running on Android with xgo
@anthony-cros has now extended that xgo to Tizen (which will work on Gear S2 smartwatch and Z3 smartphone). He's still struggling to get eth (C++) going on Tizen too. Next after that is Sailfish and Ubuntu Touch. And all of these are REALLY just ports to prepare for pending Light Client support, which is what will REALLY be needed to make them viable. Probably in-process too.
And also for the work of our buddy @phonikg, who's been porting to Raspberry Pi, Beagle Board Black and more.
gavofyork 15:06
@anthony-cros let me know how the cpp is progressing - @CJentzsch and @LefterisJP could possibly lend a hand there
@CJentzsch has cpp running on an intel edison
bobsummerwill 15:09
Thanks, @gavofyork. If somebody could help @anthony-cros with his second question on, with regard to external dependencies, that would be really helpful. I think we need to identify the most minimal subset of the C++ modules and work up from there.
So basically, what external libraries (and #defines, etc) are needed for building a geth command-line?
Just the console app.
Getting hold of binaries for all those external libs for Tizen is a real PITA. Especially when we should not need most of them.
fjl 16:13
the only external dependency for geth is libgmp.
phonikg 16:20
Yes, i think Bob meant to say 'eth'
fjl 16:20
ahh, ok
anthony-cros 17:20
yes @tgerring and @obscuren, it was a Z3 phone :smile: , though I'm getting a synchronization error around block 91K (which I'll detail on the go channel rather), though it's probably unrelated to the tizen O.S.
@gavofyork , for now I mostly strugle with cmake (with which i have little experience)
last I tried I couldn't get cmake to find my boost files
(I'll have to spin up my docker container to give more detail)
@CJentzsch , that's awesome about the intel edison! did you keep track of the steps involved by any chance? that might be very useful to me and @phonikg
yes @fll, I wish that were the case! :smile:
as I said in the post that Bob linked to, I'm happy to augment the dot file so as to include more info in it, i think it's great to have a markup based visual representation
unless the file is automatically generated from the cmake files?
CJentzsch 17:26
Intel Edison, was not easy. I also almost run out of disk space (only 4GB, so only ~1.5GB for the .ethereum folder. Since today I got the first working state tree pruning version (still experimental). with it I only need 17M for the state.
phonikg 17:27
Yeah i can see disk space being a challenge.. . Edison is 32bit intel correct?
CJentzsch 17:28
Raspi, Intel Edison and so oine have enough computational power to be a full node, but they will run out of memory at somw point (unless you pay a lot for large sd cards). But state tree pruning is enough for them to survive for a long time.
phonikg 17:28
@CJentzsch Did you cross compile?
CJentzsch 17:28
On the phone you need a real light client, but on embedded devices, state tree pruning is enough
just compiled everyhing on the device
phonikg 17:29
Ok... the most help we need roght now is to cross compile cpp-ethereum, have you tried to cross compile ever?
CJentzsch 17:29
the hard parts is to get all the libs and/or compile them
yes I have tried for the Raspberry Pi, but stopped when I couldn't find all the libs I needed. Than you came with your DevGrant and I thought its good to put that on your shoulders so I can continue testing :smile:
anthony-cros 17:31
yes, @CJentzsch , the problem with tizen (and @phonikg probably has similar issues) is that we don't have root access and no build utilities are available on the device itself
so cross-compilation ends up being more wieldy
CJentzsch 17:32
I see
anthony-cros 17:32
btw I suggest we move that conversation to ethereum/porting!
CJentzsch 17:32
I used the gcc cross compiler, and it worked except for the libs which were still missing. But xou can get them and/or cross compile them too
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