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Created October 25, 2016 15:48
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Collectd.conf with pretty generic metrics
### collectd.conf config file (Collectd 5.5)
FQDNLookup true
Interval 300
Timeout 2
ReadThreads 5
LoadPlugin syslog
<Plugin syslog>
LogLevel info
LoadPlugin cpu
LoadPlugin df
LoadPlugin disk
LoadPlugin exec
LoadPlugin interface
LoadPlugin load
LoadPlugin memory
LoadPlugin network
LoadPlugin nginx
LoadPlugin processes
LoadPlugin sensors
LoadPlugin swap
LoadPlugin uptime
LoadPlugin users
<Plugin df>
# expose host's mounts into container using -v /:/host:ro (location inside container does not matter much)
# ignore rootfs; else, the root file-system would appear twice, causing
# one of the updates to fail and spam the log
## Seems to be fixed with collectd 5.5+
## FSType rootfs
# ignore the usual virtual / temporary file-systems
FSType sysfs
FSType proc
FSType devtmpfs
FSType devpts
FSType tmpfs
FSType fusectl
FSType cgroup
FSType overlay
FSType debugfs
FSType pstore
FSType securityfs
FSType hugetlbfs
FSType squashfs
FSType mqueue
IgnoreSelected true
ReportByDevice false
#ReportInodes true # Default false
ValuesAbsolute true
ValuesPercentage true
<Plugin "disk">
#Disk "/^[hsv]d[a-z]/"
IgnoreSelected false
<Plugin cpu>
ValuesPercentage true
<Plugin memory>
ValuesPercentage true
<Plugin exec>
# userid plugin-executable plugin-args
#Exec "munin" "/usr/share/doc/collectd-core/examples/exec-munin.px"
Exec "backup" "/etc/collectd/"
<Plugin interface>
Interface "lo"
Interface "/^veth.*/"
Interface "/^docker.*/"
IgnoreSelected true
<Plugin "network">
Server "influxdb_host_to_replace" "influxdb_port_to_replace_8096_for_instance"
<Include "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d">
Filter "*.conf"
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