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Created February 8, 2016 21:27
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Maintaining font styles with shared typography in Xamarin
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Reflection;
#if __IOS__
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using CoreGraphics;
namespace Shared
static class ExtensionMethods
#if __IOS__
#region Color
public static UIColor ToUIColor (this Color color) { return UIColor.FromRGB (color.R, color.G, color.B); }
public static CGColor ToCGColor (this Color color) { return UIColor.FromRGB (color.R, color.G, color.B).CGColor; }
public static void SetFontStyle (this UIKit.UILabel uiLabel, FontStyle fontStyle) {
// font
uiLabel.Font = fontStyle.UIFont;
// color
uiLabel.TextColor = fontStyle.Color.ToUIColor();
public static void SetFontStyle (this UIKit.UIButton uiButton, FontStyle fontStyle) {
// font
uiButton.Font = fontStyle.UIFont;
// color
uiButton.SetTitleColor (fontStyle.Color.ToUIColor(), UIControlState.Normal);
#if __ANDROID__
public static Android.Graphics.Color ToAndroidColor (this Color color) {
return new Android.Graphics.Color (color.R, color.G, color.B);
public static void SetFontStyle (this Android.Widget.TextView textView, FontStyle fontStyle) {
// font
textView.Typeface = fontStyle.Typeface;
// color
textView.SetTextColor (fontStyle.Color.ToAndroidColor ());
// size
textView.TextSize = fontStyle.FontSize;
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