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Last active April 14, 2020 02:09
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Cloud Ops and Python lesson plan

Bootstrapping a development environment!

  • Register for a Dockerhub account
  • Register for an Amazon Web Services account
  • Install a text editor
  • Get access to a Linux-ish terminal of some sort
    • VSCode might provide Git Bash
    • Could install Ubuntu on Windows from the app store
    • just run linux 4Head
  • Install some Cloud Computing basics:
    • AWS CLI
    • Docker
    • Terraform
    • kubectl

Docker basics

  • What is any of this
  • does docker run nginx work
  • Writing a docker file
  • Building a docker container image
  • Pushing a docker container image to DockerHub
  • Running a dockerized service locally with docker-compose

Python basics

  • Setting up a Python dev environment
    • Installing a version of python
      • virtualenv
      • requirements.txt
      • In my opinion just use docker instead of dealing with virtualenv but it's still good to know
    • Python: Hello World
    • Python: Hello World+, like helloworld but with one trivial dependency to prove our build tools work
    • Sample Dockerized service: Flask and trivial endpoint
      • Make a single HTTP REST endpoint at GET /, it should return a JSON message containing the value of a few environment variables in your container
      • Get a trivial web service running locally
    • Docker build and push it to public Dockerhub repo so you can use it in the cloud

Terraform Basics

  • Set up AWS credentials file
  • What is terraform
  • Why is terraform
  • How do things
  • Set up Terraform AWS provider
  • Use Docker to build an AWS Lambda .zip package out of your Hello World+ python script and its dependencies
  • Create an AWS Lambda function in Terraform
  • Use Terraform to upload your Lambda function to the cloud
  • Use the AWS CLI to invoke your test lambda function and see the output

Running a docker container in the AWS cloud

  • AWS EC2

    • Create (In terraform probably. Maybe demo the AWS UI first.):
      • VPC module from Terraform repo, including...
        • security groups - If needed, output the ID(s) of these so we can add more rules manually
        • Security group rules
        • Subnet(s)
        • Route table(s)
      • EC2 Instance
      • Create or output DNS hostname for your EC2 instance
    • Install Docker on EC2 Instance
    • SSH to instance, copy docker-compose.yml to EC2 instance, do docker-compose build and docker-compose up to run the service
    • Change the environment variables in the docker-compose file, restart with docker-compose, check new output

    • Given the previous step, create in terraform...
      • A different EC2 instance running the official ECS optimized image
      • Create an ECS Service Definition
      • Create an ECS Task Definition that references your Docker container in DockerHub
      • Create a DNS hostname for your docker task
  • AWS Fargate

    • Given the network resources in the previous step, create...
    • An ECS Service Definition
    • An ECS Task Definition
    • Create a DNS hostname for your docker task

Running a docker container on Kubernetes

  • Set up a local Kubernetes master using Docker Desktop because running Kubernetes in the cloud can be expensive or hard to set up at first
  • Write Kubernetes YAML describing...
    • An application Pod
    • A Deployment that creates a ReplicaSet of N pods
    • A Service that exposes the pods in the ReplicaSet
  • Write new YAML to change some environment variables, kubectl apply, change the Deployment and watch the service change
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