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Created August 17, 2018 02:08
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APPS=$(az functionapp list --query "[].{group: resourceGroup, name: name}" --output tsv)
for APP in $APPS
GROUP=$(echo $APP | cut -f 1)
NAME=$(echo $APP | cut -f 2)
VERSION=$(az functionapp config appsettings list -g $GROUP -n $NAME --query "[?name == 'FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION'].value" --output tsv)
if [ "$VERSION" = "~2" ] || [ "$VERSION" = "~beta" ] || [ "$VERSION" = "beta" ]; then
echo "Function app $NAME with version $VERSION in group $GROUP is being updated."
$(az functionapp config appsettings set -n $NAME -g $GROUP --settings FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION=2.0.11961-alpha)
echo "Restarting function app $NAME in group $GROUP."
$(az functionapp restart -n $NAME -g $GROUP)
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