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Last active August 25, 2018 01:00
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Twisted TFTP Server with client map
# Anthony Clark
# Simple TFTP Server in Twisted
# TODO timeouts/error handling
# Most TFTP server do not have a
# way to change file root per client.
# This one does however using the client
# map below
import os, binascii
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
from twisted.internet import reactor
toInt = lambda x: int(binascii.hexlify(x), 16)
toByte = lambda x: binascii.unhexlify(hex(x)[2:].rjust(4, '0'))
# Simple TFTP Server
class TFTP(DatagramProtocol):
# (host, port) to filename mapping
current_clients = {}
def __init__(self, host_map):
self.host_map = host_map
# File data generator
def get_chunk(self, (host, port), blksize=512):
while True:
data = self.current_clients[(host,port)].read(blksize)
if not data: break
yield data
# Send data
def send_chunk(self, block_number, (host, port)):
self.transport.write('\x00\x03%s%s' %
(toByte(block_number), self.get_chunk((host,port)).next()),
(host, port))
self.current_clients[(host, port)].close()
del self.current_clients[(host,port)]
# Receive packet
def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)):
# Get class mapping
_class = self.host_map.get(host, '.')
# READ Request
if data.startswith('\x00\x01'):
filename = _class + data.split('\x00')[1][1:]
mode = data.split('\x00')[2]
if not os.path.exists(filename):
self.transport.write('\x00\x05\x00\x01no such file exists\x00', (host, port))
# file info
fsize = os.path.getsize(filename)
print host, "(", mode, ")", "wants", filename, "with size", fsize, "bytes"
if fsize > 65535:
print 'File too big:',fsize
self.transport.write('\x00\x05\x00\x04illegal TFTP operation\x00', (host, port))
# open file
self.current_clients[(host,port)] = open(filename, 'r')
# Send first block of data
self.send_chunk(1, (host, port))
# ACK Request
elif data.startswith('\x00\x04'):
# read block from 2byte ack block
new_block = toInt(data[2:][0]) << 8 | toInt(data[2:][1]) & 0xff
self.send_chunk(new_block + 1, (host, port))
# Example client map
m = { '' : 'class0/',
'': 'class0/',
'' : 'class0/'}
# listen
reactor.listenUDP(5000, TFTP(m))
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