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Last active November 18, 2023 21:07
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  • Save anthonyholmes/7fb7f05204e48c09b259e7632fc927ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anthonyholmes/7fb7f05204e48c09b259e7632fc927ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Vector Solutions Training
// Click into one of the categories
// Open the developer tools
// Paste the code below
// Leave the page open until all videos are watched
// Only do one category at a time or the "complete" event for the video will fail
// You may need to lower the playback speed variable.
function asyncWaitSeconds(seconds) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, seconds * 1000);
function scrapeTOCItems() {
let TOC_items = document.getElementsByClassName("TOC_item");
let TOC_unwatched_videos = [];
for (let i = 0; i < TOC_items.length; i++) {
try {
let data_entry = {};
data_entry.element = TOC_items[i];
data_entry.isVideo = TOC_items[i].querySelector(".fa-play") != null;
data_entry.href = TOC_items[i].getAttribute("href");
data_entry.title = TOC_items[i].querySelector(".lead").innerText;
let len = TOC_items[i].getAttribute("href").split("?")[0].split("/").length;
data_entry.work_id = TOC_items[i].getAttribute("href").split("?")[0].split("/")[len - 1];
data_entry.item_id = TOC_items[i].getAttribute("href").split("?")[0].split("/")[len - 2];
if (!data_entry.isVideo) {
data_entry.time_min = parseInt(TOC_items[i].querySelector(".span_link").innerText.split(" ")[1]) + 0.5;
data_entry.completed = false;
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error scraping TOC item: " + TOC_items[i].innerText);
return TOC_unwatched_videos;
async function startVideoTracking(unwatched_video) {
let school_host =;
let tracking_start_url =
"https://" +
school_host +
"/rpc/v2/json/training/tracking_start?course_item_id=" +
unwatched_video.item_id +
"&course_work_id=" +
const tracking_start_response = await fetch(tracking_start_url);
let tracking_start_data = await tracking_start_response.json();
unwatched_video.work_hist_id = tracking_start_data.course_work_hist_id;
console.log("Video time tracking started for video: " + unwatched_video.title);
async function finishVideoTracking(unwatched_video, playback_speed) {
let school_host =;
let tracking_finish_url =
"https://" +
school_host +
"/rpc/v2/json/training/tracking_finish?course_work_hist_id=" +
unwatched_video.work_hist_id +
"&_=" +
( + (unwatched_video.time_min * 60 * 1000) / playback_speed).toString();
const tracking_finish_response = await fetch(tracking_finish_url);
let tracking_finish_data = await tracking_finish_response.json();
unwatched_video.completed = !tracking_finish_data.tracking_status; //0 is completed, 1 is not completed, 2 is previously completed (but we filtered those)
if (unwatched_video.completed) {
console.log("Completed Video: " + unwatched_video.title);
unwatched_video.element.querySelector(".IconSquare").innerHTML =
'<div style="height: 33px; width: 33px" class="IconSquare u-border-radius-4 u-overflow-hidden u-pos-relative" aria-hidden="true"><span><div class="color-overlay u-bg-tertiary-light"></div></span><div class="u-absolute-center u-text-center "><span class="fa fa-check fa-fw u-color-tertiary"></span></div></div>'; //Set Completed Checkbox
unwatched_video.element.querySelector(".hidden-xs").innerHTML =
'<div class="badge u-text-capitalize u-border-radius-10 u-m-0 u-bg-tertiary-light u-color-tertiary-darker">Completed</div>'; //Set Completed Badge
} else {
console.log("Failed to Complete Video: " + unwatched_video.title);
async function main() {
let TOC_unwatched_videos = scrapeTOCItems();
let playback_speed = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < TOC_unwatched_videos.length; i++) {
let unwatched_video = TOC_unwatched_videos[i];
await startVideoTracking(unwatched_video);
"Waiting for the length of the video, " + (unwatched_video.time_min * 60) / playback_speed + " seconds..."
await asyncWaitSeconds((unwatched_video.time_min * 60) / playback_speed);
await finishVideoTracking(unwatched_video, playback_speed);
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