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fp-ts Struct Module
* @since 2.11.0
import { URIS3, Kind3, URIS2, Kind2, URIS, Kind, URIS4, Kind4, HKT } from './HKT'
import * as R from './ReadonlyRecord'
import { Option, fromNullable, fromPredicate, some, Applicative as OptionApplicative } from './Option'
import { Either, right, left } from './Either'
import { Ord } from './Ord'
import { Ord as StringOrd } from './string'
import { Apply4, Apply3, Apply3C, Apply2, Apply2C, Apply1, Apply } from './Apply'
import { Semigroup } from './Semigroup'
import * as _ from './internal'
import { Predicate } from './Predicate'
import { Refinement } from './Refinement'
import { identity, pipe } from './function'
type NonEmpty<R> = keyof R extends never ? never : R extends object ? R : never
type RR = Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
* Creates a new object by recursively evolving a shallow copy of `a`, according to the `transformation` functions.
* @example
* import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'
* import { evolve } from 'fp-ts/struct'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* pipe(
* { a: 'a', b: 1, c: 'abc' },
* evolve({
* a: (a) => a.length,
* b: (b) => b * 2
* })
* ),
* { a: 1, b: 2, c: 'abc' }
* )
* @since 3.0.0
export const evolve = <A, B extends { [k in keyof A]?: (val: A[k]) => unknown }>(f: B) => (
a: NonEmpty<A>
): { [key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => infer C ? C : A[key] } =>
R.mapWithIndex((k, r) => {
const fk = f[k as keyof A]
return fk ? fk(r as any) : r
})(a as RR) as any
* Pick a set of keys from a `Record`. The value-level equivalent of the `Pick`
* type.
* @example
* import { pick } from 'fp-ts/struct';
* type MyType = { a: number; b: string; c: Array<boolean> };
* const picked = pick<MyType>()(['a', 'c']);
* assert.deepStrictEqual(picked({ a: 1, b: 'two', c: [true] }), { a: 1, c: [true] });
* @since 3.0.0
export const pick = <A>() => <K extends keyof A>(ks: Array<K>) => (
x: A,
): Pick<A, K> => {
// I don't believe there's any reasonable way to model this sort of
// transformation in the type system without an assertion - at least here
// it's in a single reused place
const o = {} as Pick<A, K>
/* eslint-disable */
for (const k of ks) {
o[k] = x[k]
/* eslint-enable */
return o
* Omit a set of keys from a `Record`. The value-level equivalent of the `Omit`
* type.
* @example
* import { omit } from 'fp-ts/struct';
* const sansB = omit(['b']);
* assert.deepStrictEqual(sansB({ a: 1, b: 'two', c: [true] }), { a: 1, c: [true] });
* @since 3.0.0
export const omit = <K extends string>(ks: Array<K>) => <A extends { [key in K]: unknown }>(
obj: A,
): Omit<A, K> => {
const result: Record<string, unknown> = {}
const keys = Object.keys(obj)
for (const key of keys) {
if (!ks.includes(key as K)) {
result[key] = obj[key as K]
return result as Omit<A, K>
* Refines a struct based on some of its properties
* @example
* import { refine } from 'fp-ts/struct';
* import { some } from 'fp-ts/Option';
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* pipe(
* { a: 'a', b: 1, c: 'abc' },
* refine({
* a: (a): a is 'a' => a === 'a',
* b: (b) => b === 1
* }),
* ),
* some({ a: 'a', b: 1, c: 'abc' })
* );
* @since 3.0.0
export const refine = <A, B extends { [K in keyof A]?: Predicate<A[K]> | Refinement<A[K], A[K]> }>(predicates: B) => (
fa: NonEmpty<A>
): Option<{
[K in keyof A]: B[K] extends (a: any) => a is infer C ? C : A[K]
}> => R.traverseWithIndex(StringOrd)(OptionApplicative)((k, v) => {
const p = predicates[k as keyof A]
return p !== undefined ? fromPredicate(p as any)(v) : some(v)
})(fa as RR) as any
* Parses a struct based on some of its properties
* @example
* import { parse } from 'fp-ts/struct';
* import { right } from 'fp-ts/Option';
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* pipe(
* { a: 'a', b: 1, c: 'abc' },
* _.parse({
* a: (a): E.Either<string, number> => a === 'a' ? E.right(1) : E.left(`Not 'a'`),
* b: (b): E.Either<number, string> => b === 1 ? E.right('a') : E.left(42),
* })
* ),
* E.right({ a: 1, b: 'a', c: 'abc' })
* )
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* pipe(
* { a: 'b', b: 1, c: 'abc' },
* _.parse({
* a: (a): E.Either<string, number> => a === 'a' ? E.right(1) : E.left(`Not 'a'`),
* b: (b): E.Either<number, string> => b === 1 ? E.right('a') : E.left(42),
* })
* ),
* E.left({ a: `Not 'a'` })
* )
* @since 3.0.0
export const parse = <R, B extends { [K in keyof R]?: (val: R[K]) => Either<unknown, unknown> }>(f: B) => (
fa: NonEmpty<R>
): Either<
{ [K in keyof B]?: B[K] extends (a: never) => Either<infer E, unknown> ? E : never },
{ [K in keyof R]: B[K] extends (a: never) => Either<unknown, infer A> ? A : R[K] }
> => {
const { left: failed, right: parsed } = R.partitionMapWithIndex((k, v) => {
const fk = f[k as keyof R]
if (fk) {
const r = fk(v as any)
return r
} else {
const r = right(v)
return r
})(fa as RR)
return Object.keys(parsed).length === Object.keys(fa).length ? right(parsed) : left(failed) as any
* @since 3.0.0
* @internal
const isOption = (a: unknown): a is Option<unknown> => (
typeof a === 'object' && !!a && '_tag' in a && ((
(a as Record<string, unknown>)._tag === 'Some' && `value` in a && Object.keys(a).length === 2
) || ((a as Record<string, unknown>)._tag === 'None')))
* Given a heterogeneous struct of Options, eliminate
* all keys that are `None` & return a struct of the
* existing values.
* @example
* import { compactS } from 'fp-ts/struct'
* import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* compactS({
* foo: O.some(123),
* bar: 22,
* baz: none
* }),
* { foo: 123, bar: 22 }
* )
* @category combinators
* @since 3.0.0
export const compactS = <A>(r: A): {
[K in keyof A as A[K] extends Option<infer B> ? B extends never ? never : K : never]?:
A[K] extends Option<infer B> ? B : never
} & {
[K in keyof A as A[K] extends Option<unknown> ? never : K]: A[K]
} => {
const {left, right} = R.partition(isOption)(r as RR)
return {...left, ...pipe(right, R.filterMap(identity))} as any
* Wrap each key in heterogeneous struct of nullable values in `Option`.
* Note: cannot properly wrap optional/partial keys.
* @example
* import { unCompact } from 'fp-ts/struct'
* import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* unCompact({ foo: 123, bar: undefined, baz: 'abc' }),
* { foo: O.some(123), bar: O.none, baz: O.some('abc') }
* )
* @category combinators
* @since 3.0.0
export const unCompact = <A>(
a: NonEmpty<A>
): {
[K in keyof A]: Option<NonNullable<A[K]>>
} => {
const ks = Object.keys(a) as Array<keyof A>
const ops = {} as { [K in keyof A]: Option<NonNullable<A[K]>> }
for (const key of ks) {
ops[key] = fromNullable(a[key])
return ops
* Runs an separate action for each value in a struct, and accumulates the results.
* @example
* import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'
* import { traverseS } from 'fp-ts/struct'
* import { Ord } from 'fp-ts/string'
* import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* pipe(
* { a: 1, b: 'b', c: 'abc' },
* traverseS(Ord)(O.Apply)({
* a: (n) => n <= 2 ? O.some(n.toString()) : O.none,
* b: (b) => b.length <= 2 ? O.some(b.length) : O.none
* })
* ),
* O.some({ a: '1', b: 1, c: 'abc' })
* )
* @category combinators
* @since 3.0.0
export function traverseS(
O: Ord<string>
): {
<F extends URIS4>(F: Apply4<F>): <
B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => Kind4<F, S, R, E, unknown> }
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => Kind4<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => Kind4<F, S, R, E, infer C> ? C : A[key]
<F extends URIS3>(F: Apply3<F>): <R, E, A, B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => Kind3<F, R, E, unknown> }>(
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => Kind3<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => Kind3<F, R, E, infer C> ? C : A[key]
<F extends URIS3, E>(F: Apply3C<F, E>): <
B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => Kind3<F, R, E, unknown> }
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => Kind3<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => Kind3<F, R, E, infer C> ? C : A[key]
<F extends URIS2>(F: Apply2<F>): <E, A, B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => Kind2<F, E, unknown> }>(
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => Kind2<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => Kind2<F, E, infer C> ? C : A[key]
<F extends URIS2, E>(F: Apply2C<F, E>): <A, B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => Kind2<F, E, unknown> }>(
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => Kind2<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => Kind2<F, E, infer C> ? C : A[key]
<F extends URIS>(F: Apply1<F>): <A, B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => Kind<F, unknown> }>(
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => Kind<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => Kind<F, infer C> ? C : A[key]
<F>(F: Apply<F>): <A, B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => HKT<F, unknown> }>(
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => HKT<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => HKT<F, infer C> ? C : A[key]
export function traverseS(
O: Ord<string>
): <F>(
F: Apply<F>
) => <A extends R.ReadonlyRecord<string, unknown>, B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => HKT<F, unknown> }>(
f: B
) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => HKT<
[key in keyof A]: B[key] extends (a: never) => HKT<F, infer C> ? C : A[key]
> {
return <F>(F: Apply<F>) => <A, B extends { [key in keyof A]?: (val: A[key]) => HKT<F, unknown> }>(f: B) => (
ta: NonEmpty<A>
) => {
const ks = R.keys(O)(ta) as ReadonlyArray<keyof A>
const length = ks.length
const fk = f[ks[0]]
let fr = => ({ [ks[0]]: r }))(fk ? fk(ta[ks[0]] as any) : ta[ks[0]] as any) as HKT<
[key in keyof B]: B[key] extends (a: never) => HKT<F, infer C> ? C : never
for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) {
const fk = f[ks[i]]
if (fk){
fr = F.ap(fk(ta[ks[i]] as any))( any) => (b: any) => {
r[ks[i]] = b
return r
} else {
fr = any) => {
r[ks[i]] = ta[ks[i]]
return r
return fr as any
type UnionToIntersection<T> =
(T extends any ? (x: T) => any : never) extends
(x: infer R) => any ? R : never
type EnsureLiteral<K extends string> =
string extends K ? never :
[K] extends [UnionToIntersection<K>] ? K : never
type EnsurePropertyNotExist<T, K extends string> =
keyof T extends never ? T
: keyof T extends K ? never : T
export const Do = {}
const letFn = <Key extends string, V>(
key: EnsureLiteral<Key>,
value: V
) => <T extends object>(
t: EnsurePropertyNotExist<T, Key>
): { readonly [K in (keyof T) | Key]: K extends keyof T ? T[K] : V } => ({
[key]: value
}) as any
export { letFn as let }
export const bind = <T, K extends string, A>(
key: K extends keyof T ? never : K,
fn: (obj: T) => A
) => (obj: EnsurePropertyNotExist<T, K>):
{ readonly [k in (keyof T) | K]: k extends keyof T ? T[k] : A } =>
({ ...obj, [key as any]: fn(obj) }) as any
export const bindTo = <K extends string>(
key: EnsureLiteral<K>
) => <V>(value: V) => ({ [key]: value }) as { [key in K]: V }
export const set = <
Key extends keyof A extends never ? string : keyof A,
key: Key extends string ? EnsureLiteral<Key> : Key,
value: Key extends keyof A ? A[Key] : V
) => <
B extends { [k in Key]: V }
obj: keyof A extends never ? B : A
): keyof A extends never ? B : A => ({ ...obj, [key]: value }) as any
export const setW = <
K extends (keyof A extends never ? string : keyof A),
key: K extends string ? EnsureLiteral<K> : K,
value: V
) => <
B extends { [k in K]: unknown }
>(obj: keyof A extends never ? B : A):
K extends keyof A
? { [P in keyof A]: P extends K ? A[P] : V }
: { [P in keyof B]: P extends K ? B[P] : V } =>
({ ...obj, [key]: value }) as any
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// instances
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return a semigroup which works like `Object.assign`.
* @example
* import { getAssignSemigroup } from 'fp-ts/struct'
* import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'
* interface Person {
* readonly name: string
* readonly age: number
* }
* const S = getAssignSemigroup<Person>()
* assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe({ name: 'name', age: 23 }, S.concat({ name: 'name', age: 24 })), { name: 'name', age: 24 })
* @category instances
* @since 3.0.0
export const getAssignSemigroup = <A = never>(): Semigroup<A> => ({
concat: (second) => (first) => Object.assign({}, first, second)
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