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Created September 5, 2022 19:58
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Implementation of the THROWBACK procedure for rearranging sequences of numbers
# THROWBACK procedure from
# "Coding Fun: Rearranging All The Numbers" in
# Popular Computing #55, Oct. 1977, Vol. 5, No. 10
# See <> for a copy.
import math
# Display the array at each step and stop when the "leader" (the initial
# value in the array) is stopAtFirst or when maxsteps is reached.
def showprocess(stopAtFirst, maxsteps = 1000):
steps = 0
a = range(3,4+stopAtFirst)
while a[0] != stopAtFirst and steps < maxsteps:
first = a.pop(0)
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
print steps, a
return a
# Find the sequence where the (N-3)th value is the number of steps
# until N first appears as the leader. (A155167 in OEIS)
# The "first indices sequence"
def makefirstidxsequence(maxN):
steps = 0
a = range(3,4+maxN)
leader = 4
firstidxseq = []
while a[0] != maxN:
first = a.pop(0)
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
if a[0] == leader:
leader += 1
return firstidxseq
# Find the sequence of leaders at each step (including the "zeroeth step").
def makeleadersequence(maxsteps, maxN = 40):
steps = 0
a = range(3,4+maxN)
leaderseq = a[0:1]
while steps < maxsteps:
first = a.pop(0)
if first > maxN:
print "Aborted: maxN needs to be increased!"
return leaderseq
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
return leaderseq
# Find the sequence of step numbers where N is the leader.
def makeNsequence(N, maxN, maxsteps = 1000):
steps = 0
a = range(3,4+maxN)
leader = N
Nseq = []
while a[0] != maxN and steps <= maxsteps:
if a[0] == N:
first = a.pop(0)
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
return Nseq
# Find all indices where 'value' occurs.
# Given the leader sequence as input, this produces the "N-indices sequence".
def FindAllIndices(value, array):
indices = []
for i in xrange(len(array)):
if array[i] == value:
return indices
# One way to obtain the "first indices", leader, and "N-indices" sequences
# while only running the procedure once:
# leaders = makeleadersequence(1000000, 48)
# Nindices = [FindAllIndices(i, leaders) for i in xrange(49)]
# firstindices = map(lambda x: x[0], Nindices[4:])
### map(len, Nindices)
# First differences transform
def FirstDiffs(seq, includeFirstTerm = False):
diffs = [seq[i] - seq[i-1] for i in range(1,len(seq))]
if includeFirstTerm:
diffs = seq[0:1] + diffs
return diffs
def PrintInColumns(seq, columns = 9, colwidth = 2):
count = 0
for a in seq:
print "%-*d" % (colwidth, a),
count += 1
if count == columns:
count = 0
print "\n"
# Check that seq is cyclic with period length 'pdlen'.
def CheckPeriod(seq, pdlen):
if len(seq) < 2*pdlen:
print "Warning: sequence is shorter than 2 periods."
period = seq[:pdlen]
for i in xrange(pdlen, len(seq)):
if seq[i] != period[i % pdlen]:
return False
return True
# The N-indices sequences have interesting patterns. The
# differences of the indices for each N appear to repeat periodically.
# The period lengths for these sequences appear to be 1, 3, 9, 27, ...
# for N = 3, 4, 5, 6, ...
# Nidxdiffs = map(FirstDiffs, Nindices)
# PrintInColumns(Nidxdiffs[4][:27], 3)
# PrintInColumns(Nidxdiffs[5][:81], 9)
# PrintInColumns(Nidxdiffs[6][:243], 27)
# for N in range(3,12):
# periodlen = 3**(N-3)
# result = CheckPeriod(Nidxdiffs[N], periodlen)
# print N, periodlen, result
# Check that seq is a palindrome
def IsPalindrome(seq):
lastidx = len(seq) - 1
halflen = len(seq) // 2
for i in xrange(halflen):
if seq[i] != seq[lastidx - i]:
return False
return True
# One cycle of the differences of each N-indices sequence forms a
# palindrome if the last value is omitted. Confirmed up to N = 13.
# for i in range(4, 14):
# print i, 3**(i-3) - 1, IsPalindrome(Nidxdiffs[i][:3**(i-3) - 1])
# What if 1 & 2 are included at the beginning of the process?
def showprocess2(stopAtFirst, maxsteps = 1000):
steps = 0
a = range(1,4+stopAtFirst)
while a[0] != stopAtFirst and steps < maxsteps:
first = a.pop(0)
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
print steps, a
return a
# Find the first indices sequence for the starting sequence of
# start, start+1, start+2, ...
def makefirstidxsequence2(maxN, start = 1):
steps = 0
a = range(start, start+maxN+1)
leader = start+1
firstidxseq = []
while a[0] != maxN:
first = a.pop(0)
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
if a[0] == leader:
leader += 1
return firstidxseq
# Find the sequence of leaders at each step (including the "zeroeth step")
# for the starting sequence of start, start+1, start+2, ...
def makeleadersequence2(maxsteps, start = 1, maxN = 40):
steps = 0
a = range(start, start+maxN+1)
leaderseq = a[0:1]
while steps < maxsteps:
first = a.pop(0)
if first > maxN:
print "Aborted: maxN needs to be increased!"
return leaderseq
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
return leaderseq
# For THROWBACK starting with 2:
# leaders = makeleadersequence2(1000000, 2)
# Nindices = [FindAllIndices(i, leaders) for i in xrange(35)]
# firstindices = map(lambda x: x[0], Nindices[3:])
# Nidxdiffs = map(FirstDiffs, Nindices)
# for N in range(2, 13):
# periodlen = 2**(N-2)
# result = CheckPeriod(Nidxdiffs[N], periodlen)
# print N, periodlen, result
# for i in range(3, 14):
# print i, 2**(i-2) - 1, IsPalindrome(Nidxdiffs[i][:2**(i-2) - 1])
# For THROWBACK starting with N:
N = 3
leaders = makeleadersequence2(1000000, N, N*20)
Nindices = [FindAllIndices(i, leaders) for i in xrange(max(leaders)+1)]
firstindices = map(lambda x: x[0], Nindices[N+1:])
Nidxdiffs = map(FirstDiffs, Nindices)
for i in range(N, 13):
periodlen = N**(i-N)
result = CheckPeriod(Nidxdiffs[i], periodlen)
print i, periodlen, result
for i in range(N+1, 14):
print i, N**(i-N) - 1, IsPalindrome(Nidxdiffs[i][:N**(i-N) - 1])
# What if we start with an arbitrary sequence?
def showprocess3(seq, stopAtFirst, maxsteps = 100):
steps = 0
a = seq[:] # make a copy of seq
seqlen = len(a)
while a[0] != stopAtFirst and steps < maxsteps:
first = a.pop(0)
if first >= seqlen:
print "Exiting early..."
return leaderseq
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
print steps, a
return a
# Find the sequence of leaders at each step (including the "zeroeth step")
# for an arbitrary starting sequence. The computation ends early if the
# leader would be "thrown" back past the end of the array.
def makeleadersequence3(seq, maxsteps):
steps = 0
a = seq[:] # make a copy of seq
seqlen = len(a)
leaderseq = a[0:1]
while steps < maxsteps:
first = a.pop(0)
if first >= seqlen:
print "Exiting early..."
return leaderseq
a.insert(first, first)
steps += 1
return leaderseq
# A087165 appears to be related to the leader sequence
def makeA087165(length = 100):
a = []
for n in xrange(1, length+1):
if n%4 == 1:
val = 1
val = a[n - int(math.ceil(n/4.0)) - 1] + 1
# print (n, n - int(math.ceil(n/4.0)), a[n - int(math.ceil(n/4.0)) - 1]),
# print val
return a
def makeA155167recurrence(length = 50):
a = [1]
for n in xrange(1, length):
a.append((4*a[n-1] + 3) // 3)
return a
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