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Last active April 18, 2021 23:01
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DB Final Q2 Test Data
group: DB Final Q2 Test Data
description: DB Final Q2 Test Data
branch = {
branch_name, branch_city, assets
'Uptown', 'new york', 100
'Beach', 'miami', 200
'Dumpster', 'los angeles', 10
customer = {
ID, customer_name, customer_street, customer_city
1, 'John Doe', '123rd St', 'New York'
2, 'Bill Bob', 'Metropolitan Ave', 'Brooklyn'
3, 'Lori Lane', 'Roosevelt Ave', 'Queens'
loan = {
loan_number, branch_name, amount
10, 'Uptown', 50234
11, 'Uptown', 4223
12, 'Uptown', 733
13, 'Uptown', 71123
11, 'Beach', 615
14, 'Beach', 5423
15, 'Beach', 71412
16, 'Beach', 122
17, 'Dumpster', 264
18, 'Dumpster', 2741234
19, 'Dumpster', 631234123
20, 'Dumpster', 23
21, 'Dumpster', 471234
borrower = {
ID, loan_number
1, 10
2, 11
3, 12
1, 13
2, 11
3, 14
1, 15
2, 16
3, 17
1, 18
2, 19
3, 20
1, 21
account = {
account_number, branch_name, balance
90, 'Uptown', 24345
91, 'Uptown', 123434
92, 'Uptown', 623
93, 'Beach', 17612
94, 'Beach', 7362
95, 'Beach', 723
96, 'Dumpster', 7344
97, 'Dumpster', 2323
98, 'Dumpster', 164
depositor = {
ID, account_number
1, 90
2, 91
3, 92
1, 93
2, 94
3, 95
1, 96
2, 97
3, 98
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