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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Last active August 18, 2021 14:25
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from yfapi import YahooFinanceAPI, Interval
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
def get_sma(data, period):
return data.rolling(window=period).mean()
def get_bollinger_bands(data, sma, periods):
std = data.rolling(window=periods).std()
upper = sma + std * 2
lower = sma - std * 2
return upper, lower
def get_buy_sell_points(data):
# iterate the dataset, check for cross above upper and below lower bb
trades = {
"buy_indices": [],
"sell_indices": [],
"sell_prices": [],
"buy_prices": []
for idx, row in data.iterrows():
if idx == 0:
# above upper band
if row["upper"] < row["Close"] and row["upper"] > data.loc[idx-1]["Close"]:
# no short selling, just sell the shares previously purchased
if len(trades["buy_indices"]) == 0:
elif len(trades["sell_indices"]) > 0 and trades["buy_indices"][len(trades["buy_indices"]) - 1] < trades["sell_indices"][len(trades["sell_indices"]) - 1]:
# have we bought since the last sell?
# print(idx, "top", row["Close"], row["upper"], row["Date"])
# below lower band
if row["lower"] > row["Close"] and data.loc[idx-1]["lower"] < data.loc[idx-1]["Close"]:
# print(idx, "bottom", row["Close"], row["lower"], data.loc[idx-1]["Close"], row["Date"])
return trades
def calculate_profits(trades, ticker, base_dir):
# iterate buy/sell lists
sell_idx = 0
buy_idx = 0
avg_price = 0
total_profit = 0
ret = 0
buy_count = 0
trade_count = 0
with open(base_dir + "trades/{}.trades".format(ticker.upper()), 'w') as f:
while buy_idx < len(trades["buy_indices"]):
# get average price of all buys before a sell
avg_price += trades["buy_prices"][buy_idx]
buy_count += 1 # in case we buy more than once before a sell
# is the next sell before the next buy? what's our next trade
if (buy_idx + 1) < (len(trades["buy_indices"])) and \
sell_idx < (len(trades["sell_indices"])) and \
trades["sell_indices"][sell_idx] < trades["buy_indices"][buy_idx + 1]:
# sell all shares at sell point
price = avg_price / buy_count
profit = (trades["sell_prices"][sell_idx] - price) * buy_count
ret += profit / price # % return
total_profit += profit
trade_count += 1
f.write("Selling {} shares at {} with an avg price of {} for a return of {} and profit of {}. (indicies buy/sell: {}/{})".format(
buy_count, trades["sell_prices"][sell_idx], price, profit/price, profit, trades["buy_indices"][buy_idx], trades["sell_indices"][sell_idx]))
# reset variables
buy_count = 0
avg_price = 0
sell_idx += 1
buy_idx += 1
if sell_idx < len(trades["sell_indices"]) and buy_count > 0:
# sell any remaining shares
price = avg_price / buy_count
profit = (trades["sell_prices"][sell_idx] - price) * buy_count
ret += profit / price # % return
total_profit += profit
trade_count += 1
f.write("Selling {} shares at {} with an avg price of {} for a return of {} and profit of {}. (indicies buy/sell: {}/{})".format(
buy_count, trades["sell_prices"][sell_idx], price, profit/price, profit, trades["buy_indices"][buy_idx-1], trades["sell_indices"][sell_idx]))
if trade_count > 0:
ret /= trade_count
return ret, total_profit
if __name__ == '__main__':
base_dir = "./BollingerBot/"
img_dir = base_dir + "imgs/"
tickers = pd.read_csv(base_dir + "sp500tickers.csv")["symbol"].tolist()
# tickers=["ual"]
end_dt =
start_dt = datetime.datetime(end_dt.year - 1, end_dt.month,
api = YahooFinanceAPI(Interval.DAILY)
progress_count = 1
results_dict = {
"ticker": [],
"profit": [],
"avg_return": [],
"start_price": []
for ticker in tickers:
print("Processing ticker symbol {} ({} out of {}).".format(ticker.upper(), progress_count, len(tickers)))
data = api.get_ticker_data(ticker, start_dt, end_dt)
progress_count += 1
data['ma'] = get_sma(data["Close"], 20) # get 20-period SMA
data['upper'], data['lower'] = get_bollinger_bands(data['Close'], data['ma'], 20)
data['Close'][20:].plot(label='close', color='darkcyan')
data['ma'].plot(label='mid', linestyle='--', linewidth='0.9', color='darkturquoise')
data['upper'].plot(label='upper', linestyle='--', linewidth='1.1', color='indianred')
data['lower'].plot(label='lower', linestyle='--', linewidth='1.1', color='lightgreen')
trades = get_buy_sell_points(data)
avg_return, profit = calculate_profits(trades, ticker, base_dir)
print("Average return per trade: {}\t\tTotal profit trading one share: {}".format(avg_return, profit))
plt.scatter(trades["buy_indices"], trades["buy_prices"], marker="^", color="darkgreen", s=100, label="buy")
plt.scatter(trades["sell_indices"], trades["sell_prices"], marker="v", color="darkred", s=100, label="sell")
plt.title("Bollinger Bands w/ Trades for {}".format(ticker.upper()))
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.savefig(img_dir + "{}_plot.png".format(ticker.upper()))
progress_count += 1
results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results_dict)
results_df.to_csv(base_dir + "results.dat", index=False)
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