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Last active June 27, 2016 21:14
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Some useful mixins to extend Foundation Sites functionality.
/// Foundation related mixins
/// @group foundation-extensions
/// Regular Grid - Sizes DIRECT child elements so that `$n` number of items appear on each row.
/// @param {Number} $n - Number of elements to display per row.
/// @param {String} $selector ['.column'] - Selector(s) to use for child elements.
@mixin grid-layout-child(
$selector: '.column'
) {
> #{$selector} {
width: percentage(1/$n);
float: $global-left;
&:nth-of-type(1n) {
clear: none;
&:nth-of-type(#{$n}n+1) {
clear: both;
&:last-child {
float: left;
/// This block grid variation only applies styles to DIRECT children, which is generally the intended effect.
/// @param {Number} $number [1] - Number of items to display per row
/// @param {String} $selector ['.column'] - The css selector to use as the child selector
/// @param {Number} $bottom-gutter [15] - The number of pixels for the bottom margin of each item
/// @param {String} $gutter [30px] - Gutter size in pixels
/// @param {String} $behavior [nest] - Takes options 'nest' or 'collapse' or 'null', can take both 'nest collapse'
@mixin block-grid($number: 1, $selector: '.column', $bottom-gutter: 15, $gutter: 30px, $behavior: nest) {
> #{$selector} {
@include grid-column($gutter: $gutter);
margin-bottom: #{$bottom-gutter}px;
&:last-child {
@include grid-column-end();
@include grid-row($behavior: $behavior, $gutter: $gutter);
@include grid-layout-child($number, $selector);
@if ($behavior == nest) {
$margin: rem-calc($gutter) / 2 * -1;
margin: 0 $margin;
/// Flex Grid - Implements a block grid on DIRECT child elements so that `$n` number of items appear on each row.
/// @param {Number} $n - Number of elements to display per row.
/// @param {String} $grid-item-selector ['.field__item'] - Selector(s) to use for child elements.
/// @param {String} $gutter [30px] - Side gutter value
/// @param {String} $bottom-gutter [30px] - Bottom gutter value
@mixin flex-block-grid($n: 1, $grid-item-selector: '.field__item', $gutter: 30px, $bottom-gutter: 30px) {
@include flex-grid-row(nest);
@include flex-grid-layout($n, $grid-item-selector);
margin: 0 -#{$gutter/2};
& > #{$grid-item-selector} {
margin-top: $bottom-gutter;
padding: 0 #{$gutter/2};
@for $i from 1 through $n {
&:nth-child(#{$i}) {
margin-top: 0;
/// Header style mixin - This mixin includes the responsive header sizes set in _settings.scss. Those are the default
/// sizes for headers, but you can use this mixin when you want to apply the default header sizes with breakpoints to
/// other elements.
/// @param {String} $h - The header element to get sizes for (h1, h2 ...)
@mixin header-font-size($h) {
@each $size, $headers in $header-sizes {
@include breakpoint($size) {
font-size: rem-calc(map-get($headers, $h));
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