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Last active March 18, 2020 19:05
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Let's Encrypt renewal script for VSFTPD, mumble-server (and possibly other things)
## Some notes:
## 1. This should be run as root!
## 2. This assumes that /etc/letsencrypt/cli.ini is sensibly specified.
## 3. /usr/local/sbin/ is a sensible place to put this.
## 4. A sensible crontab entry for this: 15 2 * * 1 /usr/local/sbin/ >> /var/log/
## Exit if there's no certificate to renew.
if [ ! -f $cert_file ]; then
echo "[ERROR] certificate file not found for domain '$domain'."
exit 1;
## Determine number of days till expiration.
exp=$(date -d "`openssl x509 -in $cert_file -text -noout|grep "Not After"|cut -c 25-`" +%s)
datenow=$(date -d "now" +%s)
days_exp=$(echo \( $exp - $datenow \) / 86400 |bc)
echo "Checking expiration date for $domain..."
if [ "$days_exp" -gt "$exp_limit" ] ; then
## Display message and exit if no need for renewal.
echo "The certificate is up to date, no need for renewal ($days_exp days left)."
exit 0;
## Display messages as renewal steps are performed, then exit.
echo "The certificate for $domain is about to expire soon. Starting Let's Encrypt renewal script..."
echo "Instructing UFW to allow access on port 80..."
ufw allow from any to any app www
echo "Running Let's Encrypt update script..."
$le_path/letsencrypt-auto certonly --agree-tos --renew-by-default
echo "Deleting previously inserted UFW rule..."
ufw delete allow from any to any app www
## TODO: 1. This list of services shouldn't be hard-coded.
## TODO: 2. Is it enough to reload vsftpd?
## TODO: 3. Ideally if you have to do a hard restart (as with mumble?), you should make sure that no one's connected to the service.
echo "Reloading dependent services..."
service vsftpd reload
service mumble-server restart
echo "Renewal process finished for domain $domain"
exit 0;
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