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Last active November 22, 2023 08:28
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Loki Wallet BruteForce Password Recovery. Helps if you forgot the password. The command line tools required:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
start=`date +%s` # save start time
tries=0 # tries counter
dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words # you can specify your own dictonary
for word in $(< $dictionary);
do echo "Trying: $word";
echo -e "wallet.keys\n$word" | ./loki-wallet-cli | egrep "^Opened wallet" && echo -e "\nThe passphrase is: $word\n" && break;
end=`date +%s` # save end time
runtime=$((end - start)) # calculate runtime
speed=$((tries / runtime)) # calculate speed
echo "$tries passphrases tested in $runtime seconds: $speed passphrases/second"
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