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Created May 28, 2012 12:14
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import re
def random_walk_3_sat(f, n, rr):
ff = re.split(r'\s*and\s*', f)
for r in xrange(rr):
x = [random.choice([False, True]) for i in xrange(n)] # W4
for k in xrange(3 * n):
if (eval(f)):
return u'充足可能である' # W7,8
c = random.choice([c for c in ff if not eval(c)]) # W10
idx = int(random.choice(re.findall(r'\d+', c))) # W11
x[idx] = not x[idx] # W12
return u'おそらく充足不可能である'
p1 = "( x[0] or x[1] or x[2])"
p2 = "( x[3] or x[1] or not x[2])"
p3 = "(not x[0] or x[3] or x[2])"
p4 = "(not x[0] or not x[3] or x[1])"
p5 = "(not x[3] or not x[1] or x[2])"
p6 = "(not x[0] or not x[1] or not x[2])"
p7 = "( x[0] or not x[3] or not x[2])"
p8 = "( x[0] or x[3] or not x[1])"
f = ' and '.join([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8])
print random_walk_3_sat(f, 4, 3)
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