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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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「充足可能性問題(3-SAT)を解く乱択アルゴリズム」 by Julia ref:
# Rw3sat.jl
sample(a::Array) = a[rand(1:end)]
immutable Literal
literal(index, not) = Literal(index, not)
# issatisfied(l::Literal, x::BitArray{1}) = l.not ? !x[l.index] : x[l.index]
issatisfied(l::Literal, x::BitArray{1}) = l.not $ x[l.index]
immutable Clause
literals::Array{Literal, 1}
clause(ls::Literal...) = Clause([ls...])
issatisfied(c::Clause, x::BitArray{1}) = any(l -> issatisfied(l, x), c.literals)
immutable CNF
clauses::Array{Clause, 1}
cnf(cs::Clause...) = CNF([cs...])
issatisfied(f::CNF, x::BitArray{1}) = all(c -> issatisfied(c, x), f.clauses)
function rw3sat(f::CNF, n::Int, rr::Int)
for r = 1:rr
x = randbool(n) # W4
for k = 1:3n
if issatisfied(f, x) # W7
return "充足可能である"
c = sample(filter(c -> !issatisfied(c, x), f.clauses)) # W10
idx = sample(c.literals).index # W11
x[idx] = !x[idx] # W12
return "おそらく充足不可能である"
p1 = clause(literal(1, false), literal(2, false), literal(3, false))
p2 = clause(literal(4, false), literal(2, false), literal(3, true ))
p3 = clause(literal(1, true ), literal(4, false), literal(3, false))
p4 = clause(literal(1, true ), literal(4, true ), literal(2, false))
p5 = clause(literal(4, true ), literal(2, true ), literal(3, false))
p6 = clause(literal(1, true ), literal(2, true ), literal(3, true ))
p7 = clause(literal(1, false), literal(4, true ), literal(3, true ))
p8 = clause(literal(1, false), literal(4, false), literal(2, true ))
f = cnf(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)
# f = cnf(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p8)
println(rw3sat(f, 4, 3))
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