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Last active September 27, 2021 11:05
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// Tack advisor v0.2.1 27 Sep 2021
// Since v0.1 added down-wind tacking and onExit clean-up
// v0.2.1 removes degree character from comments in three places as Windows objects
// configuration
repeatInterval = 5; // seconds
// wind angles we will work at
minWindAngle = 10; // Min wind angle to work with
maxWindAngle = 60; // Max angle off wind we will work with
maxRunWindAngle = 179; // Don't work if virtually straight down wind
autoHide = false
displayDialogue = true;
debug = false;
routeName = "tackRoute"; // name of route to be created
// Enduring variables
var routeGUID = false;
var lastPosString = false;
var windDirection = -1; // < 0 until wind received
var windSpeed;
var tackString; // the text summarising tack legs
routeDisplayDialog = [
{type:"text", value:"", style:{font:"courier"}},
{type:"caption", value:"Tack advisor"},
{type:"button", label:["Stop", "Hide"]}
Position = require("Position");
Waypoint = require("Waypoint");
Route = require("Route");
hereWaypoint = new Waypoint;
hereWaypoint.markName = "From";
targetWaypoint = new Waypoint;
targetWaypoint.markName = "To";
tackWaypoint = new Waypoint;
tackWaypoint.markName = "Tack";
tackRoute = new Route; = "Tack route";
tackRoute.waypoints[0] = hereWaypoint;
tackRoute.waypoints[1] = tackWaypoint;
tackRoute.waypoints[2] = targetWaypoint;
// start listening out for wind data
windRetry = windRetryMax =10; // times to wait for wind data
// check if we need to delete an old route
OCPNsendMessage("OCPN_ROUTELIST_REQUEST", JSON.stringify({"mode": "Not track"}));
onExit(cleanUp); // Make sure we cclean up after ourself
function handleRL(routeListJS){ // receive list of routes in JSON
var i;
routeList = JSON.parse(routeListJS);
if (routeList != null) {
if (routeList.length > 1){ // (changed from 0 because null entry when no routes)
if (!routeList[0]) routeList.shift(); // drop first null entry - don't know why it is there ''
count = routeList.length; // number of existing routes
for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
if (routeList[i].name == routeName){
routeGUID = routeList[i].GUID;
if (!routeGUID) routeGUID = OCPNgetNewGUID();
tackRoute.GUID =routeGUID; = routeName;
onSeconds(update, repeatInterval); // start the update cycle
function processNMEA(input){
if (input.OK){
sentence = input.value;
if (sentence.slice(3,6) == "MWV"){
splut = sentence.split(",");
if (splut[5] == "A"){ // valid data
if (splut[2] != "T") throw("Code written for true wind direction only");
windDirection = splut[1]; windSpeed = splut[3];
OCPNonNMEAsentence(processNMEA); // listen for next sentence
function update(){
// real work is done in updateWorks which returns true if advisor active, else false
// this simplifies breaking out of an update while still scheduling the next one
active = updateWorks();
onDialogue(false); // clear any existing dialogue
if (displayDialogue){
if (active) {
routeDisplayDialog[0].value = tackString;
onDialogue(dismissDisplay, routeDisplayDialog);
else if (!autoHide){
routeDisplayDialog[0].value = "On standby";
onDialogue(dismissDisplay, routeDisplayDialog);
onSeconds(update, repeatInterval);
if (!active){
try { OCPNdeleteRoute(tackRoute.GUID);}
function updateWorks(){
// returns true if showing tack, else false
if (windDirection < 0){ // cannot start yet
if (windRetry-- > 0) return false;
alert("Not found valid wind data");
windRetry = windRetryMax;
return false;
else alert(false);
APRgpx = OCPNgetARPgpx(); // get Active Route Point as GPX
if (APRgpx.length == 0) return false; // no active waypoint
// we have an Active Route Waypoint - extract its name
// print(APRgpx, "\n");
posString = /<wpt lat=\".*\"/.exec(APRgpx);
if (posString != lastPosString){ // position of target is new
lat = 1 * posString[0].slice(10,22); // force to number
lon = 1 * posString[0].slice(29,-3);
targetWaypoint.position.latitude = lat;
targetWaypoint.position.longitude = lon;
lastPosString = posString;
here = OCPNgetNavigation();
var angleToWind; // angle of wind from course made good
// NB if windAngle is positive, wind is on starboard side
windAngle = angle(here.COG, windDirection); // angle off wind
absWindAngle = Math.abs(windAngle);
if (absWindAngle < minWindAngle){
if (debug) print("Head to wind\n");
return false;
if (debug) print("Initial wind angle:", windAngle, "\n");
if (absWindAngle > 90){
// we are running
running = true;
windDirection = angle(180, windDirection); // use reciprocal windDrection if running
windAngle = angle(here.COG, windDirection); // angle off wind
absWindAngle = Math.abs(windAngle);
if (debug) print("Running\twindDirection:", windDirection, "\t windAngle:", windAngle, "\n");
if (absWindAngle <= 1) return; // don't bother if dead run
if (absWindAngle > maxRunWindAngle) {
if (debug) print("Dead run\n");
return false;
else { // on the wind
running = false;
if (absWindAngle > maxWindAngle){
if (debug) print("Reaching\n");
return false; // too close to wind
if (debug) print("COG:", here.COG, "\twindDirction:",
windDirection, "\twindAngle:", windAngle, "\tRunning:", running, "\n");
var vectorToWpt; // vector from here to target waypoint
var oppositeTack; // bearing if we tack
var alpha; // angle between course to waypoint and CMG (+ve clockwise)
var beta; //inside angle of tack (180 - change of course)
var gamma; // inside angle at target waypoint between direct course and arriving from tack point
var a, b, c; // length of passages opposite altha, bete & gamma respectively
// trigonometry: a/sin(alpha) = b/sin(beta) = c/sin(gamma)
hereWaypoint.position = here.position;
vectorToWpt = OCPNgetVectorPP(hereWaypoint.position, targetWaypoint.position);
if (debug) print("Bearing to waypoint:", vectorToWpt.bearing, "\n");
alpha = angle(vectorToWpt.bearing, here.COG); // is angle between bearing to WP and our COG
if (Math.abs(alpha) > 90){
// making away from mark
if (debug) print("Making away from mark\n");
return false;
oppositeTack = bearing(here.COG, 2 * windAngle);
angleOppositeTackToWpt = angle(vectorToWpt.bearing, oppositeTack);
// angleOppositeTackToWpt is angle between bearing to WP and our COG if we had tacked
// if this has same sign as alpha, tacking is not relevant/needed
if (Math.sign(angleOppositeTackToWpt) == Math.sign(alpha)){
if (debug) print("Tacking not relevant\n");
return false;
if (debug) print("Tacking relevant\n");
if (running){ // running - things work differently
alpha = -alpha;
angleOppositeTackToWpt = -angleOppositeTackToWpt;
if (debug) print("Wind angle:", windAngle, "\tRunning - opposite tack is:", oppositeTack, "\n");
else if (debug) print("vectorToWpt.bearing:", vectorToWpt.bearing, "\talpha:", alpha, "\toppositeTack:", oppositeTack, "\n");
// now for the trigonometry
beta = angle(here.COG, oppositeTack);
if (running) {
beta = angle(180, beta);
if (Math.abs(beta) < 2){
if (debug) print("Dead run\n");
return false;
b = vectorToWpt.distance;
alpha = Math.abs(alpha); beta = Math.abs(beta);
if (debug) print("angleOppositeTackToWpt:", angleOppositeTackToWpt, "\tbeta:", beta, "\tb:", b, "\talpha:", alpha, "\n");
// when at tack point...
a = b*Math.sin(alpha*Math.PI/180)/Math.sin(beta*Math.PI/180); // distance from tack point to waypoint
gamma = Math.abs(180 - alpha - beta); // angle between bearing to waypoint and bearing from tackpoint to waypoint
bearingTpToWp = bearing(windDirection, windAngle);
if (running) bearingBackToTp = bearing(180, bearingTpToWp);// reciprocal
else bearingBackToTp = bearing(bearingTpToWp, 180);// reciprocal
vectorBackToTp = {distance: a, bearing: bearingBackToTp};
if (debug) print("gamma:", gamma, "\tbearingTpToWp:", bearingTpToWp, "\tbearingBackToTp:", bearingBackToTp,
"\nvectorBackToTp:", vectorBackToTp, "\n")
tackPosition = OCPNgetPositionPV(targetWaypoint.position, vectorBackToTp);
tackWaypoint.position.latitude = tackPosition.latitude;
tackWaypoint.position.longitude = tackPosition.longitude;
// now to create/update the route - not sure if we have one already or are updating
try { OCPNupdateRoute(tackRoute); }
catch (err) {OCPNaddRoute(tackRoute);}
// now to display the outcome
if (displayDialogue){
vectorToTp = OCPNgetVectorPP(here.position, tackPosition);
c = vectorToTp.distance;
SOG = (here.SOG)*1;
onDialogue(false); // clear any existing
tackString = "Leg 1: " + (" " + c.toFixed(1)).slice(-4) + "nm " + (" " +(c/SOG*60).toFixed(1)).slice(-4) + "mins\n" +
"Leg 2: " + (" " + a.toFixed(1)).slice(-4) + "nm " + (" " +(a/SOG*60).toFixed(1)).slice(-4) + "mins\n" +
"Total: " + (" " + (c+a).toFixed(1)).slice(-4) + "nm " + (" " +((c+a)/SOG*60).toFixed(1)).slice(-4) + "mins\n";
return true;
function angle(bearing1, bearing2){
// returns angle between two bearings
// result is +ve if bearing2 up to 180 clockwise of bearing1
// result is -ve if bearing2 up to 179.99 anticlockwise of bearing1
bearing2 = bearing2*1 + 360; // ensure next result is +ve
diff = (bearing2 - bearing1)%360;
if (diff > 180) diff -= 360;
return diff;
function bearing(bearing, angle){
// given a bearing, returns the bearing changed by angle
newBearing = 1*bearing + angle;
if (newBearing < 0) newBearing += 360;
newBearing = newBearing % 360
return newBearing;
function dismissDisplay(dialogue){
if (dialogue[dialogue.length-1].label == "Stop") {
try { OCPNdeleteRoute(tackRoute.GUID);}
stopScript("Script was stopped");
else displayDialogue = false;
function updateSimulator(dialogue){
button = dialogue[dialogue.length-1].label;
if (button == "Stop") {
try { OCPNdeleteRoute(tackRoute.GUID);}
stopScript("Script was stopped");
simWind = dialogue[3].value;
simCMG = dialogue[4].value;
simSOG = dialogue[5].value;
function cleanUp(){ // cleanup any left-over route
try { OCPNdeleteRoute(tackRoute.GUID);}
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Degree symbol removed from comment lines in three places so it runs on Windows

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