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Last active September 27, 2021 12:35
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OCPN JavaScript to build race course routes from a selection of race marks
// This script for the JavaScript plugin provides creation of racing routes by selecting race marks from a list
// being a subset of OpenCPN waypoints
Position = require("Position");
// declare enduring variables
var routeName;
var replaceRoute;
var pattern;
var waypoints = []; // to be array of waypoints
var routeList = []; // array of pre-existing routes in OpenCPN
var routeGUID; // the GUID for the route being created
var markList = []; // array of mark names to offer
var routeMarks = []; // will be a list of the route marks
var passingSide = []; // side to pass waypoint
var pluginConfig; // plugin configuration
// the dialogues
config = [
{type:"caption", value:"Race route creator configuration"},
{type:"text", value:"Enter a pattern for the waypoints to be included in the racemark list\nThis can be a regular expression.\
\nThe example matches all waypoints with names starting with 'Start', 'Finish' and RM\n(Leave blank to include all waypoints)"},
{type:"field", label:"Pattern", value:"^(Start|Finish|RM)", width:300},
{type:"field", label:"Route name", width:200},
{type:"tick", value:"*Replace any existing route matching name"},
{type:"button", label:["Exit", "*Build route"]}
markSelector = [
{type:"caption", value:"Race mark selector"},
{type:"radio", label:"Marks", value:[""]},
{type:"text", value:"Add and next"},
{type:"button", label:["to port + next", "next", "to starboard + next"]},
{type:"text", value:"Add last + build"},
{type:"button", label:["to finish"]},
{type:"button", label:["build", "done"]}
errorDisplay = [
{type:"caption", value:"Configuration error"},
{type:"text", value:""},
{type:"button", label:"*Try again"}
try {pluginConfig = OCPNgetPluginConfig();}
throw("Script requires plugin v0.3 or greater");
OCPNsendMessage("OCPN_ROUTELIST_REQUEST", JSON.stringify({"mode": "Not track"}));
// end of main script
function handleConfig(response){
waypoints.length = 0; // clear out
routeMarks.length = 0;
markList.length = 0;
configError = false;
action = response[response.length-1].label;
if (action == "Exit"){
pattern = response[2].value;
config[2].value = pattern; // remember for next time in config
if (pattern != "") pattern = new RegExp(pattern);
routeName = response[4].value;
config[4].value = routeName;
replaceRoute = response[5].value;
// check out the route
if (routeName ==""){
message = "Requires route name to build\n";
errorDisplay[1].value = "Requires route name to build";
onDialogue(handleMessageDone, errorDisplay); // back to user
routeGUID = "";
if (replaceRoute){
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < routeList.length; i++){
if (routeList[i].name == routeName){
routeGUID = routeList[i].GUID;
if (count > 1){ // trying to replace route but more than one
errorDisplay[1].value = "More than one existing route with name " + routeName + " ambiguous!";
onDialogue(handleMessageDone, errorDisplay); // back to user
if (count == 0) replaceRoute = false;
// establish racepoints
waypointGUIDs = OCPNgetWaypointGUIDs();
if (waypointGUIDs.length == 0) throw("No waypoints found");
for (i = 0; i < waypointGUIDs.length; i++){
waypoint = OCPNgetSingleWaypoint(waypointGUIDs[i]);
if (typeof pattern == "string") waypoints.push(waypoint);
else if (pattern.test(waypoint.markName)){
// check if we have already seen this markName. Don't duplicate.
duplicate = false;
for (j = 0; j < waypoints.length; j++){
if (waypoints[j].markName == waypoint.markName){
duplicate = true;
if (!duplicate)waypoints.push(waypoint);
if (waypoints.length == 0){
message = "No waypoints match selection\n";
configError = true;
else if (waypoints.length > 50){
message = "More than 50 waypoints match selection\n";
configError = true;
if (configError){
errorDisplay[1].value = message
onDialogue(handleMessageDone, errorDisplay); // try again
else { // good to go
for (i = 0; i < waypoints.length; i++){
markSelector[1].value = markList;
onDialogue(handleRoute, markSelector);
function handleRoute(response){
var markName;
action = response[response.length-1].label;
case "to port + next":
markName = response[1].value;
passingSide.push("to port");
onDialogue(handleRoute, markSelector);
case "next":
markName = response[1].value;
onDialogue(handleRoute, markSelector);
case "to starboard + next":
markName = response[1].value;
passingSide.push("to starboard");
onDialogue(handleRoute, markSelector);
case "to finish":
markName = response[1].value;
passingSide.push("to finish");
case "build":
case "done":
onDialogue(handleConfig, config);
function buildRoute(){
var positions = []; // waypoint positions
var route = {name:routeName, GUID:routeGUID, from:"", to:"", waypoints:[]};
var listString = "";
var maxLength = 0;
var distance = 0;
hadError = false;
for (i = 0; i < routeMarks.length; i++) {
index = markList.indexOf(routeMarks[i]);
if (index < 0) throw("Logic error - mark name " + routeMarks[i] + " lost\n");
waypoint = Object.assign({}, waypoints[index]); // make copy of this waypoint
positions.push(new Position(waypoint.position)); // remeber its position
maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, routeMarks[i].length); // maxlength of waypoint name
for (i = 0; i < routeMarks.length; i++) {
// build in ListString the table to display
padded = (routeMarks[i] + " ").slice(0, maxLength+1);
if (i == 0) vectorString = " ".slice(0,11); // blank vector
else {
vector = OCPNgetVectorPP(positions[i-1],positions[i]);
distance += vector.distance;
vectorString = ("000" + vector.bearing.toFixed(0)).slice(-3) + String.fromCharCode(176) + " " + (" " + vector.distance.toFixed(1)).slice(-4) + "nm";
listString += (i + " " + vectorString + " " + padded + passingSide[i] + "\n");
listString.slice(0, -1); // drop the last newline
// create or update route in OpenCPN
if (replaceRoute){
try {
// error probably route does not exist
else {
routeGUID = OCPNaddRoute(route);
routeList.push({name:routeName, GUID:routeGUID}); // add to list of route marks
// display route
onDialogue(handleMessageDone, [
{type:"caption", value:"Route " + routeName + " (" + distance.toFixed(1) + "nm)"},
{type:"text", value:listString, style:{font:"courier"}},
{type:"button", label:"Dismiss"}
function handleMessageDone(){
onDialogue(handleConfig, config); // try again
function handleRL(routeListJS){ // receive list of routes in JSON and build index
var i;
routeList = JSON.parse(routeListJS);
if (routeList != null) {
if (routeList.length > 1){ // (changed from 0 because null entry when no routes)
if (!routeList[0]) routeList.shift(); // drop first null entry - don't know why it is there
onDialogue(handleConfig, config);
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