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Created July 17, 2019 00:53
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trd bot
import numpy as np
import sys
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Activation, Embedding, LSTM, RepeatVector
from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization
from keras.layers.wrappers import TimeDistributed
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from keras import optimizers
embedding_size = 64
hidden_dim = 128
num_decoder_layers = 2
num_word_tokens = 4000
batch_size = 16
dropout = 0.4
validation_split = 0.05
max_train_size = 80000 # lower this if getting low memory error
filename = 'trd-qna-short.txt'
lines = open(filename, encoding='utf8').read().lower().split('\n\n')
lines = [line.split('\n') for line in lines if len(line.strip()) > 0]
lines = [pair for pair in lines if len(pair[0].strip()) > 0 and len(pair[1].strip()) > 0]
X, Y = [list(tup) for tup in zip(*lines)]
tk = Tokenizer(num_words=num_word_tokens, filters='-;"#$%&*+,./<=>@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n')
tk.fit_on_texts(X + Y)
idx_to_word = { idx: word for word, idx in tk.word_index.items() }
num_samples = len(lines)
vocab_size = min(len(idx_to_word), num_word_tokens) + 2 # +1 for zero padding, +1 extra for EOS
EOS = vocab_size - 1
idx_to_word[0] = '_' # 'ツ'
idx_to_word[EOS] = '.' # 'ᐛ'
X = tk.texts_to_sequences(X)
Y = tk.texts_to_sequences(Y)
X = [seq + [EOS] for seq in X]
Y = [seq + [EOS] for seq in Y]
X = [seq[::-1] for seq in X]
input_length = np.max([len(x) for x in X])
output_length = np.max([len(y) for y in Y])
print('Max input length:', input_length)
print('Max output length:', output_length)
X = pad_sequences(X, maxlen=input_length, padding='pre')
Y = pad_sequences(Y, maxlen=output_length, padding='post')
num_samples_val = int(len(X) * validation_split)
num_samples_train = num_samples - num_samples_val
X_train, Y_train = X[:num_samples_train], Y[:num_samples_train]
X_val, Y_val = X[num_samples_train:], Y[num_samples_train:]
del X, Y
inp = Input(shape=(input_length,), dtype='int32')
x = Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_size, input_length=input_length, mask_zero=True)(inp)
x = BatchNormalization()(x)
encoder_out, *encoder_states = LSTM(hidden_dim, dropout=dropout, recurrent_dropout=dropout, return_state=True)(x)
encoder_out = RepeatVector(output_length)(encoder_out)
decoder_out = encoder_out
for i in range(num_decoder_layers):
decoder_out = LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences=True,
dropout=dropout, recurrent_dropout=dropout)(decoder_out, initial_state=encoder_states)
dense_out = TimeDistributed(Dense(vocab_size))(decoder_out)
predictions = Activation('softmax')(dense_out)
model = Model(inp, predictions)
optimizer = optimizers.Adam(clipnorm=1.5, lr=0.0002)
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
def shuffleXY(Xs, Ys):
idxs = np.arange(len(Xs))
return Xs[idxs], Ys[idxs]
if len(sys.argv) <= 2:
for epoch in range(500):
X_train, Y_train = shuffleXY(X_train, Y_train)
for i in range(0, num_samples_train, max_train_size):
i_end = min(i + max_train_size, num_samples_train)
print('Epoch #{} {}/{} samples'.format(epoch, i, num_samples_train))
np.expand_dims(Y_train[i:i_end], -1),
validation_data=(X_val, np.expand_dims(Y_val, -1)) if num_samples_val > 0 else None,
epochs=1 + epoch,
while True:
s = input('Go: ').lower()
if s == 'quit': break
if s == 'reload':
print('-- Reloaded model weights')
x = tk.texts_to_sequences([s])[0]
x = x + [EOS]
x = x[::-1]
x = pad_sequences([x], maxlen=input_length)
preds = model.predict(x)
indices = np.argmax(preds, axis=2)[0]
out = ' '.join([idx_to_word[idx] for idx in indices])
print('Output: [%s]' % out)
<antishok> :)
<trd`[away]> rofl
<Brandon> so do i
<Brandon> whats the big deal
<trd`[away]> הלו!
<Brandon> doron
<trd`[away]> דנית דיר באלק!
<NoaZoid> doron i dreamt that yossi told me that you and gil intend to fuck 17 times today
<trd`[away]> rofl noa
<The_Deeply_Scratched> אופסי
<trd`[away]> ששש יוסי
<Keos> טוב הייתי אומר משהו, אבל אני אשתוק בשביל גיל :)
<trd`[away]> יוסי
<shery> R!
<trd`[away]> wtf
<vlinder> <3 trd
<vlinder> does that /k work on DAL?
<trd`[away]> its an mirc macro.. not server specific
<vlinder> that's a good question
<trd`[away]> k im sick of bach
<Brandon> hrm
<trd`[away]> motherfucker
<Brandon> ;/
<trd`[away]> we're just naffis deprives
<vlinder> how often do you move?
<trd`[away]> about every 2.5 seconds
<RainDown> lol
<trd`[away]> who's dead?
<shery> women dont drive slow
<trd`[away]> 10 minutes and a free trip to the emergency room if you drive, yossi
<Keos> did you EVER pass an accident with me? :)
<Keos> did ANYONE in here EVER pass an accident with me?
<trd`[away]> yossi
<Keos> the only thing you ever got was exceeding heartbeats :)
<trd`[away]> so :)
<Keos> i tell ya
<Keos> we almost turned over
<trd`[away]> or 180 or whatever
<Keos> it was a matter of one second
<trd`[away]> you idiot
<Keos> you don't have any idea
<trd`[away]> 180 in a curve in ayalon
<Keos> zubi on everyone --> i have zero accidents
<trd`[away]> no shit Wilber, you discover it only now? :)
<shery> no
<shery> i'm putting dagesh on it now
<trd`[away]> yossi
<shery> trd want naffis?
<trd`[away]> you may be a good, or great or whatever driver
<Keos> what? :)
<trd`[away]> but when you DO make an accident
<Keos> yes
<Keos> i wo'nt live ;)
<trd`[away]> there wont be remains of you :)
<Keos> a truck
<Keos> muhahahahahhaha
<trd`[away]> yossi on a truck
<Keos> that would be fucking cool
<Keos> haha
<trd`[away]> now thats gonna give me nightmares
<Keos> all the kvish chof
<trd`[away]> eize only?
<shery> motherfucker. BRB
<trd`[away]> i see trucks driving almost that much..
<Keos> i'm cool
<trd`[away]> most of them
<Keos> i saw a truck
<Keos> you know those HUGE light poles near kesarya?
<trd`[away]> nop
<Keos> you see the truck completely fine, not a scrach, and you see the light pole on the ground
<Keos> it was so fucking funny
<trd`[away]> lol
<Keos> i actually slowed to 90 to see that :)
<trd`[away]> yossi on the other hand
<Keos> what does it matter
<trd`[away]> much easier to turnover etc
<Keos> i'd simply drive 150 all the way
<Keos> kciking whatever i have on the way
<trd`[away]> lol
<Keos> that's great!
<trd`[away]> who's ronny pitterson?
<LordPapi> trd`[away] hes supposed to be the best blues player in israel
<LordPapi> and even if hes not the best , hes close to it
<trd`[away]> isnt he some session guitarist
<LordPapi> + theres some nigger from texas wholl be playing with him
<trd`[away]> nu i told you, i cant pretend that im 25
<LordPapi> and shabat in gan ha ir
<trd`[away]> ah
<shery> cant u pretend ur 25
<trd`[away]> may be obi
<shery> blat i'm bored
<trd`[away]> Wilber, i look 15, with a beard 17..
<PreCog> Paths Of Glory is real early its not one of his big famous epics but its the strongest emotionally i think
<trd`[away]> yawn
<shery> :)
<shery> want naffis?
<trd`[away]> no, gotta wake up early tommorow
<PreCog> we have a better naffis!
<trd`[away]> Wilber, if i wont sleep my blood wont flow tommorow, and blood tests are most painful when you blood is thick
<shery> mine's wednesday :\
<shery> yap
<trd`[away]> wilber i cant
<shery> uff
<trd`[away]> its set for tomomrow
<PreCog> i wish u'd come to haifa lishrotz benaffis with me like u do there
<trd`[away]> ya shery
<PreCog> bah
<trd`[away]> avichai, if you'd pay me for the gas i'd go to naffis haifa :)
<shery> hehe
<trd`[away]> whats wrong with being a naffis maniac.
<shery> in me
<shery> the wish master
<trd`[away]> anyhow
<shery> ata stam
<trd`[away]> wilber we were discussing important things,
<vlinder> Is that Hebrew for fuck you?
<trd`[away]> such as naffis
<shery> lol
<shery> i dont floor
<trd`[away]> vlinder nope, it means sth else
<vlinder> but what?
<trd`[away]> hrm
<shery> "you're just."
<trd`[away]> literally it means "you're nothing" or sth
<shery> uffffffff
<trd`[away]> shery
<shery> doron, how about tarabin? :)
<trd`[away]> i know the way to haifa
<PreCog> as in "you're just..." a nobody
<trd`[away]> i agree to go to naffis haifa now :)
<PreCog> its a 90min drive
<trd`[away]> hehe
<shery> if you pay the gas
<shery> i will drive
<trd`[away]> i do it in 40 minz usually
<PreCog> WTF????
<trd`[away]> dude its 90km..
<PreCog> 75 minimum
<trd`[away]> no way
<PreCog> u loco
<trd`[away]> even if i drive at 90km/h, it'll take just an hour
<shery> zehu?
<shery> doron, you paying gas? i can leave the house in 3 minutes
<trd`[away]> Wilber, i did the way 3 times.. (6 times haloch hazor)
<trd`[away]> i agree
<shery> if we wanna go we gotta go now. i need the car back by 7am
<shery> ok
<trd`[away]> it'll be about 60nis gas
<shery> howmuch is it gonna cost?
<trd`[away]> split by 3, 20 nis each
<shery> trd, so why won't you drive?
<shery> if its just 60nis?
<trd`[away]> Wilber, for many reasons
<shery> i'll pay 30 nis if you drive :)
<trd`[away]> 1) my car usually turns itself off at long rides
<shery> lol
<shery> darn
<trd`[away]> 3) i need to get the car back on the morning.. like 6am
<PreCog> if me n shery split the gas will u drive?
<trd`[away]> look
<shery> darnit
<shery> now i've got a devil shery and an angel shery on my shoulders
<trd`[away]> avichai, naffis is in the northern part of haifa right? right next to the exit to the krayot etc from north ?
<PreCog> bah... it'll fall on the car thing...
<PreCog> yeah
<trd`[away]> i remember i saw it last time i went to nahariya by car
<PreCog> u go to check post which is the interchange to akko
<trd`[away]> yup i remember
<vlinder> lol
<trd`[away]> Wilber, hour plus
<shery> its too long
<shery> brb potty break
<trd`[away]> its 40min from my place, 40-50min.. but if u drive on 140 :)
<PreCog> ah... one day u'll come here... i dream...
<trd`[away]> wait avichai
<shery> bah
<trd`[away]> u there?
<shery> my mom's still up
<shery> doron.. what if we go to haifa tomorrow noon/afternoonish?
<trd`[away]> im teaching afternoon.
<shery> you're teaching??
<trd`[away]> i dont have car
<shery> who?
<trd`[away]> at those hours
<shery> why?
<trd`[away]> some russian kid
<shery> i have car
<trd`[away]> shery
<shery> with your car? :)
<trd`[away]> yeah
<shery> why cant you pick me up? i'm close to haifa than you are :(
<trd`[away]> huh? :)
<shery> no i aint
<shery> i'm mizracha to you
<trd`[away]> southeast
<shery> east
<trd`[away]> anyhow
<shery> why's she up
<shery> life's simpler when she aint up
<trd`[away]> tell her you driving to a friend in savyon or something
<vlinder> Go "polish"? LOL
<trd`[away]> tell her she's having a vampiric crises
<PreCog> what? who's driving?
<trd`[away]> myself
<PreCog> shery take ur cell
<PreCog> i live 10min from Naffis, or 5min trd style
<trd`[away]> uri wnana goto haifa
<Brandon> you need to go to the doctor
<Brandon> my mom stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks with pneumonia
<trd`[away]> whats pneuomonia
<Brandon> it makes you feel like an iraqi
<Brandon> maybe worse
<trd`[away]> ah
<Brandon> uri
<trd`[away]> it takes more than just coughing for that
<Brandon> yey\
<trd`[away]> hrm
<PreCog> ello ello
<trd`[away]> hi there
<PreCog> yes that was
<trd`[away]> but it was interesting aswell
<PreCog> isnt it nice to be wondefully demented?
<trd`[away]> yes
<PreCog> lol
<trd`[away]> hey, tonight i might pick you up and we'll goto beer sheva.
<PreCog> yes!
<trd`[away]> lol
<PreCog> Beer Sheva
<PreCog> the next destination
<trd`[away]> the wonderful city of etiopim and naffis
<PreCog> we're running out of
<PreCog> or we change network
<trd`[away]> lol
<PreCog> nevah!
<trd`[away]> lets open our own naffis place
<PreCog> yes
<PreCog> a franchise
<trd`[away]> franchise?
<PreCog> yes we'll franchise Naffis
<trd`[away]> whats franchise?
<Brandon> you will buy the rights to it and make it a corporation
<trd`[away]> ah
<Brandon> laterz
<Brandon> night
<trd`[away]> cya brandon
<PreCog> nite
<trd`[away]> lets, avichai
<PreCog> :)
<trd`[away]> it'll be kusemek-naffis
<PreCog> Tveria
<PreCog> ?
<trd`[away]> no, tel aviv
<Legonar> yes!
<Legonar> come to jer!
<trd`[away]> ok
<PreCog> the point is stay clear of TLV thats what theyre doing
<PreCog> dont u see?
<trd`[away]> ah
<PreCog> !!!
<PreCog> genius
<trd`[away]> btw
<PreCog> Jerusalem!
<trd`[away]> as to the conversation we had earlier
<PreCog> yeah i'm used to public trans
<trd`[away]> ah
<PreCog> but even in sane ppl car it takes about that
<trd`[away]> no no
<PreCog> hifa to t.a. takes an hour
<trd`[away]> sane people car its an hour
<PreCog> not me
<PreCog> drove 100
<trd`[away]> why?
<PreCog> ok not sane - legally abiding citizens
<trd`[away]> lol
<PreCog> shery's home safe?
<trd`[away]> not yet
<Legonar> so trd
<Legonar> when are you coming
<trd`[away]> mark
<Legonar> cool man
<trd`[away]> with a 45 minutes bream
<Legonar> lol
<trd`[away]> but not THAT insane
<PreCog> Insano The Clown
<PreCog> Insano The Red Dragon
<trd`[away]> and now, i will go to sleep
<vlinder> bye
<trd`[away]> noooooooo
<RainDown> the mess I didn't do, and don't care about
<RainDown> he cares about it, he can clean it
<trd`[away]> יוסי!!!!!!!
<Keos> מה?
<trd`[away]> אני אהרוג אותך
<Legonar> trrrrd
<trd`[away]> זוכר את הריח של הנבלה באוטו שלי שיש כבר שבועיים?
<Keos> נו מה זה :)))
<trd`[away]> זוכר שהעברנו לך בשר מחיפה לפני שבועיים?!?!
<antishok> “High school, as we all know, is some sort of sick, sadistic punishment of kids by adults seeking vengeance because they can no longer lead the responsibility-free, screwing-aroung-24/7 lives young people enjoy. What other explanation could there be for those four brutal years of degrading comments, physical abuse, and the belief that you're the only one not having sex?”
<trd`[away]> ולא הוצאת אותו??
<Keos> יוווווווווווו
<Keos> איזה סרטטטטטטט
<trd`[away]> דפוק
<Keos> בקעו לך תולעים
<trd`[away]> חודש אני נחנק שם.
<Keos> באוטו?
<trd`[away]> לא
<Keos> איך גילית את זה?!
<trd`[away]> ההורים שלי מצאו
<Keos> איזה זה היה?
<Keos> לול
<trd`[away]> חשבנו שיש נבלה, חתול מת או משהו
<Keos> רגע
<Keos> מה קרה לבשר?
<trd`[away]> לא יודע, אבא שלי הוציא..
<RainDown> yuck
<trd`[away]> כמה זמן זה מאז חיפה?
<Keos> מעניין איך זה נראה
<Keos> יותר..
<trd`[away]> חודש ..
<Keos> לזבובים
<Keos> ז"א
<trd`[away]> רגעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעע!
<RainDown> ICHS
<trd`[away]> אחרי שתי שניות
<trd`[away]> ממש גדולים
<Keos> כנראה שהרימות
<Keos> בקעו
<trd`[away]> מה חשבתי שננתי לך לשים לי בשר באוטו :)
<RainDown> ...היה לך ביוטופ במכונית, דורון
<RainDown> ואפילו לא ידעת
<trd`[away]> חח
<RainDown> מגעיל
<RainDown> מגעיל
<trd`[away]> יוסי בטח ממש מאושר עכשיו :)
<Keos> גדלו שם זבובים כבר
<Keos> אני מקווה שאין לו תולעים בריפוד :)
<trd`[away]> יוסי
<RainDown> where exactly was the meat?
<trd`[away]> שאלתי את אבא שלי
<Keos> אוי
<trd`[away]> ולא היו זבובים/רימות וכו'
<Keos> אלוהים יודע איזה כישרון יש לי :)
<Keos> גיל
<trd`[away]> יוסי אפילו לא חשבתי שאתה קשור לזה הפעם
<Ck3> its like the mcdonalds stink bomb, take2
<trd`[away]> אתה מפתיע אותי מחדש כל פעם :)
<Keos> טוב דורון, לא התכוונתי :)
<Keos> סליחה :)
<trd`[away]> זה היה *הרבה* יותר גרוע ממה שהיה במקדונלנד
<Keos> אין מצב..
<Keos> דורון אני אשים לך את מה שעשיתי שם במקדונלס אתה תמות
<trd`[away]> יוסי, זה התבשל באוטו חודש..
<Keos> היד שלי הסריחה שבוע אח"כ ...
<trd`[away]> im off to colia
<Keos> בםךןש?
<Keos> colia?
<trd`[away]> the kid im teaching
<Keos> ומלוכלך
<Keos> בטח גם גזען
<trd`[away]> הוא יותר נקי ממך.
<RainDown> Uri, that's just stupid
<trd`[away]> antishok, helping him with homework etc..
<antishok> o
<trd`[away]> k gtg
<antishok> whatever.
<antishok> hmm and actually not just kids, but if i go there ill be working witih kids.
<trd`[away]> cool
<Damogran> hmm, what happened to pot?
<trd`[away]> lol
<Ck3> you worked with disabled kids once in the past no?
<Ck3> maybe try enabled ones this time
<trd`[away]> rofl
<Damogran> lol
<trd`[away]> that made me crackup :)
<DrunKat> and harder english
<DrunKat> english as hard as hebrew
<trd`[away]> math is easier in SATs
<DrunKat> trd: it is? that would explain a lot
<trd`[away]> DrunKat, not by a lot, but atleast so i've heard by people who took both tests
<shery> maybe i should've applied for the sat?
<trd`[away]> tho english is much harder.
<shery> brb
<trd`[away]> Wilber maybe, its equivalent to psychometry and universities accept it the same
<Brandon> she means 90210
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> roflmao
<Brandon> she is from malaysia..maybe thats 90210 in malaysian
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> heheh
<Brandon> btw doron
<Brandon> merry christmas :P
<trd`[away]> happy hanuka brandon. :)
<Brandon> i will make sure to dig my kippa out of the garage
<Brandon> :)
<trd`[away]> heh
<Brandon> mmmmm
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> hmmmmmmmm
<Brandon> :)
<trd`[away]> !
<Brandon> i asked somebody from isreal
<Brandon> they said they never heard of naffies
<trd`[away]> prolly an arab
<shery> naffi's is for special ppl
<trd`[away]> huh wilber
<shery> their friends didnt :)
<shery> their friends didnt :)
<trd`[away]> everyone know bout naffis.
<shery> their friends didnt :)
<shery> :)
<trd`[away]> everyone know bout naffis.
<shery> *i* didnt know about it before i met you
<trd`[away]> even brandon, and he lives in alabama, knows about naffis
<Brandon> hrm
<Brandon> eh
<trd`[away]> brandon, wanna help us open a naffis restraunt in alabama
<Brandon> i will be living in texas
<Brandon> ;/
<trd`[away]> texas?
<shery> she'll have the redception in naffi's!
<shery> reception
<trd`[away]> ye gonna be a cowboy?
<shery> nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaffis
<trd`[away]> nafis!
<Brandon> burgers?
<trd`[away]> yup brandon
<shery> mike's place got pork chops
<trd`[away]> camel?
<Brandon> when i asked him why
<Brandon> he said
<trd`[away]> brandon we've been going to some american pub for a few weeks already
<Brandon> Where would we keep cows
<trd`[away]> instead of naffis :/
<shery> doron doron doron
<shery> lets goto naffis
<trd`[away]> everyone speak english there
<Brandon> its a bar
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> bar. whatever :)
<Brandon> doron
<Brandon> i gotta send you that song one day
<trd`[away]> shery but im tired
<Brandon> uri is hooked on it
<trd`[away]> lol
<shery> so?
<shery> :)
<trd`[away]> hrm
<shery> the fatut calls you
<shery> and the real zatar too
<trd`[away]> ://///
<shery> you have to take revenge on smir!
<shery> for stealing the zatar last time!
<trd`[away]> dilema.
<Brandon> how much does gas cost there
<trd`[away]> brandon too much
<Brandon> how much?
<trd`[away]> hrm lemme think
<shery> 50$
<trd`[away]> like 55$
<shery> trd if we go to naffis rishon you'll be 10-15 minutes late
<shery> trd if we go to naffis rishon you'll be 10-15 minutes late
<trd`[away]> ya
<shery> and if you leave now
<trd`[away]> its about x3 in here
<shery> we dont make the oil
<trd`[away]> brandon
<Brandon> go invade your own country:P
<trd`[away]> since we, the jews, the chosen people, were so lucky, we were put in the one little spot in the whole middle east that DOESNT have oil. somehow
<Brandon> god loves yall alright
<trd`[away]> heheh
<shery> but moist
<shery> icksa
<trd`[away]> and we were doomed to eat at naffis daily for the rest of our lives
<Brandon> we got 2 inches of snow 3 days ago
<trd`[away]> now THATS hell!
<shery> fatut
<trd`[away]> naffis.
<shery> yalla
<trd`[away]> hr,
<shery> naffi's rishon
<shery> and you're 10-15mins late
<trd`[away]> ill be late. :/
<Brandon> is naffis a mans name or what
<trd`[away]> nope brandon
<shery> does she leave the house at 7:00/
<trd`[away]> its a verb meaning to smoke weed or sth like that :)
<shery> tell her to take a bus :)
<trd`[away]> sure
<shery> can you finish a whole fatut
<shery> in 15 mins?
<trd`[away]> i can finish it in 1 minute
<shery> if you you'll make it
<trd`[away]> thats what i did last time
<shery> it wasnt last time
<shery> last time that i was there ti was with avichai
<trd`[away]> one before one before one before one before one before one before one before last time
<shery> and you ate maybe 3 bites
<shery> lol
<trd`[away]> shery
<Brandon> so i mean
<trd`[away]> drive here, ill take us to herzeliya
<shery> i dont have the car
<shery> dad's in the country
<trd`[away]> ah
<shery> i' have already offered to drive otherwise :)
<trd`[away]> and ask him for a ride
<shery> dad in tel aviv
<trd`[away]> so he'll pick me up first
<shery> lol
<trd`[away]> brandon they have lotsa stuff
<Brandon> redneck stuff
<Brandon> they got that?:P
<trd`[away]> thats boring
<shery> it aint
<trd`[away]> "its INHUMAN TO STARVE FOR NAFFFISS please" "well alright, ill pick u up in 10 minutes!"
<Brandon> lol
<trd`[away]> bran arent ya 18?
<Brandon> for about 3 months doron
<trd`[away]> wilber, she's american
<shery> so what
<shery> mine are gruzinim
<trd`[away]> ah
<shery> i should be married by now and pregnant with the 2nd or 3rd child :)
<trd`[away]> brandon u dont wanna know
<Brandon> ;/
<Brandon> i bet they helped topple the government:P
<trd`[away]> hrm
<shery> mm
<shery> we need a !seen feature for KusBot
<trd`[away]> i made one once
<Brandon> P)
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> :)
<trd`[away]> shery, but it was buggy
<shery> mm
<trd`[away]> she taking insulin bran?
<shery> :\
<shery> bitching doesnt help
<trd`[away]> my grandpa had diabetes .. and he discovered it real light, right before he was about to lose his vision, and the dr's told him its too late and he'll probably die within a year.. anyhow he went to a strict diet and still lives
<Brandon> eh
<Brandon> Well doron listen to this
<trd`[away]> light=late
<Brandon> Breast,Colon,Lung and throat cancer. Diabeties and heart disease.
<Brandon> -_-
<trd`[away]> shery it was 30 years ago, he completely got out of it.. but he had a very strict diet for a year.. he ate sth like only cucumbers or something :)
<shery> whoa
<shery> hehe
<trd`[away]> healthy woman wasnt she?
<shery> most ppl on my dad's side have diabetes... and i seem to have most of their genes
<trd`[away]> ya
<Brandon> you know whats weird
<Brandon> They say its genetic
<trd`[away]> it is
<Brandon> But they say the first cases didnt happen until the 1900s
<trd`[away]> hrm
<Brandon> talking about that stuff
<Brandon> first heart attack every recorded wasin america in like 1904
<trd`[away]> well maybe the first case was discovered in the 1900s
<shery> i have bad general health and mental cases from my mom's side of the family, over-weight hormonal disbalance diabetes from dad's side :\
<trd`[away]> yup
<Brandon> shery
<Brandon> we may be related
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> my aunt kathy
<trd`[away]> you do look a bit alabamian when i come to think of it, shery
<Brandon> she is screwed up
<trd`[away]> my uncle was schysophrenic and suicided in the mental hospital 10 years ago
<shery> my granny and other aunt were locked in mental institutes multipy times :\
<trd`[away]> everyone are insane
<Brandon> We are all crazy fucks.
<trd`[away]> i seriously cant think of one person i know whom is normal
<Brandon> What does alabama person look like?
<Brandon> No teeth?:P
<trd`[away]> brandon, redneck :)
<Brandon> you look like my aunt
<trd`[away]> you cant define it, but when you look at a redneck, you know you see one
<Brandon> if you can define one by sight
<Brandon> you can define one in words
<trd`[away]> yes, if you're bored enough :)
<Brandon> lemme help
<Brandon> a redneck is a fat guy,no teeth,lives in a trailor?
<trd`[away]> hmm
<shery> whts lunatic about me? :P
<trd`[away]> bald
<shery> no
<shery> named bubba
<trd`[away]> yup
<Brandon> And im serious
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> lol
<shery> lol
<shery> lol
<trd`[away]> see, you got true redneck genes :)
<shery> the white house isnt even white!
<trd`[away]> brandon, we dont really generalize you as redneck land, its just fun to make jokes at
<Brandon> she is on the right
<Brandon> those are the hilton sisters
<trd`[away]> ugly
<shery> they both are
<trd`[away]> maybe
<shery> ukresistance?
<trd`[away]> uglier
<shery> iew
<shery> she's fuckin ugly
<trd`[away]> hot body tho
<Brandon> since you called me illiterate
<Brandon> you have splled 7 words wrong
<trd`[away]> lol
<shery> brandon
<shery> iliteracy and dyslexia aren't the same
<trd`[away]> who gives a fuck about spelling
<shery> i've already explained you that
<trd`[away]> stop it already you two
<shery> i cant feel my fingers
<shery> so i got a good excuse
<trd`[away]> shery,eat them
<Brandon> in the world
<Brandon> hands down
<trd`[away]> was at kfc yesterday
<shery> kfc?
<trd`[away]> was fucking disgusting
<Brandon> kentucky fried chicken
<Brandon> slut
<trd`[away]> yup
<Brandon> i had popcorn chicken from there today
<trd`[away]> thats why it was disgusting shery :)
<Brandon> its
<Brandon> communism!
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> hrm
<trd`[away]> hrm
<Brandon> i will remember that next time im going down on a vege girl..i will skip the question on how the cucumber got there
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> WTF
<trd`[away]> no
<trd`[away]> she's good looking
<shery> brandon
<trd`[away]> cute
<shery> every 2nd chick is better looking
<shery> than her
<trd`[away]> huh
<shery> yah
<trd`[away]> every 2nd chick would beg to be better looking than her
<shery> not at her, brandon
<shery> and not at that hotel chick earlier
<trd`[away]> rofl
<shery> and then school
<shery> :|
<trd`[away]> shery
<Brandon> leziahtrhot or whatever
<trd`[away]> how do u write
<shery> but i dunno how to spell in hebre w:)
<shery> my mom found the paper i wrote onhow to get to chen's
<trd`[away]> k
<shery> i spelled "kikar" with kuf
<trd`[away]> rofl
<Brandon> nknonuke?
<trd`[away]> "rom for rant, 350$ inkeluding everising, no agsgesy"
<shery> godamn russian :)
<shery> everything
<trd`[away]> lol
<shery> "room for rent, 250$ including everything, no agency"
<trd`[away]> yup
<Brandon> lol
<trd`[away]> brandon
<shery> ah
<shery> btw
<trd`[away]> its called
<shery> doron
<trd`[away]> "Agencies"
<shery> this is the real jimi version :)
<trd`[away]> aye shery
<shery> but you sent me leni kravits
<shery> cuz you thought it was jimi
<trd`[away]> ya
<shery> lmao
<trd`[away]> look
<shery> its what i told u in the first plac,e no?
<trd`[away]> no matter how much you suck,
<shery> i have leni's greatest cd somewhere
<trd`[away]> you cant take a great song and completely ruin it
<Brandon> i DUNNO
<Brandon> yes you can
<trd`[away]> lol
<shery> fawk i'm hungry
<shery> zzz time!
<trd`[away]> k
<shery> or i'll fall asleep in class again
<trd`[away]> me sleep aswell
<shery> bye
<trd`[away]> night
<Brandon> Well, i will take a shower and go to sleep also.
<trd`[away]> cya bran
<Brandon> hrm
<trd`[away]> 00100
<shery> ill be zzzing then
<shery> bye
<trd`[away]> cya
<Keos> it looks as if the bitches try to save on the plastic now
<Keos> it's more bendable ;)
<trd`[away]> u lost ur license?
<Keos> forgot?
<Keos> fucking bitches
<trd`[away]> ah
<Keos> and now i got the plastic
<Keos> u pay in bank hadoar
<trd`[away]> ah
<Keos> and then u get the plastic in the mail
<trd`[away]> hrm
<Keos> ba li antebe
<Keos> doron, wanna goto antebe? :)
<trd`[away]> antebe?
<Keos> it's a resturant
<Keos> in or yehuda
<trd`[away]> meat place? :)
<Keos> and fries
<Keos> and humus
<trd`[away]> yes
<Keos> :)))
<trd`[away]> forget about it :)
<vlinder> lol
<trd`[away]> eize 10 types bidyuk? :)
<vlinder> Do you like salad doron?
<trd`[away]> yeah vlin
<vlinder> and you couldn't find one you wanted? Lol
<trd`[away]> vlinder he took me to a meat place, and im a veggie, so :)
<Heaven_Denied> Tromeo and Juliet looked very nice
<Heaven_Denied> Surf Nazis should be histerical
<trd`[away]> vova thats the targil?
<antishok> lmds,m
<antishok> ..!
<trd`[away]> bb in a few days
<LordPapi> hmm
<trd`[away]> historical moment
<LordPapi> maybe i should take a shower
<trd`[away]> passing from stone age to adsl
<RainDown> Now that's a reason to celebrate.
<trd`[away]> obi i considered it :)
<RainDown> poor guy. 21 and working at McD's
<RainDown> Doron?
<trd`[away]> aye
<RainDown> got adsl now?
<trd`[away]> yup
<Brandon> "Canada's air force, as well as either the army or navy, will likely cease to exist around the end of this decade unless the federal government orders a massive infusion of cash, warns a Queen's University study... If the situation isn't fixed, Canada will have trouble exerting control over its own territory, making a contribution to the international scene and repairing the country's damaged relationship with the U.S., the study concludes... 'If th
<Brandon> :D
<trd`[away]> highh
<Brandon> i saw pita today
<Brandon> looks nasty :|
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> some type of chocolate roll
<Brandon> really good
<trd`[away]> highh
<Brandon> i was just about to say
<Brandon> somebody has been smoking the whacky weed
<trd`[away]> ya
<Brandon> So whats you and Smir been doing?:P
<trd`[away]> hangin out and smoking
<Brandon> lol
<trd`[away]> a
<Brandon> sick?
<trd`[away]> no
<Brandon> smoking?
<trd`[away]> ya
<Brandon> sucks
<trd`[away]> ya
<Brandon> i got a friend who just stopped cigs
<Brandon> he coughs alot
<trd`[away]> i dont do cigs, thats disgusting
<Brandon> i agree
<Brandon> its very disgusting
<trd`[away]> u got hairs in ur throat?
<Brandon> yeah
<Brandon> helps push your food down
<trd`[away]> dunno about u
<Brandon> not literal hair
<trd`[away]> but i dont have hairs in my throat
<Brandon> not literal hair
<Brandon> i dont remember what its called
<trd`[away]> so when i start balding, my hairs in throat will fall off too?
<Brandon> lol
<Brandon> smartass :P
<trd`[away]> anyhow
<Brandon> so is weed
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> but weed is fun :)
<Brandon> and pointless
<trd`[away]> and might help you out of depressions
<Brandon> thats bull
<Brandon> it only masks it for a short period of time
<trd`[away]> yes
<Brandon> after your high is gone
<trd`[away]> exactly
<Brandon> the depression comes back
<trd`[away]> ofcourse
<Brandon> its a waste of money
<trd`[away]> but why be bummed 24 hours a day if you can be bummed for 16 hours a day? :)
<Brandon> id rather buy videogames
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> money? i take from friends :)
<Brandon> you sleep
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> well
<Brandon> hrm
<trd`[away]> or so
<Brandon> what dreams?
<Brandon> are you ok
<trd`[away]> dont remember them
<Brandon> none that i woke up crying
<trd`[away]> and u didnt know exactly why
<Brandon> never
<trd`[away]> and that feeling stayed for some other hours
<Brandon> nah
<Brandon> jews are just weird like that
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> thats your problem
<trd`[away]> well i know it happens to me, and to some people i know
<Brandon> Iv noticed
<Brandon> all my dreams are a copilation of things that happened in the day
<trd`[away]> duh
<Brandon> so there you go
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> and i remember exactly to this day
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> ?
<Brandon> personal
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> ?
<LordPapi> he is so stupid
<LordPapi> trd`[away] THIS owns
<trd`[away]> yup
<LordPapi> it got a grammy award
<trd`[away]> sup maya
<PaPaYa> kaparaa(: ma kore
<trd`[away]> obi seems like stevie ray's instrumental parts are the best
<LordPapi> hes amazing
<LordPapi> also hes not much of a singer so..
<trd`[away]> dunno, for me, when i listen to blues parts with singing, it all sounds +- the same.. but instrumental parts have much more givun
<LordPapi> its important to me
<LordPapi> listen to this
<trd`[away]> k
<LordPapi> im going to eat, bbs
<trd`[away]> cya
<Legonar> yo trs
<trd`[away]> hi
<LordPapi> turd
<LordPapi> did i send you lenny?
<trd`[away]> yup long ago
<LordPapi> ok
<trd`[away]> i can even play part of it lol
<LordPapi> heh
<LordPapi> its not that hard mostly
<trd`[away]> like
<mu> hi all
<trd`[away]> hi
<mu> ::: Motorhead - Ace of spades : 2:49 : 128kbps : Joint Stereo :::
<trd`[away]> faith has been brokennnnnn
<vlinder> ever the optimist :)
<trd`[away]> nice song obi.
<Damogran> hmm, what to download, neverwinter nights or baldur's gate 2?
<trd`[away]> goddamn
<Damogran> keos said he's got a timer to ping himself once a minute so he won't idle out
<trd`[away]> why does it happen?
<Damogran> no idea
<trd`[away]> and what i get is
<Keos> [20:57:11] -> [keos] PING
<Keos> [20:58:11] -> [keos] PING
<trd`[away]> yeah only irc, and only since i moved to netvision
<Keos> i get the same trd
<trd`[away]> keos the question is why
<antishok> im on nv
<antishok> doesnt happen to me
<trd`[away]> nope keos
<antishok> ya
<trd`[away]> or cables?
<Keos> how many connections do you have in therE?
<Keos> try shutting it down and see
<trd`[away]> none
<Damogran> heh, who's the idiot that said the topic
<trd`[away]> Gil asks: who's responsible for the topic? I'm protesting.
<LordPapi> lol
<trd`[away]> that's wh WHOLE point
<Legonar> bbbbbbbbblah
<Legonar> anyone alive?
<Keos> lol
<Keos> i remember shit from what i studied
<trd`[away]> Keos
<Keos> yeah
<trd`[away]> yalla
<Keos> or should i stay home
<Keos> god damnit
<trd`[away]> keos, by 3 we'll be back
<Keos> eize
<Keos> tomorrow test ;)
<trd`[away]> nu shtuyot
<Keos> yalla hush ;)
<Keos> i can't believe i missed gil smoking 1st time y/d
<trd`[away]> i cnat believe im back working on the mud
<Keos> imma kill you
<Keos> what happened to our proggie ;)
<trd`[away]> ma yesh
<Keos> מחר אתה פנוי?
<trd`[away]> mahar we meet alon, mastul.
<Keos> ואלון מטומטם
<Keos> הוא אומר לי
<trd`[away]> lo yodea, but im teaching colia at noon
<Keos> אם יש תקלה בחשמל, מי משלם?
<Keos> אהה...... אופס
<trd`[away]> rofl
<Keos> בקיצור
<Keos> אין לך מושג
<trd`[away]> and that person u trust to make millions :)
<Keos> הוא מזליסט אבל
<Keos> יש לו מזל בשטויות
<trd`[away]> dunno
<Keos> לול \
<trd`[away]> seriously.. i dont trust him at all
<Keos> השאלה זה כמה ממה שהוא מספר אמיתי
<Keos> וכמה מנופח
<trd`[away]> yossi
<Keos> תראה, יש לי רעיון של בערך 100 שורות קוד.. זה לא העיניין
<trd`[away]> u trust people too easily..
<Keos> הקטע זה הרעיון :)
<Keos> אמרתי לך את הרעיון שלי :)
<trd`[away]> whats ur idea?
<Keos> אין כזה דבר עדיין :)
<trd`[away]> wont work :)
<Keos> למה לא?
<Keos> אתה יודע כמה אנשים רוצים
<trd`[away]> u cant make $$ off ads in the inet today
<Keos> מי אמר הודעות?
<Keos> אנשים נרשמים לכאלה דברים
<trd`[away]> very few ppl
<Keos> וזה שטויות ד"א
<trd`[away]> and u'll be a fish in the sea
<Keos> מי נותן את זה?
<Keos> כי לכזה דבר, איכותי, אני מוכן להירשם
<trd`[away]> many ppl claim they do
<shery> ornshtein
<shery> hi doron
<trd`[away]> hi shosh
<Keos> יש כבר כאלה רצים באינטרנט
<trd`[away]> nu bidyuk
<Keos> השאלה היא מה הזכויות על כזה דבר
<Keos> לא !
<trd`[away]> so its kaele that ppl saw 50 times
<antishok> hi dooron
<trd`[away]> hi yvgny
<Keos> WTF
<Keos> בטח היא הקיאה :)
<trd`[away]> nope
<antishok> whats keglevich
<trd`[away]> היא יודעת לשתות :)
<Keos> איכס
<Keos> זה נורא פשוט
<trd`[away]> anyhow my entire family is drunk now from keglevich and are watching harry poter in the living room together
<Keos> איזה עצום זה יהיה לעשות מיקסים למוסיקה קלאסית!
<Keos> אבל בטירוף!
<trd`[away]> זה גועל נפש :)
<Keos> עצום
<Keos> לא שמעת את המיקס ששלחתי לך?
<trd`[away]> לא
<Keos> היה כזה גדול
<trd`[away]> אני מפחד בכלל לפתוח את הקובץ
<Keos> מההתחלה
<Keos> עד הסוף
<trd`[away]> pshhh
<Keos> screw you bitch
<Keos> it's really good
<trd`[away]> well i look at it this way
<Keos> great
<Keos> ;)
<trd`[away]> it would be great,
<Keos> shuttup.
<Keos> russian shit.
<trd`[away]> lol
<Keos> אתה מת מהשיר הזה
<Keos> פשוט מת
<trd`[away]> i cant receive on icq
<RainDown> lol
<trd`[away]> i'd dildo that if i wouldnt be afraid she'd come back one day and be offended :)
<RainDown> lol
<trd`[away]> lol
<RainDown> either molested by Micheal jackson, or by his parents.
<trd`[away]> trd (3:14 AM) :
<LordPapi> because there was no need
<trd`[away]> gah
<Keos> וואי
<Keos> וואי
<trd`[away]> howdy noa
<Keos> wtf is wrong with brandon
<Keos> omfg
<trd`[away]> hi obi
<Keos> doron!!!
<trd`[away]> yossi motek shpilman?
<shery> lol
<trd`[away]> noa
<NoaZoid> yes?
<trd`[away]> shpilman? :)
<LordPapi> lol?
<trd`[away]> a bit keos
<LordPapi> stam it is hard
<trd`[away]> buh it sucks, i think i ruined my guitar
<LordPapi> which one? how?
<trd`[away]> the classical
<LordPapi> lol noa you sound like my mother
<trd`[away]> i left it really near to the heather for like 15 minz
<LordPapi> rofl
<trd`[away]> it didnt even untune or anything.. but now i see the bridge might be coming out :)
<LordPapi> ouch doron
<LordPapi> take it to herzel
<trd`[away]> herzel?
<Keos> eize mazal zain
<trd`[away]> well atleast im lucky i didnt buy an expensive guitar
<NoaZoid> lets
<NoaZoid> lets
<trd`[away]> really noa? cool
<NoaZoid> havent been to naffis in ages
<trd`[away]> i didnt say naffis
<shery> ((naffis haifa))
<trd`[away]> fuck ur naffis.
<Legonar> doron
<Legonar> take me to naffis
<trd`[away]> ?
<NoaZoid> so are we going to naffis or not?
<trd`[away]> nope
<NoaZoid> its like food for homeless
<trd`[away]> noa
<NoaZoid> haha, im poorer than you are, by definition
<NoaZoid> soldiers< everyone
<trd`[away]> not really if u include debts :)_
<NoaZoid> i owe 2000 nis
<NoaZoid> how bout you?
<trd`[away]> lintra i have uni debts. :)
<NoaZoid> no no
<NoaZoid> only stupid americans
<trd`[away]> rofl
<NoaZoid> i wanna be on the flyinf camel squadron
<trd`[away]> brandon is getting on my nerves
<LordPapi> yes yes yes please
<LordPapi> I'm playing Lynard Skynard - Free Bird (10:05) (playing)
<trd`[away]> first of all he's been an annoying fuck lately
<NoaZoid> its fun to be here in the middle of the week :)
<trd`[away]> secondly he went and helshin to vered about the topic
<antishok> wtf brandon told vered about the topic?
<trd`[away]> yup
<antishok> how do you know?
<trd`[away]> i have my sources
<antishok> my place at 9..
<trd`[away]> noa if u go naffis pick me up
<NoaZoid> :|
<NoaZoid> if u wanna uri, come naffis with us after work
<trd`[away]> who'll personally kill me if i make vered come back in the chan?
<LordPapi> doron
<trd`[away]> uri its not that ill try to convince her..
<LordPapi> but
<LordPapi> you know what will happen
<trd`[away]> but im talking to her and it might happen
<LordPapi> shell talk to me and to noa
<LordPapi> and then shell run away
<trd`[away]> obi i talk to her now and it really seems she changed
<LordPapi> ROFL
<LordPapi> no she didnt
<trd`[away]> how dya know?
<LordPapi> if any of you will give her my number
<LordPapi> i swear ill hunt you and shoot you down
<trd`[away]> er
<antishok> i wont give it to her
<trd`[away]> i gave it to her last night
<NoaZoid> with me too
<trd`[away]> sababa
<NoaZoid> concentrate
<NoaZoid> which naffis and who picks who
<trd`[away]> naffis be'er sheva
<shery> lol
<trd`[away]> עשרים דקות ואת פה!
<NoaZoid> ah
<NoaZoid> ?|
<trd`[away]> noa when u pick us up?
<NoaZoid> WHERE are we going?
<trd`[away]> naffis holon?
<NoaZoid> obi, tered, how bout 9ish?
<trd`[away]> noa im freezing
<LordPapi> so doron where do you live?
<LordPapi> and what about shery?
<trd`[away]> ramat gan
<LordPapi> ah
<LordPapi> doron where in ramat gan?
<trd`[away]> arlozorov pinat bialik pinat sirkin pinat krinitzi.
<LordPapi> ah i know where it is
<LordPapi> nehedar
<trd`[away]> cool
<NoaZoid> iiiick
<trd`[away]> whos pickin shery up?
<LordPapi> she said she isnt
<trd`[away]> ah
<LordPapi> hoe
<LordPapi> shes talking ot me about the topic
<trd`[away]> hmpf im hungry,
<NoaZoid> nay
<trd`[away]> lama nay?
<NoaZoid> coz i want uri to come
<trd`[away]> uri u cant come nw?
<NoaZoid> he's at vork
<trd`[away]> ah
<NoaZoid> i like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane
<trd`[away]> chen is sleeping?
<antishok> lookin in my rear view mirror
<trd`[away]> huh
<NoaZoid> dunno, around 1ish i think
<trd`[away]> he didnt goto school?!
<LordPapi> ehehe
<trd`[away]> argh
<LordPapi> anyone you learned mavo le statistica btw?
<trd`[away]> me obi..
<LordPapi> its hard?
<trd`[away]> nah its memorizing stuff
<LordPapi> ah ok
<trd`[away]> was the subject i liked the most in first year
<LordPapi> i think ill learn it on february
<trd`[away]> cool
<LordPapi> if i have enough time to enroll
<LordPapi> not in uni though, but for maha"t
<trd`[away]> in open uni?
<LordPapi> no, im doing handasai
<LordPapi> before i start uni
<trd`[away]> ah
<LordPapi> its extra 500 nis per month in keva time
<trd`[away]> cool
<LordPapi> im going be anagad
<LordPapi> yey me
<trd`[away]> obi its ok
<NoaZoid> again
<trd`[away]> just like she laughs at u for doing keva
<NoaZoid> youre gonna be a nagad?
<NoaZoid> :)
<trd`[away]> nelly?
<LordPapi> ah
<LordPapi> yeah lots of people do that
<trd`[away]> so would kaban.
<LordPapi> yeah ill leave around 20:15 or so
<LordPapi> trd`[away] you there?
<trd`[away]> obi i might have car,
<LordPapi> ah ok
<LordPapi> but can you give me directions, how to go to hulon?
<trd`[away]> yes
<LordPapi> Thankes
<LordPapi> I'm playing Charlie Christian - Solo Flight (2:48) (playing)
<trd`[away]> rega people
<NoaZoid> sucks?
<NoaZoid> and i have no car now
<trd`[away]> noa holon sux
<NoaZoid> no car
<NoaZoid> sis took it
<trd`[away]> holon = noob
<NoaZoid> imashcha noob
<trd`[away]> abshlach arumku
<NoaZoid> abashcha lo
<NoaZoid> what?
<trd`[away]> ma?
<NoaZoid> not really
<trd`[away]> oh well
<NoaZoid> doron
<trd`[away]> ?
<NoaZoid> lit?
<trd`[away]> pool?
<NoaZoid> lit?
<trd`[away]> pool?
<antishok> gym?
<trd`[away]> naffis?
<NoaZoid> lit.
<trd`[away]> k
<NoaZoid> toooov
<trd`[away]> noa no lit......
<NoaZoid> but
<trd`[away]> lets do pool tourney
<NoaZoid> tov
<trd`[away]> uri come
<LordPapi> im guitaring
<trd`[away]> what r ya playing
<LordPapi> I'm playing AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long (3:30) (playing)
<LordPapi> :)
<trd`[away]> lol
<LordPapi> was the first song ive ever played in front of lots of people
<trd`[away]> noazoidddddd
<LordPapi> boy i sucked
<trd`[away]> lol
<LordPapi> stam.. music school concert
<LordPapi> all kinds of people
<trd`[away]> k
<The_Deeply_Scratched> Noa
<The_Deeply_Scratched> can't
<trd`[away]> wtf?
<LordPapi> אוקי
<trd`[away]> danit checking sth
<The_Deeply_Scratched> InfoLine [Obi_Van_Halen] -=> (<Obi_Van_Halen> אתם מוזרים)
<trd`[away]> wtf
<The_Deeply_Scratched> hwhwh
<The_Deeply_Scratched> e e e
<trd`[away]> cool.
<The_Deeply_Scratched> what's cool?
<trd`[away]> now i can kick u without mu interfering
<The_Deeply_Scratched> oh
<The_Deeply_Scratched> אבל למה שתרצה לבעוט אותי? :>
<trd`[away]> coz u're not coming to naffis
<The_Deeply_Scratched> hmm
<The_Deeply_Scratched> bye bye :P
<trd`[away]> cya
<LordPapi> doron do you have this song?
<trd`[away]> nop send
<LordPapi> rega, turning into mp3
<trd`[away]> nuuuuuuuu noa play kvar
<NoaZoid> shtok
<trd`[away]> takes u hours each turn
<NoaZoid> dont make me hit u
<trd`[away]> i never liked'em especially
<LordPapi> yevgeny the guitar teacher?
<LordPapi> which one? i have them all i think
<trd`[away]> a day at the races
<LordPapi> ah
<trd`[away]> ya obi
<LordPapi> nice one
<LordPapi> very piano oriented
<trd`[away]> yup
<NoaZoid> ichs i ate a bad chestnut
<trd`[away]> i just ate a sufganya
<NoaZoid> ooh ooh me
<trd`[away]> cool
<antishok> :\ i wont eat anything at naffis
<trd`[away]> uri
<antishok> what
<trd`[away]> they got a new spaggeti thingy
<NoaZoid> u cant
<trd`[away]> u can..
<NoaZoid> cant
<trd`[away]> instead of fatut + toast + uga i could've ate 2 fatuts
<LordPapi> i know people who can eat 2
<trd`[away]> would be easier swell
<LordPapi> but they are huge usually
<LordPapi> maybe avichai can
<trd`[away]> obi if i really want, i can eat two fatuts
<LordPapi> i worship you
<trd`[away]> lol
<NoaZoid> are you saying avichai is huge?
<trd`[away]> he's tiny
<The_Deeply_Scratched> אתם יוצאים ב21:00?
<trd`[away]> what do u mean uri
<LordPapi> The_Deeply_Scratched w want to be there at 21:00
<trd`[away]> ah u cant do that?
<antishok> doron
<trd`[away]> hmpf
<antishok> no.
<trd`[away]> there's prolly a plugin thjo
<LordPapi> ok
<LordPapi> bah my back hurts
<trd`[away]> anti u not go home?
<antishok> danit!
<trd`[away]> fucku..
<The_Deeply_Scratched> הוא היה פעם כזה אהוב בנות או משהו כזה
<trd`[away]> obi listening now
<antishok> hm
<trd`[away]> lol
<StonerNeko> *WB(mu)WB* - [15:02] <@mu> I'm not gay usually[15:02] <@mu> only on weekends
<trd`[away]> mu
<antishok> oooh
<antishok> doron
<trd`[away]> ?
<antishok> im observing a new guys interview
<trd`[away]> heh cool
<The_Deeply_Scratched> :)
<trd`[away]> uri listen to the questrions they ask
<antishok> hmm its not really questions.
<antishok> its already the 2nd interview.. just guy is explaining stuff about our system to him
<trd`[away]> ah
<The_Deeply_Scratched> קוסאמקקקקק, כל כך איטייייייייי
<The_Deeply_Scratched> שיגע אותי
<trd`[away]> obi dont like...
<LordPapi> doron haval
<trd`[away]> i mean its ok
<LordPapi> imho the solo in the middle is really good
<LordPapi> + all the fills
<trd`[away]> maybe
<LordPapi> anyhow
<LordPapi> youve got a car, right?
<trd`[away]> yes
<LordPapi> ok
<LordPapi> me too
<trd`[away]> if u hoes are gonna be late and im gonna wait at naffis alone ill kill ya
<LordPapi> ok
<trd`[away]> wait
<NoaZoid> uri were going to eat soon
<NoaZoid> please.
<trd`[away]> tov so if u ppl are leavin in 30 minz
<antishok> if u love me
<trd`[away]> lmao
<NoaZoid> shilshul this time
<trd`[away]> dai
<antishok> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yummmmmmmmmmmmmm :))))))))))))))))))))
<trd`[away]> fuck u
<LordPapi> yeah
<trd`[away]> thats it
<antishok> pooooooooop!
<trd`[away]> k bbs
<The_Deeply_Scratched> גם
<The_Deeply_Scratched> אני פונקציה.
<trd`[away]> at funktzia logaritmit
<LordPapi> מגניב
<LordPapi> דורון
<trd`[away]> ?
<The_Deeply_Scratched> יואו אולי תקנו לי נאפיס?:)
<trd`[away]> k
<LordPapi> נדית אולי פשוט תבואי?
<LordPapi> דנית*
<trd`[away]> roflmao
<The_Deeply_Scratched> נדית??????????????..
<trd`[away]> נדית
<shery> snobim
<shery> wont even answer
<trd`[away]> obi to go out now?
<LordPapi> yes
<LordPapi> yes yes yes
<trd`[away]> tov
<LordPapi> you wont
<trd`[away]> however its spelled.
<LordPapi> bye
<LordPapi> fu
<trd`[away]> bye
<Legonar> sups
<trd`[away]> 50$?
<antishok> just
<antishok> no more grandparents.
<trd`[away]> my grandfather still gives my sis money
<antishok> wanker
<trd`[away]> Ck3 (8:42 PM) :
<Brandon> haha
<Brandon> you suck
<trd`[away]> yes i suck
<Brandon> LOL
<Brandon> :)
<trd`[away]> stam i dont
<Brandon> :<
<Brandon> jeopardy is back on
<trd`[away]> i should start doing that tho, great idea
<Ck3> you do work, you teach that little punk..:>
<trd`[away]> eize teach
<Ck3> lol
<Ck3> roflllll
<trd`[away]> im not kidding
<Ck3> וגלגלים זה אקסטה בסלנג של ערסים
<Ck3> אז זה כאילו, ספיד ואקסטות
<trd`[away]> heh
<Ck3> ./אני מת
<trd`[away]> i cried in the last scene
<Ck3> lol
<Ck3> on the bus home some kid came on the bus with his bro (kid was 5, bro was 18..), he tells his bro 'tom soyer was the strongest, right?' 'yeah'.. after 5 mins 'tom soyer was the prettiest right?' 'yeah'..
<trd`[away]> rofl
<Ck3> 13
<Ck3> whatever:>
<trd`[away]> dunno
<Ck3> heh
<trd`[away]> but i tried acting retarded so people wont ask themselves why i see this musical
<Ck3> telepathy:>
<trd`[away]> lol
<Ck3> was gonna say you should have done that:>
<trd`[away]> i had phone telepathy with obi y/d
<LordPapi> hi
<trd`[away]> @sa
<shery> lol
<trd`[away]> there we go
<shery> @sa
<shery> ?
<trd`[away]> brilliant ah?
<shery> @sa
<shery> but you should change the black font color
<trd`[away]> why?
<shery> some ppl *cough cough* have a black background
<trd`[away]> hrm
<shery> get it?
<shery> if it's just the it automatically makes it the base color
<shery> ya
<trd`[away]> cool
<shery> now you do :)
<trd`[away]> @sa
<shery> goot
<shery> :>
<trd`[away]> no
<shery> @sa
<trd`[away]> it'll be in ur highlight color
<shery> welp
<shery> not everyone highlights :)
<trd`[away]> bla gla
<StonerNeko> *WB(brandon`)WB* - <StonerNeko> kill france <StonerNeko> shoot them wine drinking petit penises<Brandon`> amen!
<trd`[away]> @sa
<shery> lmao
<trd`[away]> lol
<shery> remove the <trd`[awy]
<trd`[away]> ya
<shery> you can skip the time tag too
<trd`[away]> fixed
<shery> what about me n shay??? we were there too.. :(
<trd`[away]> lol dunno
<Legonar> lol
<trd`[away]> @sa
<Brandon> I dont get it either
<trd`[away]> @sa
<Brandon> !sa
<trd`[away]> @brandon SUCK MY DICK
<shery> @baaaaaah
<trd`[away]> @brandon has a tiny penis
<shery> @brandon has no space key
<trd`[away]> @get cancer
<Brandon> cancer naab
<trd`[away]> ok
<mu> bye i go sleep
<trd`[away]> @gnight
<mu> i scuk
<trd`[away]> hrmpfff
<shery> we dont like brandon
<trd`[away]> i gotta wakeup early tommorow;(
<mu> :(
<trd`[away]> 9am early
<mu> ROFL
<trd`[away]> lol
<Brandon> :P
<trd`[away]> mu`slaap its earlky for those who wake up at 5pm daily :)
<shery> because you suck
<trd`[away]> well i sometimes wake up 6:30
<mu> :(((
<mu> K
<trd`[away]> but PM
<mu> sleep awaits
<mu> lol
<trd`[away]> @night
<mu> I wanna fuck
<trd`[away]> shery howmuch ya gonna get
<shery> somewhere between 400 and 800 :)
<trd`[away]> brandon i dont go back to school until january 7th 2030
<mu> rol?
<trd`[away]> lor
<shery> heh. one of the colleges i might apply to doesnt even require a psycho-grade :\
<trd`[away]> romao
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