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Created January 20, 2020 08:46
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## 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation, with magnetic field, and with
## multiple electrons (of course, it doesn't make physical sense, but
## why not)
## This is pretty WIP, and only serves as a very rough demo. Nothing
## has been checked properly, so do not use for any serious purposes.
using PyCall
using DFTK
using Printf
using StaticArrays
kgrid = [1, 1, 1] # No kpoints
Ecut = 80
const a = 40*.16
lattice = a .* [[1 0 0.]; [0 1 0]; [0 0 0]] # unit cell. Having one lattice vectors as zero means a 2D system
# Potential
V(x, y) = 1*((x-a/2)^2 + (y-a/2)^2)
# Vector potential: uniform magnetic field in the z direction
A(x, y) = .8132 * @SVector [y-a/2, -(x-a/2)]
h = .1682
const α = 2917.0 * h^2
function external_pot(basis::PlaneWaveBasis, energy::Union{Ref, Nothing}, potential; ρ=nothing, kwargs...)
model = basis.model
N = prod(basis.fft_size)
x = a*basis.grids[1]
y = a*basis.grids[2]
# Compute Vext
Vext = zeros(basis.fft_size)
Vext[:, :, 1] = V.(x, y')
# Fill output as needed
(potential !== nothing) && (potential .= Vext)
if energy !== nothing
dVol = model.unit_cell_volume / N # integration element
energy[] = real(sum(ρ.real .* Vext)) * dVol
energy, potential
function magnetic_pot(basis::PlaneWaveBasis{T}, energy::Union{Ref, Nothing}, potential;
ρ=nothing, Psi=nothing, occupation=nothing, kwargs...) where {T}
model = basis.model
N = prod(basis.fft_size)
x = a*basis.grids[1]
y = a*basis.grids[2]
Apot = [zeros(basis.fft_size) for i = 1:3]
for i = 1:2
Apot[i][:, :, 1] = [A(xx, yy)[i] for xx in x, yy in y]
# Fill output as needed
(potential !== nothing) && (potential .= Apot)
if energy !== nothing
energy[] = zero(T)
dVol = model.unit_cell_volume / N
for ik = 1:length(basis.kpoints)
kpt = basis.kpoints[ik]
Psi_real = G_to_r(basis, kpt, Psi[ik])
for i = 1:3
all(Apot[i] .== 0) && continue
pi = [(G[i] + kpt.coordinate[i]) for G in kpt.basis]
∂iPsi_fourier = pi .* Psi[ik]
∂iPsi_real = G_to_r(basis, kpt, ∂iPsi_fourier)
for n = 1:size(Psi[ik], 2)
energy[] += real(dVol *
occupation[ik][n] *
(dot(Psi_real[:, :, :, n], Apot[i] .* ∂iPsi_real[:, :, :, n])))
energy, potential
function nonlinearity(basis::PlaneWaveBasis, energy::Union{Ref,Nothing}, potential;
ρ=nothing, kwargs...)
@assert ρ !== nothing
model = basis.model
potential !== nothing && (potential .= 0)
if energy !== nothing
dVol = basis.model.unit_cell_volume / prod(basis.fft_size)
energy[] = α * dVol * sum(real(ρ.real).^ 2)/2
if potential !== nothing
potential .= α * ρ.real
energy, potential
n_electrons = 1 # increase this for fun
# We add the needed terms
model = Model(lattice, n_electrons;
spin_polarisation=:spinless # "spinless fermions"
kpoints, ksymops = bzmesh_uniform(kgrid) # create dummy BZ mesh
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model, Ecut, kpoints, ksymops)
# # We solve the self-consistent equation with an SCF algorithm (which
# # is a pretty bad idea; implementing direct minimization is TODO)
# n_bands_scf = model.n_electrons
# ham = Hamiltonian(basis) # zero initial guess for the density
# scfres = self_consistent_field(ham, model.n_electrons, tol=1e-6)
scfres = direct_minimization(basis, x_tol=1e-8)
ham = scfres.ham
# Print obtained energies
energies = scfres.energies
println("\nEnergy breakdown:")
for key in sort([keys(energies)...]; by=S -> string(S))
@printf " %-20s%-10.7f\n" string(key) energies[key]
@printf "\n %-20s%-15.12f\n\n" "total" sum(values(energies))
using PyPlot
x = a*basis.grids[1]
ρ = real(scfres.ρ.real)[:, :, 1] # converged density
ψ_fourier = scfres.Psi[1][:, 1] # first kpoint, all G components, first eigenvector
ψ = G_to_r(basis, basis.kpoints[1], ψ_fourier)[:, :, 1] # IFFT back to real space
pcolor(x, x, real(ρ))
for i = 1:n_electrons
ψ_fourier = scfres.Psi[1][:, i] # first kpoint, all G components, first eigenvector
ψ = G_to_r(basis, basis.kpoints[1], ψ_fourier)[:, :, 1] # IFFT back to real space
pcolor(x, x, abs2.(ψ))
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