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Created April 8, 2016 09:59
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import gdb
from collections import namedtuple
Thread = namedtuple('Thread', ('r13', 'stklimit', 'name', 'state'))
def get_thread(thread):
void_p = gdb.lookup_type('void').pointer()
# Grab stack pointer
r13 = thread['p_ctx']['r13'].cast(void_p)
stklimit = thread['p_stklimit']
name = thread['p_name'].string()
if not name:
name = "<no name>"
state = THREAD_STATES[int(thread['p_state'])]
return Thread(r13=r13, stklimit=stklimit, name=name, state=state)
def chibios_get_threads():
""" Create a list of ChibiosThreads for all threads currently in
the system
# Walk the thread registry
rlist_p = gdb.parse_and_eval('&ch.rlist')
rlist_as_thread = rlist_p.cast(gdb.lookup_type('thread_t').pointer())
newer = rlist_as_thread.dereference()['p_newer']
older = rlist_as_thread.dereference()['p_older']
while newer != rlist_as_thread:
yield get_thread(newer.dereference())
previous = newer
newer = newer.dereference()['p_newer']
older = newer.dereference()['p_older']
if older != previous:
raise gdb.GdbError('Rlist pointer invalid--corrupt list?')
class ThreadsCommand(gdb.Command):
thread_format = "'{name:20s}'"
def __init__ (self):
super(ThreadsCommand, self).__init__ ("chthreads", gdb.COMMAND_USER)
def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
print("Name \tStack pointer\tStack limit\tState\t")
for t in chibios_get_threads():
print("{:20s}\t0x{:08x}\t0x{:08x}\t{}".format(, long(t.r13), long(t.stklimit), t.state))
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