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Created July 2, 2022 16:24
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Synthesizer playing the Tetris music
// Generates a note for a given frequency
float synth(float freq) {
float output = freq*fmod(TIME, 1/freq) / 2;
output += freq*fmod(TIME, 1/(freq*1.005)) / 2;
output += freq*fmod(TIME, 1/(freq*0.995)) / 2;
output += 0.5*pow(sin(2*M_PI*freq / 4 * TIME), 5);
return output;
// Linear interpolation
float lerp(float x, float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2) {
return y1 + (x-x1) * (y2-y1) / (x2-x1) ;
// Manages attak, decay, sustain and release
float adsr(float sample, float t, float duration) {
float attackTime = 0.01;
float decayTime = 0.1;
float sustainGain = 0.5;
float releaseTime = 0.1;
if (t < attackTime) {
sample *= lerp(t, 0, attackTime, 0, 1);
else if (t < attackTime + decayTime) {
sample *= lerp(t, attackTime, attackTime + decayTime, 1, sustainGain);
else if (t < duration - releaseTime) {
sample *= sustainGain;
else {
sample *= lerp(t, duration - releaseTime, duration, sustainGain, 0);
return sample;
// Tetris notes and durations
const float notes[41][2] = {
{659.25, 0.5}, {493.88, 0.25}, {523.25, 0.25}, {587.33, 0.5}, {523.25, 0.25}, {493.88, 0.25},
{440.00, 0.5}, {440.00, 0.25}, {523.25, 0.25}, {659.25, 0.5}, {587.33, 0.25}, {523.25, 0.25},
{493.88, 0.5}, {493.88, 0.25}, {523.25, 0.25}, {587.33, 0.5}, {659.25, 0.5},
{523.25, 0.5}, {440.00, 0.5}, {440.00, 0.5}, {0, 0.5},
{0, 0.25}, {587.33, 0.5}, {698.46, 0.25}, {880.00, 0.5}, {783.99, 0.25}, {698.46, 0.25},
{659.25, 0.75},{523.25, 0.25}, {659.25, 0.5}, {587.33, 0.25}, {523.25, 0.25},
{493.88, 0.5}, {493.88, 0.25}, {523.25, 0.25}, {587.33, 0.5}, {659.25, 0.5},
{523.25, 0.5}, {440.00, 0.5}, {440.00, 0.5}, {0, 0.5},
const float totalDuration = 16;
formula_main {
float output = 0;
float musicTime = fmod(TIME, totalDuration);
float noteLength, noteFreq;
for (int i = 0; i < 41; i++) {
noteFreq = notes[i][0];
noteLength = notes[i][1];
if (musicTime < noteLength) {
else {
musicTime -= noteLength;
output = synth(noteFreq);
output = adsr(output, musicTime, noteLength);
return output;
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