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Created May 6, 2014 20:38
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No name - README is empty

README is empty

ville Lat
Bruxelles 50.8503396, 4.351710300000036
chalais 46.262536, 7.499281
Compiègne 49.4355853, 2.8039295999999467
Francfort 50.111966, 8.682569
hainburg an der donau 48.155995, 16.940852
La Haye 52.086002, 4.302144
Heidelberg 49.4145008, 8.662895800000001
Neustadt 51.0594963, 13.75602379999998
Prague 50.0755381, 14.43780049999998
Solleure 47.2086574, 7.5379548999999315
Detern-stickhausen 053.212771, 7.661614
Venise 45.433723, 12.337141999999972
Vienne 48.2081743, 16.37381890000006
Rome 41.8723889, 12.48018019999995
Ulm 48.400583, 9.986733
Madrid 40.415874, -3.704256
Londres 51.511658, -0.125460
Constantinople 41.022937, 28.961368
Coire 46.857054, 9.523379
Paris 48.860360, 2.338392
Hanau 50.119303, 8.923768
Raguse 42.650650, 18.094830
Turin 45.075140, 7.686854
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// error will be null unless there is an error
// dataset is a Recline memory store (
Bruxelles 50.8503396, 4.351710300000036
chalais 46.262536, 7.499281
Compiègne 49.4355853, 2.8039295999999467
Francfort 50.111966, 8.682569
hainburg an der donau 48.155995, 16.940852
La Haye 52.086002, 4.302144
Heidelberg 49.4145008, 8.662895800000001
Neustadt 51.0594963, 13.75602379999998
Prague 50.0755381, 14.43780049999998
Solleure 47.2086574, 7.5379548999999315
Detern-stickhausen 053.212771, 7.661614
Venise 45.433723, 12.337141999999972
Vienne 48.2081743, 16.37381890000006
Rome 41.8723889, 12.48018019999995
Ulm 48.400583, 9.986733
Madrid 40.415874, -3.704256
Londres 51.511658, -0.125460
Constantinople 41.022937, 28.961368
Coire 46.857054, 9.523379
Paris 48.860360, 2.338392
Hanau 50.119303, 8.923768
Raguse 42.650650, 18.094830
Turin 45.075140, 7.686854
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