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Last active April 2, 2024 08:29
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How to make a Python pandas Layer for AWS Lambda

How to make pandas as an AWS layer

  1. Install pandas to local directory with pip: pip install -t . pandas

  2. Remove pandas and numpy directories rm -r pandas numpy

  3. Download the Linux distribution for pandas (choose the Python version that you want to use):

  4. Download the Linux distribution for numpy (must be the same as the pandas one):

  5. Move the downloaded files to your current directory and unzip them: unzip numpy-1.16.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl and unzip pandas-0.24.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl

    a. Note: Lambda with Python 3.7 requires pytz lib: $ pip install -t . pytz

  6. Remove unecessary files: rm -r *.whl *.dist-info __pycache__

  7. Make the following directory (change the version of Python according to what you downloaded earlier): lambda_layers/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/.

  8. Move your whole directory into the site-packages folder.

  9. Go to cd lambda_layers and run: zip -r *

  10. Upload the zip to S3.

  11. Create a Layer that uses the file uploaded to S3.

  12. Create a Lambda function (must uses the same Python version than before).

  13. You can test that everything works by using the code in

  14. Have fun with pandas!


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amzar96 commented Apr 2, 2024

@amzar96 Did you managed to fic the issue? I am facing the similar.

You must use the same Python version you define when creating the layer.

  1. Create virtualenv in local
  2. pip install libraries
  3. follow the above step

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