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Last active December 13, 2021 04:21
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How to run play framework with bloop
// Should be put into ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/bloop.sbt
// By default, this file does not do anything.
// If the environment variable BLOOP_ENABLED has the value 'true',
// then this file enables sbt-bloop.
if (System.getenv("BLOOP_ENABLED") == "true") {
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-bloop" % "1.3.4")
} else Nil
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
BLOOP_ENABLED=true sbt bloopInstall
# Bloop doesn't add web assets as a dependency, so when you run an app it doesn't have assets.
# You don't need this if you have app not serving any assets (some API)
# to keep things as they are already in bloop do not use pwd but read workspace from json
DIR=$(cat .bloop/root.json | jq -r '')
WEB_ASSETS_CLASSPATH_IDX=$(cat .bloop/root.json | jq -r '.project.classpath | index("'$WEB_ASSETS_DIR'")')
if [ "$WEB_ASSETS_CLASSPATH_IDX" = "null" ]; then
echo "$WEB_ASSETS_DIR is not in the classpath. It will be added"
cat .bloop/root.json | jq -r '.project.classpath += ["'$WEB_ASSETS_DIR'"]' > tmp.json && mv tmp.json .bloop/root.json
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf -Dhttps.port=9443"
# Here we listen for changes in scala files and files ending with web-assets.jar and restart the app
# plays web-assets:package task doesn't remove old webassets jars so we do this on restart
# with ls -t target/scala-2.12 | grep web-assets | tail -n+2 | xargs -I {} rm target/scala-2.12/{}
# as well as removing RUNNING_PID just in case
while true; do
fd --no-ignore "scala|web-assets.jar" -E "*scala.html" | entr -r -s "rm RUNNING_PID; ls -t target/scala-2.12 | grep web-assets | tail -n+2 | xargs -I {} rm target/scala-2.12/{}; bloop run root -m play.core.server.ProdServerStart"
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# bloop will not compile web assets, routes and templates so we need to do this with sbt
sbt "~web-assets:package;twirlCompileTemplates;playRoutes"
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