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Last active May 24, 2017 09:47
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Solution to the problem "Infinite valleys and the limited principle of omniscience"
(* *)
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Definition LPO := forall f : nat -> bool, (exists x, f x = true) \/ (forall x, f x = false).
Definition decr (f : nat -> nat) := forall n, f (S n) <= f n.
Definition infvalley (f : nat -> nat) (x : nat) := forall y, x <= y -> f y = f x.
Definition bool_to_nat (b : bool) := if b then 1 else 0.
Fixpoint all_up_to_n_false (f : nat -> bool) (n : nat) : bool :=
match n with
| O => negb (f n)
| S n' => negb (f n) && all_up_to_n_false f n'
Definition mk_decr (f : nat -> bool) (n : nat) : nat := bool_to_nat (all_up_to_n_false f n).
Ltac simpl_mk_decr_everywhere := unfold mk_decr in *; simpl in *.
Lemma mk_decr_is_decr fb : decr (mk_decr fb).
intros n; induction n; simpl_mk_decr_everywhere.
- destruct (fb 0), (fb 1); auto with arith.
- destruct (fb (S n)), (fb (S (S n))); auto with arith.
Lemma mk_decr_is_one {fb} n : mk_decr fb n = 1 -> forall m, m <= n -> fb m = false.
induction n; intros Hmk m Hle.
- apply Nat.le_0_r in Hle; subst.
now simpl_mk_decr_everywhere; destruct (fb 0).
- simpl_mk_decr_everywhere.
destruct (fb (S n)) eqn:Eq; [easy | inversion Hle; auto].
Lemma mk_decr_is_zero {fb} n : mk_decr fb n = 0 -> exists m, fb m = true.
induction n; intros Hmk; simpl_mk_decr_everywhere.
- exists 0. now destruct (fb 0).
- destruct (fb (S n)) eqn:Eq; eauto.
Lemma mk_decr_values f n : mk_decr f n = 0 \/ mk_decr f n = 1.
induction n; simpl_mk_decr_everywhere;
[destruct (f 0) | destruct (f (S n))]; auto.
Theorem infvalley_LPO : (forall f, decr f -> exists x, infvalley f x) -> LPO.
intros Hv fb.
specialize (Hv (mk_decr fb) (mk_decr_is_decr fb)) as [i Hv].
destruct (mk_decr_values fb i) as [Heq | Heq].
- apply mk_decr_is_zero in Heq; auto.
- right; intros x.
destruct (Nat.le_gt_cases x i).
+ apply (mk_decr_is_one _ Heq x H).
+ apply (mk_decr_is_one x); auto.
rewrite Hv; auto with arith.
Lemma decr_global {f} : decr f -> forall m n, m <= n -> f n <= f m.
intros Hd m n; induction 1 as [| m' Hle IHle]; [trivial |].
exact (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ (Hd _) IHle).
Lemma decr_min {f} y : decr f -> decr (fun n => min (f n) y).
Proof. intros H n. apply Nat.min_le_compat_r, H. Qed.
Lemma min_equal {f} z :
decr f ->
forall x, z <= x -> f x = Nat.min (f x) (f z).
Proof with (auto with arith).
intros Hd x Hzn.
destruct (Nat.min_dec (f x) (f z)) as [E | E]...
rewrite E; apply Nat.min_r_iff in E.
apply (decr_global Hd) in Hzn...
Lemma min_max_antimono_decr {f} (Hd : decr f) x y :
Nat.min (f x) (f y) = f (Nat.max x y).
apply Nat.min_max_antimono; intros x1 x2; [auto | apply (decr_global Hd)].
Theorem LPO_infvalley : LPO -> forall f, decr f -> exists x, infvalley f x.
Proof with (eauto with arith).
enough (LPO -> forall y f, f 0 = y -> decr f -> (exists x, infvalley f x))...
intros L; induction y as [y IH] using lt_wf_ind; intros f <- Hd.
specialize (L (fun n => f (S n) <? f n)); destruct L as [[i H]|H].
- rewrite Nat.ltb_lt in H.
pose proof (Nat.lt_le_trans _ _ _ H (decr_global Hd 0 i (Peano.le_0_n _))) as Hlt0.
specialize (IH (f (S i))
(fun n => min (f n) (f (S i)))
(Nat.min_r _ _ (Nat.lt_le_incl _ _ Hlt0))
(decr_min (f (S i)) Hd)) as [x Hinf]; clear H Hlt0.
exists (Nat.max x (S i)); intros y Hxy.
apply Nat.max_lub_iff in Hxy as [Hxy HSiy].
pose proof (min_equal (S i) Hd y HSiy) as Hy.
specialize (Hinf y Hxy); simpl in Hinf; rewrite <-Hy in Hinf; clear Hy.
rewrite Hinf.
now apply min_max_antimono_decr.
- exists 0; intros x _; induction x; [trivial|].
specialize (H x); rewrite Nat.ltb_ge in H.
rewrite <-IHx...
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