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Created May 18, 2017 11:13
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Coq translation of a solution to the Valley Problem
(* This is a Coq translation of this solution: *)
(* to this *)
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Definition decr (f : nat -> nat) := forall n, f (S n) <= f n.
Definition n_valley n (f : nat -> nat) i := forall i', i' < n -> f (S (i' + i)) = f (i' + i).
Lemma is_n_valley {f} n : decr f -> forall i, n_valley n f i \/ (exists i', f i' < f i).
induction n; intros Hd i.
- left; intros i' H. exfalso; exact (Nat.nlt_0_r _ H).
- destruct (Nat.lt_trichotomy (f (S i)) (f i)) as [Hlt | [Heq | Hgt]].
+ right; eauto.
+ destruct (IHn Hd (S i)) as [Hv | Hex]; [left | right].
* intros i' Hlt; destruct i'; [trivial |].
specialize (Hv i' (lt_S_n _ _ Hlt)).
now rewrite Nat.add_succ_comm.
* rewrite Heq in Hex; eauto.
+ exfalso; exact ((lt_not_le _ _ Hgt) (Hd i)).
(* tactic-based version *)
Lemma p01 {f} n : decr f -> exists i', n_valley n f i'.
intros Hd.
enough (forall x i, f i = x -> exists i' : nat, n_valley n f i') as H; [now apply (H (f 0) 0) |].
induction x as [x IH] using lt_wf_ind; intros i Heq.
destruct (is_n_valley n Hd i) as [| [? ?]]; subst; eauto.
(* proof-term-based version *)
Definition p01' {f} n (Hd : decr f) : exists i', n_valley n f i' :=
lt_wf_ind (f 0)
(fun x => forall i, f i = x -> exists i', n_valley n f i')
(fun x IH i Heq =>
match is_n_valley n Hd i with
| or_introl H => ex_intro _ i H
| or_intror (ex_intro _ i' Hlt) =>
IH (f i') (eq_ind (f i) _ Hlt x Heq) i' eq_refl
end) 0 eq_refl.
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