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Last active December 13, 2022 14:02
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Creating music with PHP; more info here:
declare( strict_types=1 );
class WaveFile {
private const RIFF = 'RIFF';
private const WAVE = 'WAVE';
private const FMT_CHUNK_MARKER = 'fmt ';
private const FMT_CHUNK_SIZE = 16;
private const FORMAT_TYPE = 1; // PCM
private const CHANNELS = 1;
private const DATA_CHUNK_MARKER = 'data';
private const TOTAL_HEADER_SIZE = 44;
private const BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 16;
private const BUFFER_SIZE = 16384;
private $file;
private int $sample_rate;
private string $buffer = '';
public function __construct( string $file, int $sample_rate ) {
$this->file = fopen( $file, "w" );
$this->sample_rate = $sample_rate;
private function write_string( string $string ): void {
fwrite( $this->file, pack( 'a*', $string ), strlen( $string ) );
private function write_short( int $value ): void {
fwrite( $this->file, pack( 'v', $value ), 2 );
private function write_long( int $value ): void {
fwrite( $this->file, pack( 'V', $value ), 4 );
public function write_sample( int $value ): void {
$this->buffer .= pack( 's', $value );
$this->flush_buffer( false );
private function flush_buffer( bool $force ): void {
if ( '' === $this->buffer ) {
$current_buffer_size = strlen( $this->buffer );
if ( ! $force && ( $current_buffer_size < static::BUFFER_SIZE ) ) {
fwrite( $this->file, $this->buffer, $current_buffer_size );
$this->buffer = '';
private function create_fmt_chunk(): void {
$this->write_string( static::RIFF );
$this->write_long( 0 ); // placeholder (file size)
$this->write_string( static::WAVE );
$this->write_string( static::FMT_CHUNK_MARKER );
$this->write_long( static::FMT_CHUNK_SIZE );
$this->write_short( static::FORMAT_TYPE );
$this->write_short( static::CHANNELS );
$this->write_long( $this->sample_rate );
$this->write_long( $this->sample_rate * static::BITS_PER_SAMPLE * static::CHANNELS / 8 );
$this->write_short( static::BITS_PER_SAMPLE * static::CHANNELS / 8 );
$this->write_short( static::BITS_PER_SAMPLE );
private function create_data_chunk(): void {
$this->write_string( static::DATA_CHUNK_MARKER );
$this->write_long( 0 ); // placeholder (data size)
private function update_sizes(): void {
$file_size = fstat( $this->file )['size'];
fseek( $this->file, 4, SEEK_SET );
$this->write_long( $file_size );
fseek( $this->file, 40, SEEK_SET );
$this->write_long( $file_size - static::TOTAL_HEADER_SIZE );
public function get_max_absolute_sample_value(): int {
return 2 ** ( static::BITS_PER_SAMPLE - 1 ) - 1;
public function get_time_between_samples(): float {
return 1 / $this->sample_rate;
public function __destruct() {
$this->flush_buffer( true );
fclose( $this->file );
class Note {
private const PITCH_TO_FREQUENCY = [
'C' => 261.625565300598634,
'C#' => 277.182630976872096,
'D' => 293.664767917407560,
'D#' => 311.126983722080910,
'E' => 329.627556912869929,
'F' => 349.228231433003884,
'F#' => 369.994422711634398,
'G' => 391.995435981749294,
'G#' => 415.304697579945138,
'A' => 440,
'A#' => 466.163761518089916,
'B' => 493.883301256124111,
private bool $is_pause = false;
private float $duration;
private float $frequency;
public function is_pause(): bool {
return $this->is_pause;
public function convert_to_pause(): void {
$this->is_pause = true;
public function get_duration(): float {
return $this->duration;
public function set_duration( float $duration ): void {
$this->duration = $duration;
public function set_pitch( string $pitch ): void {
if ( ! isset( static::PITCH_TO_FREQUENCY[ $pitch ] ) ) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid pitch.' );
$this->frequency = static::PITCH_TO_FREQUENCY[ $pitch ];
public function get_frequency(): float {
return $this->frequency;
class Melody implements \Iterator {
private float $tempo;
private array $notes = [];
private int $current_index = 0;
public function __construct( float $tempo ) {
$this->tempo = $tempo;
private function duration_to_seconds( float $duration ): float {
return 60 * 4 / $this->tempo / $duration;
public function add_note( string $pitch, float $duration ): void {
$note = new Note();
$note->set_pitch( $pitch );
$note->set_duration( $this->duration_to_seconds( $duration ) );
$this->notes[] = $note;
public function add_pause( float $duration ): void {
$note = new Note();
$note->set_duration( $this->duration_to_seconds( $duration ) );
$this->notes[] = $note;
public function rewind(): void {
$this->current_index = 0;
public function current(): mixed {
return $this->notes[ $this->current_index ];
public function key(): mixed {
return $this->current_index;
public function next(): void {
++ $this->current_index;
public function valid(): bool {
return isset( $this->notes[ $this->current_index ] );
interface VirtualInstrument {
public function get_sample_value( float $frequency, float $current_time ): float;
class SineWaveSynth implements VirtualInstrument {
public function get_sample_value( float $frequency, float $current_time ): float {
return sin( 2 * M_PI * $frequency * $current_time );
class Track {
private Melody $melody;
private VirtualInstrument $virtual_instrument;
public function __construct( Melody $melody, VirtualInstrument $virtual_instrument ) {
$this->melody = $melody;
$this->virtual_instrument = $virtual_instrument;
public function export_to( WaveFile $wave_file ) {
$time_between_samples = $wave_file->get_time_between_samples();
$max_sample_value = $wave_file->get_max_absolute_sample_value();
/** @var Note $note */
foreach ( $this->melody as $note ) {
for ( $current_time = 0; $current_time < $note->get_duration(); $current_time += $time_between_samples ) {
if ( $note->is_pause() ) {
$wave_file->write_sample( 0 );
$normalized_sample_value = $this->virtual_instrument->get_sample_value( $note->get_frequency(), $current_time );
$sample_value = $normalized_sample_value * $max_sample_value * 0.9;
$sample_value = (int) ceil( $sample_value );
$wave_file->write_sample( $sample_value );
$filename = 'melody.wav';
$filepath = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
$sample_rate = 48000;
$wave_file = new WaveFile( $filepath, $sample_rate );
$sine_wave_synth = new SineWaveSynth();
$beats_per_minute = 113;
$melody = new Melody( $beats_per_minute );
$melody->add_note( 'C', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'D', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'F', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'D', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'A', 16 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'A', 16 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'G', 4 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'C', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'D', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'F', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'D', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'G', 16 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'G', 16 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'F', 4 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'C', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'D', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'F', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'D', 16 );
$melody->add_note( 'F', 8 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'G', 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'E', 4 );
$melody->add_note( 'D', 8 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'C', 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'G', 8 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_note( 'F', 8 );
$melody->add_pause( 8 );
$melody->add_pause( 4 );
$track = new Track( $melody, $sine_wave_synth );
$track->export_to( $wave_file );
echo sprintf( "Success!\n%s has been created.\n", $filepath );
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