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Last active August 9, 2023 12:25
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Kotlin onboarding example
data class Book(val isbn: String, val title: String, val pageCount: Int)
fun main() {
val books = listOf(
Book("1617293296", "Kotlin in Action", 360),
Book("1680506358", "Programming Kotlin", 450),
Book("1801815720", "Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices", 356),
Book("1492082279", "Java to Kotlin", 300),
var total = 0
//Alt+Enter on 'for' -> Change to sumOf {}
for (b in books) {
total += b.pageCount
println("Total page count in ${books.size} books is $total")
// Rename 'book' variable to 'longestBook' with Shift+F6 shortcut
val book = books.maxBy { it.pageCount }
// Alt + Enter on 'isbn'-> Rename to _
val (isbn, title, pages) = book
// Alt+Enter on the string -> Convert concatenation to template
println("Longest book: " + title + "(" + pages + "p.)")
// Alt+Enter on return statement -> convert to expression body
// Alt+Enter on book parameter -> convert parameter to receiver
fun format(book: Book): String {
return "${book.isbn}: ${book.title}, ${book.pageCount}"
// Alt+Enter on books parameter -> convert parameter to receiver
// Cmd+Option+P on { it.title } (extract functional parameter)
// Cmd+Option+N on sortBy to inline the function
fun sortBy(books: List<Book>) = books.sortedBy { it.title }
// Alt+Enter on { println(it) } -> move lambda out of parentheses
sortBy(books).forEach({ println(it) })
// Alt+Enter on 'abook' -> Specify type explicitly
val abook: Book? = books.firstOrNull { it.title.startsWith("A") }
// uncomment, F2, Alt+Enter -> Surround with null check
// println(abook.title)
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