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Last active December 15, 2017 14:01
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public class Configuration
public MemoryManager MemoryManager { get; set; } = SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager.Instance;
public static Configuration Default { get; }
// ...
public interface IDecoderOptions
// Allows setting a custom MemoryManager for an image decoding operation.
// When MemoryManagerOverride == null, algorithms should use the MemoryManager specified in Configuration
MemoryManager MemoryManagerOverride { get; set; } = null;
// ...
public abstract class MemoryManager
// "Pool" is an abstract term here. The concrete meaning might be implementation specific.
// Eg. for PoolingManagedMemoryManager it means the ArrayPool-s.
// In a future MemoryManager implementation it might mean unmanaged memory pools.
public virtual void Reset() { }
// All implementation deatails are hidden for now.
// To make MemoryManager extensible by users, we will need the new standard corefx (and maybe even corefxlab!) libraries.
// corefx Sytem.Memory will be released with .NET Core 2.0
// Allocates managed arrays without pooling
public class BasicManagedMemoryManager
// Allocates managed arrays, using ArrayPool-s
public abstract class PoolingManagedMemoryManager
protected abstract ArrayPool<T> GetArrayPool<T>();
public sealed class SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager : PoolingManagedMemoryManager
public static SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager Instance { get; } = new SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager();
public static int MaximumPooledArraySizeInBytes { get; set; } // Setter should throw when calling after the first actual usage of SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager
// Use the only true singleton instance plz!
private SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager() { }
protected override ArrayPool<T> GetArrayPool<T>() => ArrayPoolSingletons<T>.ArrayPool;
public override Reset()
// Implementation is gonna be tricky here, but possible
class ArrayPoolSingletons<T>
where T : struct
public static ArrayPool<T> ArrayPool { get; } = // Create default instance
// Allocates "memory" bound to Memory Mapped Files
public class MMFMemoryManager
// Allows building custom MemoryManagers with a fluent API
public class CombinedMemoryManager
public CombinedMemoryManager(MemoryManager defaultMemoryManager) { }
public CombinedMemoryManager OverrideBelow(int byteLimit, MemoryManager mmOverride) { }
public CombinedMemoryManager OverrideOver(int byteLimit, MemoryManager mmOverride) { }
public class Examples
public void ResetDefaultArrayPools()
// The default MemoryManager is OK for me, but the pools are grown too big, I want to flush their contents!
public void NoArrayPools()
// A simple solution for ArrayPool haters:
Configuration.Default.MemoryManager = new BasicManagedMemoryManager();
public void UseCustomCustomConfiguration()
// My application is big, the code needs to be robust!
// I don't want to depend on singletons like Configuration.Default.
// And yeah, I also want to set my custom MemoryManager!
class MyApplication
public Configuration ImageSharpConfiguration { get; } = // Build your own config here!
public Image LoadImage(string path) => Image.Load(this.Configuration, path);
public void TurnOffArrayPoolsForJpeg()
// I'm fine with ArrayPool-s, but random private jpeg data structures are camping in my memory!
// I want to disable pooling for them!
JpegDecoderOptions options = new JpegDecoderOptions()
MemoryManagerOverride = new BasicManagedMemoryManager()
Image.Load("foo.jpg", options);
public void CustomArrayPoolLimit()
// I don't want arrays over 4K to be pooled!
// 1. Configuring the default shared memory manager:
SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager.MaximumPooledArraySizeInBytes = 4096;
// 2. Creating a CombinedMemoryManager:
CombinedMemoryManager customMgr =
new CombinedMemoryManager(SharedPoolingManagedMemoryManager.Instance)
.OverrideOver(4096, new BasicManagedMemoryManager());
Configuration.Default.MemoryManager = customMgr;
public void CustomArrayPool()
// I want to use my own ArrayPool implementation
class MyPoolingMemoryManager : PoolingManagedMemoryManager
protected override ArrayPool<T> GetArrayPool<T>()
// Implement your own array pool creation and caching logic
Configuration.Default.MemoryManager = new MyPoolingMemoryManager();
public void JpegMMF()
// Private stuff in jpeg decoder is allocating too much.
// I want to utilize Memory Mapped Files to reduce it, with the cost of lower decoding speed!
class MyApplication
public MemoryManager JpegMemoryManager { get; } =
new CombinedMemoryManager(Configuration.Default.MemoryManager)
.OverrideOver(1000*1000*sizeof(Color)*4, new MMFMemoryManager());
public Image LoadJpeg(string path) => Image.Load(path, new JpegDecoderOptions() { MemoryManagerOverride = JpegMemoryManager});
public void UseMMFWithImages()
// Q: This MMF stuff is cool! I don't have much memory, so I want the Image class to also use MMF!
// A: This would be possible in the future:
Configuration.Default.MemoryManager = new MMFMemoryManager();
// But not now:
Image img = new Image(1000, 1000); // BANG! This will throw a NotSupportedException!
// We need to wait for corefx / corefxlab libraries to enable this feature.
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