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Created August 2, 2017 10:16
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Perl 6 version of `spt` program (CTokens.pm6 should be in lib dir relative to the main spt file)
use v6;
unit module CTokens;
grammar CTokens::Token is export {
token TOP {
<preproc> |
<comment> |
<line-comment> |
<number> |
<operator> |
<word> |
<string-literal> |
<char-literal> |
token preproc { ^^ [ <comment> | \h ]* <directive> [ <-[\\\n]>+ | \\<-[\n]> | \\\n ]* $$ }
token directive { '#' [ <comment> | \h ]* <word> }
token comment { '/*' .*? '*/' }
token line-comment { '//' [ <-[\\\n]>+ | \\<-[\n]> | \\\n ]* $$ }
token number { '.'? \d+ [ <[eEpP]><[+-]> | <[.\w]> ]* }
token operator {
'++' | '--' | '&&' | '||' | '->' |
'+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '^=' | '&=' | '|=' | '~=' | '<<=' | '>>=' |
'==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' |
'<<' | '>>' |
'+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '^' | '&' | '|' | '!' | '<' | '>' |
'.' | ';' | ':' | '(' | ')' | '{' | '}' | '[' | ']' | ',' | '~' | '='
token word { <[a..zA..Z_]>+ \w* }
token string-literal { \" [ <-[\\"]>+ | \\<-["]> | \\\"]* \" }
token char-literal { \' [ <-[\\']>+ | \\<-[']> | \\\']* \' }
use strict;
use lib 'lib';
use CTokens;
class ArgFormatter {
# makes a list of argument strings
method TOP($/) {
# keeps track of parenthesis level
my $levels = 0;
# the index after last comma
my $origIdx = 0;
# list of argument strings
my @result = ();
for $/<operator> -> $tok {
if $levels == 0 and $tok eq ',' {
my $len = $tok.from - $origIdx;
my $argStr = $tok.orig.substr($origIdx, $len);
$origIdx = $;
} elsif $tok eq '(' {
} elsif $tok eq ')' {
make @result;
my $fmtr =;
for lines() -> $line {
if not $line ~~ /(\t*) (.*?) '(' (.*) ')' (.*)/ {
put $line;
my ($indent, $name, $args, $post) = ($0, $1, $2, $3);
print $indent, $name;
# the whitespace that comes before the arguments to align them
my $preArgWS = $indent ~ $name.subst(/./, ' ', :g);
# an attempt to split the arguments into tokens
my $argMatch = CTokens::Token.parse($args, actions => $fmtr);
# revert to simple string split if tokenization fails
my @argv = $argMatch ?? $argMatch.made !! $args.split(',');
print '(', @argv[0].trim;
for @argv[1..*] -> $arg {
print ",\n", $preArgWS, ' ', $arg.trim;
put ')', $post;
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