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Created April 24, 2018 18:21
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Generates shell script that merges multiple GIT repositories into subfolders into a new repository
* Generates shell script that merges multiple GIT repositories into subfolders into a new repository
* This script will output only a shell script which will automatically do all this booring git magic for you
* This code is not mean to be effective as-a-code in any way
* This code is under WTFPL Licence:
* Tested on .Net Core 2.1.0 preview
* You have <repos> A, B, C. You want to create a <new repo> X which will contain <repos> in subfolders:
* /<new repo>
* ./A
* ./B
* ./C
* **USAGE**
* cd /directory/where/you/want/all/things/to/happen
* wget -O GitMergeReposInSubfolders.cs
* nano GitMergeReposInSubfolders.cs
* # change **SETTINGS** variables according to your own needs and save
* chmod +x GitMergeReposInSubfolders.cs
* eval "$( dotnet run GitMergeReposInSubfolders.cs )"
* # wait... after script finishes, your all-in-one repo is in folder ./<NewRepoName>
* NewRepoName
* - name of the new repository
* Url
* - url to GIT server with {0} instead of repo name
* - example:{0}.git
* RepoNames
* - list of names of repositories you want to merge
* - Templates of shell commands that do all the magic you need
* Not-proud author: Antonin Kriz,,
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace GitScriptGenerator
internal static class Program
//** SETTINGS **//
private const string NewRepoName = "NewRepoName";
private const string Url = "{0}.git";
private static readonly string[] RepoNames = {
//** COMMANDS **//
private const string TeplateInit = "git init {0};";
private const string TemplateClone = "git clone " + Url + ";";
private const string TemplateCd = "cd {0};";
private const string TemplateFilterBranch = "git filter-branch -f --index-filter 'git ls-files -s | awk -v prefix=\"{0}/\" \"{{ sub(/\\t/, \\\"\\t\\\" prefix); print}}\" | GIT_INDEX_FILE=$ git update-index --index-info && mv \"$\" \"$GIT_INDEX_FILE\"' HEAD;";
private const string TemplateRemoteAddPull = "git remote add {0} ../{0};git pull {0} master;";
private const string TemplateRmRf = "rm -rf {0};";
//** DO MAGIC STUFF **//
private static void Main()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat(TeplateInit, NewRepoName);
foreach (var s in RepoNames)
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateClone, s);
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateCd, s);
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateFilterBranch, s);
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateCd, "..");
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateCd, NewRepoName);
foreach (var s in RepoNames)
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateRemoteAddPull, s);
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateCd, "..");
foreach (var s in RepoNames)
sb.AppendFormat(TemplateRmRf, s);
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