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Last active November 22, 2021 11:27
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EarlyCSE performs unwanted optimization – Analysis

Recall that precall_hook and postcall_hook markers surround IR instructions containing calls to opaque functions (registers_clobbered) which are used to say which register variables were clobbered by the original callee. All calls have attribute readonly and nounwind. opaque_true function call is used to prevent DCE (we make all branch conditions opaque).

Before EarlyCSE

In the process of testing tac coreutil binary, for a specific functions we have the following BBs (only relevant parts are included):

; *** IR Dump After Simplify the CFG ***
bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned:                        ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned
  %162 = load i64, i64* %rsp, align 8
  %163 = add i64 %162, -8
  %164 = inttoptr i64 %163 to i64*
  store i64 4209786, i64* %164, align 1
  store i64 %163, i64* %rsp, align 8
  store i64 4209856, i64* %pc, align 8
  call void @precall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %165 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.491()
  store i64 %165, i64* %r15, align 8
  %166 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.491()
  store i64 %166, i64* %rax, align 8
  %167 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.491()
  store i64 %167, i64* %rbp, align 8
  %168 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.491()
  store i64 %168, i64* %rbx, align 8
  ; ... other registers clobbered...
  %187 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.491()
  store i64 %187, i64* %state_0x8618, align 8
  %188 = load i64, i64* %rsp, align 8
  %189 = add i64 %188, 8
  store i64 %189, i64* %rsp, align 8
  call void @postcall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  ; ...
  %196 = load i64, i64* %cc_dst, align 8
  %.not87859_cloned = icmp eq i64 %196, 0
  %197 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87859_cloned)
  br i1 %197, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_cloned

bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned:                     ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned
  %198 = load i64, i64* %rdi, align 8
  store i64 %198, i64* %cc_dst, align 8
  %199 = load i64, i64* %cc_dst, align 8
  %.not87858_cloned = icmp eq i64 %199, 0
  %200 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87858_cloned)
  br i1 %200, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_cloned

In particular, one can notice how the two conditional branches (br i1 %197 and br i1 %200) depend on different conditions (icmp eq over %196 for the first one, %199 for the other one). The register variable they depend is the same (%cc_dst), but the value is different.

Now, this is how the two BBs look after SROA passed. The allocas have been replaced with simpler loads of CSV, and, clearly, the stores interleaved in the callee's summary have been optimized out.

bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned:                        ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned
  %99 = add i64 %50, -8
  %100 = inttoptr i64 %99 to i64*
  store i64 4209786, i64* %100, align 1
  call void @precall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress {
 i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %101 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %102 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %103 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %104 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %105 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %106 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %107 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  ; ... other registers clobbered...
  %123 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %124 = add i64 %99, 5246976
  call void @postcall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %125 = add i64 %124, -8
  %126 = inttoptr i64 %125 to i64*
  store i64 %104, i64* %126, align 1
  %.not87859_cloned = icmp eq i64 %107, 0
  %127 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87859_cloned)
  br i1 %127, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_cloned

bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned:                     ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned
  %.not87858_cloned = icmp eq i64 %105, 0
  %128 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87858_cloned)
  br i1 %128, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_cloned

Note how the two conditions have been optimized to be return values of different calls to registers_clobbered.871() (%105 and %107 respectively).

After EarlyCSE

While EarlyCSE is running, this is how the BBs look (we are in a stage where only bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned BB has been optimized, the other BB has not been optimized yet):

bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned:                        ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned
  store i64 4209786, i64* %31, align 1
  call void @precall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %82 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.871()
  %83 = add i64 %30, 5246976
  call void @postcall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %84 = add i64 %83, -8
  %85 = inttoptr i64 %84 to i64*
  store i64 %82, i64* %85, align 1
  %.not87859_cloned = icmp eq i64 %82, 0
  %86 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87859_cloned)
  br i1 %86, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_cloned

bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned:                     ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned
  %.not87858_cloned = icmp eq i64 %82, 0
  %87 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87858_cloned)
  br i1 %87, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_cloned

Reasonably, all the calls to registers_clobbered.871, since identical, have been optimized out. What does this imply though? You got it: now the two conditions come from the very same return value of call i64 @registers_clobbered.871 (%82), despite having different condition values originally. At this stage, those icmps instructions turn out to be really identical, and therefore they're gonna be CSE'd (took actually a while to figure everything out! :)

Confirm: this is how the two BBs look after EarlyCSE.

bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned:                        ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned
  store i64 4209786, i64* %31, align 1
  call void @precall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress {
 i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %55 = call i64 @registers_clobbered.847()
  %56 = add i64 %30, 5246976
  call void @postcall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress 
{ i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %57 = add i64 %56, -8
  %58 = inttoptr i64 %57 to i64*
  store i64 %55, i64* %58, align 1
  %.not87859_cloned = icmp eq i64 %55, 0
  %59 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87859_cloned)
  br i1 %59, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_cloned

bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned:                     ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned
  br i1 %59, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_cloned

LLVM optimized out the following instructions in the BB bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned:

 %.not87858_cloned = icmp eq i64 %82, 0
 %87 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87858_cloned)

Looks like this if in EarlyCSE is entered when handling instruction %.not87858_cloned = icmp eq i64 %82, 0: the lookup method succeedes having cached the previous identical condition (%.not87859_cloned = icmp eq i64 %82, 0).

This is actually an issue: optimizing out the call to the opaque condition (opaque_true) allows LLVM to perform DCE. Eventually, this may lead the indirect_branch_info to be unable to survive, and impede us from finalizing the model.


At the beginning I kinda thought the interleaved stores should have not disappeared, so perhaps registers_clobbered should have been marked w/ attribute inaccessiblememonly and not readonly. Then I realized SROA had just fulfilled its duty.

By the time I interiorized the problem altogether, the solution came pretty straightforward:

+#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
 #include "llvm/Analysis/BasicAliasAnalysis.h"
 #include "llvm/Analysis/ScopedNoAliasAA.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/UnreachableBlockElim.h"
@@ -1780,10 +1781,10 @@ void CFEPAnalyzer<FunctionOracle>::integrateFunctionCallee(llvm::BasicBlock *BB,
     for (GlobalVariable *Register : ClobberedRegisters) {
       auto *CSVTy = Register->getType()->getPointerElementType();
       auto *OpaqueRegistersClobberedCallee = RegistersClobberedPool
-                                               .get(BB->getParent()->getName(),
+                                               .get(Register->getName(),
-                                                    "registers_clobbered");
+                                                    "registers_clobbered_" + Twine(Register->getName()));

Now, we differentiate the various registers_clobbered calls from the CSV being clobbered. After EarlyCSE, the IR looks exactly as we want:

bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned:                        ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned
  store i64 4209786, i64* %31, align 1
  call void @precall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress {
 i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  %63 = call i64 @registers_clobbered_r15()
  %64 = call i64 @registers_clobbered_rax()
  %65 = call i64 @registers_clobbered_rbp()
  %66 = call i64 @registers_clobbered_rbx()
  %67 = call i64 @registers_clobbered_rdi()
  ; ... other registers clobbered...
  %84 = call i64 @registers_clobbered_state_0x85d8()
  %85 = call i64 @registers_clobbered_state_0x8618()
  call void @postcall_hook(%struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209781 }, %struct.PlainMetaAddress { i32 0, i16 0, i16 4, i64 4209856 })
  store i64 %66, i64* %31, align 1
  %.not87859_cloned = icmp eq i64 %69, 0
  %86 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87859_cloned)
  br i1 %86, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_cloned

bb.xrealloc.0x7_L0_ft_cloned:                     ; preds = %bb.xmalloc.0x11_L0_cloned
  %.not87858_cloned = icmp eq i64 %67, 0
  %87 = call i1 @opaque_true(i1 %.not87858_cloned)
  br i1 %87, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_ft_cloned, label %bb.xrealloc.0xc_L0_cloned


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