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Created July 9, 2010 18:54
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(ns clj-arrows.core)
;; Take a look at ->
(defn def-arrow [& opts]
(let [opts-map (apply hash-map opts)]
{:arr (:arr opts-map)
:first (:first opts-map)
:second (:second opts-map)}))
(defn arr->>> [a b]
(def-arrow :arr #((:arr b) ((:arr a) %1))))
(defn arr-split []
(def-arrow :arr (fn [x] [x x])))
(defn arr-unsplit [op]
(def-arrow :arr (fn [[b c]] (op b c))))
(defn arr-*** [a b]
(arr->>> (:first a) (:second b)))
(defn arr-&&& [a b]
(def-arrow :arr #((:arr (arr->>> (arr->>> (arr-split) (:first a)) (:second b))) %1)))
(defn arr-liftA2 [f a b]
(def-arrow :arr #((:arr (arr->>> (arr->>> (arr->>> (arr-split) (:first a)) (:second b)) (arr-unsplit f))) %1)))
;; a Simple arrow from the Haskell tutorial
(defn simple-arrow [f]
:arr f
:first (def-arrow :arr (fn [[b c]] [(f b) c]))
:second (def-arrow :arr (fn [[b c]] [b (f c)]))))
;; example
((:arr (arr-liftA2 #(+ %1 %2)
(simple-arrow #(/ %1 2))
(simple-arrow #(+ (* %1 3)1)))) 8)
; 8 -> (8, 8) split
; (8, 8) -> (4, 8) first f (x `div` 2 of the first element)
; (4, 8) -> (4, 25) second g (3*x + 1 of the second element)
; (4, 25) -> 29 applies (+) to tuple elements.
; +------> f ---------+
; | v
; 8 ---> (split) (unsplit (+)) ----> 29
; | ^
; +------> g ---------+
; Hic Haskell ist
; newtype SimpleFunc a b = SimpleFunc {
; runF :: (a -> b)
; }
; instance Arrow SimpleFunc where
; arr f = SimpleFunc f
; first (SimpleFunc f) = SimpleFunc (mapFst f)
; where mapFst g (a,b) = (g a, b)
; second (SimpleFunc f) = SimpleFunc (mapSnd f)
; where mapSnd g (a,b) = (a, g b)
; instance Category SimpleFunc where
; (SimpleFunc g) . (SimpleFunc f) = SimpleFunc (g . f)
; id = arr id
; f, g :: SimpleFunc Int Int
; f = arr (`div` 2)
; g = arr (\x -> x*3 + 1)
; h :: SimpleFunc Int Int
; h = liftA2 (+) f g
; hOutput :: Int
; hOutput = runF h 8
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