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Created March 13, 2011 19:33
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Save antoniogarrote/868354 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A modified Ring jetty adapter to authenticate webIDs using FOAF+SSL
(ns clj-r2rml.web.jetty-foaf-ssl
"Adapter for the Jetty webserver handling FOAF-SSL authentications."
(:import (org.mortbay.jetty.handler AbstractHandler)
(org.mortbay.jetty Server Request Response)
( SocketConnector)
;; Modified version of SSLSocketConnector accepting
;; client certificates not associated to a valid authority
(cljr2rml.web FOAFSSLSocketConnector)
(javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest HttpServletResponse)
(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model ModelFactory)
(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model Model)
(com.hp.hpl.jena.query QueryFactory Query QueryExecutionFactory))
(:require [ring.util.servlet :as servlet]))
(defn foaf-ssl-sparql-query
"A SPARQL query to retrieve the modulus and public exponent of the FOAF-SSL certificate"
(str "PREFIX cert: <>
PREFIX rsa: <>
SELECT ?modulus ?exp
?key cert:identity <" uri ">;
a rsa:RSAPublicKey;
rsa:modulus [ cert:hex ?modulus; ];
rsa:public_exponent [ cert:decimal ?exp ] .
(defn- process-model-query-result
"Transforms a query result into a dicitionary of bindings"
([model result]
(let [vars (iterator-seq (.varNames result))]
(reduce (fn [acum item] (assoc acum (keyword (str "?" item)) (str (.get result item)))) {} vars))))
(defn extract-modulus-exp
([uri model]
(let [query (foaf-ssl-sparql-query uri)
query-factory (QueryFactory/create query)
query-execution-factory (QueryExecutionFactory/create query-factory model)]
(map (fn [res] (process-model-query-result model res)) (iterator-seq (.execSelect query-execution-factory))))))
(defn deref-foaf-graph
"Tries to retry the FOAF RDF graph and extract the modulus and exponent
values associated to the declared certificate"
(let [model (let [m (ModelFactory/createDefaultModel)]
(.read m uri) m)]
(defn check-foaf-ssl-cert
"Checks if the provided certificate is associated to the claimed WebID"
(let [uri (second (first (vec (.getSubjectAlternativeNames (aget cert 0)))))
public-key (.getPublicKey (aget cert 0))
exp (.getPublicExponent public-key)
modulus (.getModulus public-key)
foaf-graph (deref-foaf-graph uri)
modulus-exp (first (extract-modulus-exp uri foaf-graph))
read-exp (:?exp modulus-exp)
read-modulus (BigInteger. (:?modulus modulus-exp) 16)
same-exp (= (str exp) (str read-exp))
same-modulus (= modulus read-modulus)]
(if (and same-exp same-modulus)
[uri foaf-graph] nil))
(catch Exception ex
(do (.printStackTrace ex)
(defn- proxy-handler
"Returns an Jetty Handler implementation for the given Ring handler."
(proxy [AbstractHandler] []
(handle [target ^Request request response dispatch]
(let [cert (.getAttribute request "javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate")
foaf-ssl-result (check-foaf-ssl-cert cert)
request-map (servlet/build-request-map request)]
(if (nil? foaf-ssl-result)
{:status 400
:body "not a valid FOAF-SSL request"}
(let [[web-id foaf-graph] foaf-ssl-result
augmented-request-map (-> request-map
(assoc :web-id web-id)
(assoc :foaf foaf-graph))
response-map (handler augmented-request-map)]
(when response-map
(servlet/update-servlet-response response response-map)
(.setHandled request true))))))))
(defn- add-ssl-connector!
"Add an SslSocketConnector to a Jetty Server instance."
[^Server server options]
(let ;[ssl-connector (SslSocketConnector.)]
[ssl-connector (FOAFSSLSocketConnector.)]
(doto ssl-connector
(.setPort (options :ssl-port 443))
(.setKeystore (options :keystore))
(.setKeyPassword (options :key-password))
(.setWantClientAuth true))
(when (options :truststore)
(.setTruststore ssl-connector (options :truststore)))
(when (options :trust-password)
(.setTrustPassword ssl-connector (options :trust-password)))
(.addConnector server ssl-connector)))
(defn- create-server
"Construct a Jetty Server instance."
(let [connector (doto (SocketConnector.)
(.setPort (options :port 80))
(.setHost (options :host)))
server (doto (Server.)
(.addConnector connector)
(.setSendDateHeader true))]
(when (or (options :ssl?) (options :ssl-port))
(add-ssl-connector! server options))
(defn ^Server run-jetty
"Serve the given handler according to the options.
:configurator - A function called with the Server instance.
:join? - Block the caller: defaults to true.
:ssl? - Use SSL.
:ssl-port - SSL port: defaults to 443, implies :ssl?
[handler options]
(let [^Server s (create-server (dissoc options :configurator))]
(when-let [configurator (:configurator options)]
(configurator s))
(doto s
(.addHandler (proxy-handler handler))
(when (:join? options true)
(.join s))
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