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Last active October 31, 2019 12:09
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Backoffice API Requirements

Recommended reading: Microsoft REST API Guidelines

This are the required endpoints for the UA's Portal Backoffice, some of them might already exist.

◀️ Priority 🍑 Next in line


All user related logic. Needs to work with a Single Page Application, preferably some JWT solution.

There's also the need for roles, this are my suggestions, they can have different names:

  • Admin - access to all endpoints (admin of all subdomains)
  • Editor - access to all subweb endpoints (can manage subdomains or specific pages)
  • Normal - access to remaining endpoints (can edit specific pages, upload content...)

Admin - access to all endpoints (admin de todos os subdominios) Editor - access to all subweb endpoints (pode gerir subdominios inteiros ou páginas especificas editar/apagar/criar) Normal - access to remaining endpoints (pode editar paginas especificas ou editar subdominios inteiros e fazer upload de conteudo) User - faz login mas não tem acesso a nada

GET /users/auth ◀️

Starts the authentication flow with the UA Identity OAuth protocol.

GET /users/current ◀️

(Normal) Current logged in user from the token (passed through an header, cookie, ...). Has all the necessary user information used for initial application load such as user data, his subwebs...

  "data": {
      "_id": "5d2e022beb80ed9bd5f0f5fa",
      "username": "antoniojps",
      "admin": true,
      "moderator": null,
      "email": ""

GET /users/{id} ◀️

(Normal) User info, maybe use a query string for specific backoffice data for user subwebs, and roles...

  "data": {
      "_id": "5d2e022beb80ed9bd5f0f5fa",
      "email": "",
      "username": "antoniojps",
      "name": "António",
      "surname": "Santos",
      "providers": [
          "id": "c3c63153-4b08-4f8e-a01f-b75bc1096cf2",
          "provider": "identityua"
      "avatar": null,
      "admin": true,
      "moderator": null,
      "createdAt": null,
      "updatedAt": null

Good to have:

GET /users?...

(Normal) Provide filtering, sorting, field selection, paging if possible.


Manipulate subwebs, their pages and users.

GET /subwebs ◀️

(Normal) Subwebs list

GET /subwebs/{id}

(Normal) Subweb info

POST /subwebs/{subweb}

(Admin) Create a new subweb

PUT /subwebs/{subweb}

(Admin) Edit subweb (name, ...)

DELETE /subwebs/{subweb}

(Admin) Archive a subweb

POST /subwebs/{subweb}/users/{id}

(Editor) Add normal user to subweb with default role (Normal)

POST /subwebs/{subweb}/users/{id}/roles/{role}

(Editor) Add user to subweb with a specific role


(Editor) Remove user from subweb

DELETE /subwebs/{subweb}/users/{id}/roles/{role}

(Editor) Remove user role from subweb (if no other role the user is removed)

GET /subwebs/{subweb}/content/{id} ◀️

(Public) Page JSON data

PUT /subwebs/{subweb}/content/{id} ◀️

(Editor) Edit page

POST /subwebs/{subweb}/content ◀️

(Admin) Create page

DELETE /subwebs/{subweb}/content/{id} ◀️

(Admin) Archive page

GET /subwebs/{subweb}/content/{id}/versions

(Normal) Pages available versions (dates, version id,...)

GET /subwebs/{subweb}/content/{id}/versions/{id}

(Normal) Page JSON data of specific version

PATCH/PUT /subwebs/{subweb}/content/{id}/versions/{id}

(Editor) Roleback page to specific version


Manipulate and manage images: upload, resize and list

GET /image/{id} ◀️

(Public) Get original image size

GET /image/{id}/resize?height=300 ◀️

(Public) Resize image, with height and width filters

POST /image ◀️

(Normal) Upload image, with alternative text if possible

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