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Created August 8, 2018 21:39
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'use strict';
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var gen = fn.apply(this, arguments); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { function step(key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { return Promise.resolve(value).then(function (value) { step("next", value); }, function (err) { step("throw", err); }); } } return step("next"); }); }; }
const setup = require('./starter-kit/setup');
exports.handler = (() => {
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (event, context, callback) {
// For keeping the browser launch
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
const browser = yield setup.getBrowser(); (result) {
return callback(null, result);
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err);
return function (_x, _x2, _x3) {
return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
})(); = (() => {
var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator(function * (browser) {
// implement here
// this is sample
const page = yield browser.newPage();
yield page.goto('', { waitUntil: ['domcontentloaded', 'networkidle0'] });
console.log(yield page.title());
yield page.close();
return 'done';
return function (_x4) {
return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);
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