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Created March 11, 2018 16:00
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# (C)2011 Arpad Buermen
# Licensed under LGPL V2.1
"""PyCUTEst problem manager
Currently works only under Linux.
Requres CUTEst installation for double precision built with gcc and gfortran.
CUTEst library must be built with -fPIC (as position independent code).
SIF decoder binary (sifdecode) and gfortran must be accessible through $PATH.
PYCUTEST_CACHE environmental variable specifies the location of problem
interface cache. If it is not specified the current directory (.) is used
for caching. Problems are cached in $PYCUTEST_CACHE/pycutest.
Once a problem is built only the following files in
$PYCUTEST_CACHE/pycutest/PROBLEM_NAME are needed for the problem to work: -- CUTEst problem interface module -- module initialization and wrappers
OUTSDIF.d -- problem information
PYTHONPATH must include $PYCUTEST_CACHE and $CUTEST/src/python.
A cached problem can be imported with 'from pycutest import PROBLEM_NAME'. One
can also use importProblem() which returns a reference to the problem module.
Available functions
clearCache -- remove Python interface to problem from cache
prepareProblem -- decode problem and build Python interface
importProblem -- import problem interface module from cache
(prepareProblem must be called first)
import os, shutil, sys
from os import environ, getcwd
import subprocess
from glob import glob
__all__ = [ 'clearCache', 'prepareProblem', 'importProblem', 'isCached' ]
# The script with a placeholder for platform-dependent part.
setupScript="""#!/usr/bin/env python
# (C)2011 Arpad Buermen
# Licensed under LGPL V2.1
# Do not edit. This is a computer-generated file.
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc
import os
from subprocess import call
from glob import glob
import numpy, numpy.distutils
# OS specific
# End of OS specific
interface_source_file=os.path.join(os.environ['PYCUTEST'], 'pycutestitf.c')
# Settings
setup(name='PyCuter automatic test function interface builder',
description='Builds a CUTEst test function interface for Python.',
long_description='Builds a CUTEst test function interface for Python.',
author='Arpad Buermen',
license='LGPL V2.1',
# Linux-specific part of
define_macros=[('LINUX', None)]
include_dirs.append(os.path.join(os.environ['CUTEST'], 'include'))
include_dirs.append(os.path.join(include_dirs[0], 'numpy'))
libraries=['gfortran', 'lapack']
objFileList.append(os.path.join(os.environ['CUTEST'], 'objects', os.environ['MYARCH'], 'double', 'libcutest.a'))
# Problem interface module initialization file with placeholders for
# efirst, lfirst, and nvfirst. This also defines the wrapper functions.
# A placeholder is included for problem name and ordering.
initScript="""# PyCUTEst problem interface module intialization file
# (C)2011 Arpad Buermen
# Licensed under LGPL V2.1
\"\"\"Interface module for CUTEst problem %s with ordering
efirst=%s, lfirst=%s, nvfirst=%s
sifdecode parameters : %s
sifdecode options : %s
Available functions
getinfo -- get problem information
varnames -- get names of problem's variables
connames -- get names of problem's constraints
objcons -- objective and constraints
obj -- objective and objective gradient
cons -- constraints and constraints gradients/Jacobian
lagjac -- gradient of objective/Lagrangian and constraints Jacobian
jprod -- product of constraints Jacobian with a vector
hess -- Hessian of objective/Lagrangian
ihess -- Hessian of objective/constraint
hprod -- product of Hessian of objective/Lagrangian with a vector
gradhess -- gradient and Hessian of objective (unconstrained problems) or
gradient of objective/Lagrangian, Jacobian of constraints and
Hessian of Lagrangian (constrained problems)
scons -- constraints and sparse Jacobian of constraints
slagjac -- gradient of objective/Lagrangian and sparse Jacobian
sphess -- sparse Hessian of objective/Lagrangian
isphess -- sparse Hessian of objective/constraint
gradsphess -- gradient and sparse Hessian of objective (unconstrained probl.)
or gradient of objective/Lagrangian, sparse Jacobian of
constraints and sparse Hessian of Lagrangian (constrained probl.)
report -- get usage statistics
from _pycutestitf import *
import _pycutestitf
import os
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from numpy import zeros
# Get the directory where the bunary module (and OUTSDIF.d) are found.
(_directory, _module)=os.path.split(_pycutestitf.__file__)
# Problem info structure and dimension
# Constraints and variable ordering
# Remember current directory and go to module directory where OUTSDIF.d is located
# Get problem dimension
(n, m)=_pycutestitf._dims()
# Set up the problem and get basic information
info=_pycutestitf._setup(efirst, lfirst, nvfirst)
# Store constraint and variable ordering information
if m>0:
# Store sifdecode parameters and options
# Go back to initial directory
# Return problem info
def getinfo():
Return the problem info dictionary.
info -- dictionary with the summary of test function's properties
The dictionary has the following members:
name -- problem name
n -- number of variables
m -- number of constraints (excluding bounds)
x -- initial point (1D array of length n)
bl -- 1D array of length n with lower bounds on variables
bu -- 1D array of length n with upper bounds on variables
nnzh -- number of nonzero elements in the diagonal and upper triangle of
sparse Hessian
vartype -- 1D integer array of length n storing variable type
0=real, 1=boolean (0 or 1), 2=integer
nvfirst -- boolean flag indicating that nonlinear variables were placed
before linear variables
sifparams -- parameters passed to sifdecode with the -param option
None if no parameters were given
sifoptions -- additional options passed to sifdecode
None if no additional options were given.
For constrained problems the following additional members are available
nnzj -- number of nonzero elements in sparse Jacobian of constraints
v -- 1D array of length m with initial values of Lagrange multipliers
cl -- 1D array of length m with lower bounds on constraint functions
cu -- 1D array of length m with upper bounds on constraint functions
equatn -- 1D boolean array of length m indicating whether a constraint
is an equation constraint
linear -- 1D boolean array of length m indicating whether a constraint
is a linear constraint
efirst -- boolean flag indicating that equation constraints were places
before inequation constraints
lfirst -- boolean flag indicating that linear constraints were placed
before nonlinear constraints
return info
def varnames():
Return the names of problem's variables.
nameList -- a list of strings representing the names of problem's variables.
The variabels are ordered according to nvfirst flag.
return _pycutestitf._varnames()
def connames():
Return the names of problem's constraints.
nameList -- a list of strings representing the names of problem constraints.
The constraints are ordered according to efirst and lfirst flags.
return _pycutestitf._connames()
# Sparse tool wrappers (return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix matrices)
# _scons() wrapper
def scons(x, i=None):
\"\"\"Returns the value of constraints and
the sparse Jacobian of constraints at x.
(c, J)=_scons(x) -- Jacobian of constraints
(ci, gi)=_scons(x, i) -- i-th constraint and its gradient
x -- 1D array of length n with the values of variables
i -- integer index of constraint (between 0 and m-1)
c -- 1D array of length m holding the values of constraints at x
J -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size m-by-n holding the Jacobian at x
ci -- 1D array of length 1 holding the value of i-th constraint at x
gi -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size 1-by-n holding the gradient of i-th constraint at x
This function is a wrapper for _scons().
if i is None:
(c, Ji, Jif, Jv)=_pycutestitf._scons(x)
return (c, coo_matrix((Jv, (Jif, Ji)), shape=(m, n)))
(c, gi, gv)=_pycutestitf._scons(x, i)
return (c, coo_matrix((gv, (zeros(n), gi)), shape=(1, n)))
# _slagjac() wrapper
def slagjac(x, v=None):
\"\"\"Returns the sparse gradient of objective at x or Lagrangian at (x, v),
and the sparse Jacobian of constraints at x.
(g, J)=_slagjac(x) -- objective gradient and Jacobian
(g, J)=_slagjac(x, v) -- Lagrangian gradient and Jacobian
x -- 1D array of length n with the values of variables
v -- 1D array of length m with the values of Lagrange multipliers
g -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size 1-by-n holding the gradient of objective at x or
the gradient of Lagrangian at (x, v)
J -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size m-by-n holding the sparse Jacobian
of constraints at x
This function is a wrapper for _slagjac().
if v is None:
(gi, gv, Ji, Jfi, Jv)=_pycutestitf._slagjac(x)
(gi, gv, Ji, Jfi, Jv)=_pycutestitf._slagjac(x, v)
return (
coo_matrix((gv, (zeros(n), gi)), shape=(1, n)),
coo_matrix((Jv, (Jfi, Ji)), shape=(m, n))
# _sphess() wrapper
def sphess(x, v=None):
\"\"\"Returns the sparse Hessian of the objective at x (unconstrained problems)
or the sparse Hessian of the Lagrangian (constrained problems) at (x, v).
H=_sphess(x) -- Hessian of objective (unconstrained problems)
H=_sphess(x, v) -- Hessian of Lagrangian (constrained problems)
x -- 1D array of length n with the values of variables
v -- 1D array of length m with the values of Lagrange multipliers
H -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size n-by-n holding the sparse Hessian
of objective at x or the sparse Hessian of the Lagrangian at (x, v)
This function is a wrapper for _sphess().
if v is None:
(Hi, Hj, Hv)=_pycutestitf._sphess(x)
(Hi, Hj, Hv)=_pycutestitf._sphess(x, v)
return coo_matrix((Hv, (Hi, Hj)), shape=(n, n))
# _isphess() wrapper
def isphess(x, i=None):
\"\"\"Returns the sparse Hessian of the objective or the sparse Hessian of i-th
constraint at x.
H=_isphess(x) -- Hessian of objective
H=_isphess(x, i) -- Hessian of i-th constraint
x -- 1D array of length n with the values of variables
i -- integer holding the index of constraint (between 0 and m-1)
H -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size n-by-n holding the sparse Hessian
of objective or the sparse Hessian i-th constraint at x
This function is a wrapper for _isphess().
if i is None:
(Hi, Hj, Hv)=_pycutestitf._isphess(x)
(Hi, Hj, Hv)=_pycutestitf._isphess(x, i)
return coo_matrix((Hv, (Hi, Hj)), shape=(n, n))
# _gradsphess() wrapper
def gradsphess(x, v=None, lagrFlag=False):
\"\"\"Returns the sparse Hessian of the Lagrangian, the sparse Jacobian of
constraints, and the gradient of the objective or Lagrangian.
(g, H)=gradsphess(x) -- unconstrained problems
(g, J, H)=gradsphess(x, v, gradl) -- constrained problems
x -- 1D array of length n with the values of variables
v -- 1D array of length m with the values of Lagrange multipliers
gradl -- boolean flag. If False the gradient of the objective is returned,
if True the gradient of the Lagrangian is returned.
Default is False
g -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size 1-by-n holding the gradient of objective at x or
the gradient of Lagrangian at (x, v)
J -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size m-by-n holding the sparse Jacobian
of constraints at x
H -- a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of size n-by-n holding the sparse Hessian
of objective at x or the sparse Hessian of the Lagrangian at (x, v)
This function is a wrapper for _gradsphess().
if v is None:
(g, Hi, Hj, Hv)=_pycutestitf._gradsphess(x)
return (coo_matrix(g), coo_matrix((Hv, (Hi, Hj)), shape=(n, n)))
(gi, gv, Ji, Jfi, Jv, Hi, Hj, Hv)=_pycutestitf._gradsphess(x, v, lagrFlag)
return (
coo_matrix((gv, (zeros(n), gi)), shape=(1, n)),
coo_matrix((Jv, (Jfi, Ji)), shape=(m, n)),
coo_matrix((Hv, (Hi, Hj)), shape=(n, n))
# Clean up
del os, fromDir, efirst, lfirst, nvfirst
def _cachePath():
"""Return the path to PyCUTEst cache (PYCUTEST_CACHE environmental variable).
If PYCUTEST_CACHE is not set, return the full path to current work directory.
if 'PYCUTEST_CACHE' in environ:
return environ['PYCUTEST_CACHE']
return os.getcwd()
def isCached(cachedName):
Return True if a problem is in cache.
Keyword arguments:
cachedName -- cache entry name
# The problem's cache entry
problemDir=os.path.join(cachePath, 'pycutest', cachedName)
# See if a directory with problem's name exists
return os.path.isdir(problemDir)
def clearCache(cachedName):
Removes a cache entry from cache.
Keyword arguments:
cachedName -- cache entry name
# The problem's cache entry
problemDir=os.path.join(cachePath, 'pycutest', cachedName)
# See if a directory with problem's name exists
if os.path.isdir(problemDir):
# It exists, delete it.
shutil.rmtree(problemDir, True)
elif os.path.isfile(problemDir):
# It is a file, delete it.
def prepareCache(cachedName):
Prepares a cache entry.
If an entry already exists it is deleted first.
Keyword arguments:
cachedName -- cache entry name
# The directory with test function entries
pycutestDir=os.path.join(cachePath, 'pycutest')
# The problem's cache entry
problemDir=os.path.join(pycutestDir, cachedName)
# See if a folder named pycutest exists in the cache path.
if not os.path.isdir(pycutestDir):
# Create it. If this fails, give up. The user should delete manualy the
# offending file which prevents the creation of a directory.
# See in pycutestDir if there is an file.
initfile=os.path.join(pycutestDir, '')
if not os.path.isfile(initfile):
# Create it
f=open(initfile, 'w+')
f.write("#PyCUTEst cache initialization file\n")
# Remove old entry
# Create folder with problem's name
def decodeAndCompileProblem(problemName, destination=None, sifParams=None, sifOptions=None, quiet=True):
Call sifdecode on given problem and compile the resulting .f files.
Use gfortran with -fPIC option for compiling.
Collect the resulting object file names and return them.
This function is OS dependent. Currently works only for Linux.
Keyword arguments:
problemName -- CUTEst problem name
destination -- the name under which the compiled problem interface is stored in the cache
If not given problemName is used.
sifParams -- parameters passed to sifdecode using the -param command line option
given in the form of a dictionary with parameter name as key. Values
are converted to strings using str() and every parameter contributes
-param key=str(value)
to the sifdecode's command line options.
sifOptions -- additional options passed to sifdecode given in the form of a list of strings.
quiet -- supress output (default True)
*destination* must not contain dots because it is a part of a Python module name.
# Default destination
if destination is None:
# The problem's cache entry
problemDir=os.path.join(cachePath, 'pycutest', destination)
# Remember current work directory and go to cache
# Additional args
# Handle params
if sifParams is not None:
for (key, value) in sifParams.iteritems():
#if type(key) is not str:
# raise Exception, "sifParams keys must be strings"
args+=['-param', key+"="+str(value)]
# Handle options
if sifOptions is not None:
for opt in sifOptions:
#if type(opt) is not str:
# raise Exception, "sifOptions must consist of strings"
# Call sifdecode (assume it is in PATH)
# Start sifdecode
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# Collect output
# Now wait for the process to finish. If we don't wait p might get garbage-collected before the
# actual process finishes which can result in a crash of the interpreter.
# Check return code. Nonzero return code means that something has gone bad.
if retcode!=0:
if not spawnOK or not quiet:
# Collect all .f files
# Compile FORTRAN files
for filename in filelist:
cmd=['gfortran', '-fPIC', '-c', filename]
if not quiet:
for s in cmd:
raise Exception#, "gfortran call failed for "+filename
# Collect list of all object files (.o)
# Go back to original work directory
return objFileList
def compileAndInstallInterface(problemName, objFileList, destination=None, sifParams=None, sifOptions=None,
efirst=False, lfirst=False, nvfirst=False, quiet=True):
Compiles and installs the binary interface module.
Uses distutils to achieve this.
Assumes decodeAndCompile() successfully completed its task.
This function is OS dependent. Currently works only for Linux.
Keyword arguments:
problemName -- CUTEst problem name
destination -- the name under which the compiled problem interface is stored in the cache
If not given problemName is used.
objFileList -- list of object files that were generated using gfortran
sifParams -- parameters passed to sifdecode using the -param command line option
given in the form of a dictionary with parameter name as key. Values
are converted to strings using str() and every parameter contributes
-param key=str(value)
to the sifdecode's command line options.
sifOptions -- additional options passed to sifdecode given in the form of a list of strings.
efirst -- order equation constraints first (default True)
lfirst -- order linear constraints first (default True)
nvfirst -- order nonlinear variables before linear variables
(default False)
quiet -- supress output (default True)
*destination* must not contain dots because it is a part of a Python module name.
# Default destination
if destination is None:
# The problem's cache entry
problemDir=os.path.join(cachePath, 'pycutest', destination)
# Remember current work directory and go to cache
# Prepare a script file
f=open('', 'w+')
f.write(setupScript % setupScriptLinux)
# Convert sifParams to a string
if sifParams is not None:
for (key, value) in sifParams.iteritems():
sifParamsStr+="%s=%s " % (str(key), str(value))
# Convert sifOptions to a string
if sifOptions is not None:
for opt in sifOptions:
sifOptionsStr+=str(opt)+" "
# Prepare -q option for
if quiet:
# Call 'python build'
if[sys.executable, '']+quietopt+['build'])!=0:
raise Exception#, "Failed to build the Python interface module"
# Call 'python install --install-lib .'
if[sys.executable, '']+quietopt+['install', '--install-lib', '.'])!=0:
raise Exception#, "Failed to install the Python interface module"
# Create
f=open('', 'w+')
f.write(initScript % (
str(bool(efirst)), str(bool(lfirst)), str(bool(nvfirst)),
sifParamsStr, sifOptionsStr,
str(bool(efirst)), str(bool(lfirst)), str(bool(nvfirst)),
str(sifParams), str(sifOptions)
# Go back to original work directory
def prepareProblem(problemName, destination=None, sifParams=None, sifOptions=None,
efirst=False, lfirst=False, nvfirst=False, quiet=True):
Prepares a problem interface module, imports and initiazlizes it,
and returns a reference to the imported module.
Keyword arguments:
problemName -- CUTEst problem name
destination -- the name under which the compiled problem interface is stored in the cache
If not given problemName is used.
sifParams -- parameters passed to sifdecode using the -param command line option
given in the form of a dictionary with parameter name as key. Values
are converted to strings using str() and every parameter contributes
-param key=str(value)
to the sifdecode's command line options.
sifOptions -- additional options passed to sifdecode given in the form of a list of strings.
efirst -- order equation constraints first (default True)
lfirst -- order linear constraints first (default True)
nvfirst -- order nonlinear variables before linear variables
(default False)
quiet -- supress output (default True)
*destination* must not contain dots because it is a part of a Python module name.
# Default destination
if destination is None:
# Build it
objList=decodeAndCompileProblem(problemName, destination, sifParams, sifOptions, quiet)
compileAndInstallInterface(problemName, objList, destination, sifParams, sifOptions, efirst, lfirst, nvfirst, quiet)
# Import interface module. Initialization is done by
return importProblem(destination)
def importProblem(cachedName):
Imports and initializes a problem module with CUTEst interface functions.
The module must be available in cache (see prepareProblem()).
Keyword arguments:
cachedName -- name under which the problem is stored in cache
# Import interface module. Initialization is done by
return __import__('pycutest.'+cachedName, globals(), locals(), [cachedName])
# Initialization (performed at first import)
# Save full path to PyCUTEst cache in cachePath.
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