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Created April 23, 2015 15:58
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include_once( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
* Get configs
$configs = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
* Each Config
foreach ($configs as $config) {
echo "Try provisioning {$config->name} \n";
* Loop containers
foreach ($config->servers as $_server) {
echo "Server {$_server->host} \n";
$client = new Docker\Http\DockerClient(array(), 'tcp://' . $_server->host . ':12110');
$docker = new Docker\Docker($client);
$manager = $docker->getContainerManager();
try {
$existing_container = $manager->find($config->name);
if ($existing_container) {
echo "Stop/Remove old container {$config->name} \n";
$manager->remove($existing_container, true);
$new_container = new Docker\Container(array(
"Domainname" => $config->domain,
"Hostname" => $config->host,
"Cpuset" => $config->cpuset,
"AttachStderr" => true,
"AttachStdout" => true,
"AttachStdin" => false,
"OpenStdin" => true,
"StdinOnce" => true,
"Tty" => true,
"RestartPolicy" => array("name" => "always"),
"Volumes" => $config->volumes
$new_container->setImage($config->image->name . ':' . $config->image->version);
$new_container->setMemory( $config->memory*1024*1024*1024 );
'ENVIRONMENT=' . $_server->name,
'BRANCH=' . $_server->name
$manager->run($new_container, null, array(
'Binds' => $config->bindings,
'PortBindings' => $_server->port
), true);
$execid = $manager->exec($new_container, ["/bin/bash"]);
$response = $manager->execstart($execid);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "Provisioned... \n";
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